Saturday, May 23, 2020
Antebellum Period And American History - 1548 Words
Antebellum Period, Art The Antebellum period is generally spoken of as the years arranging from the acquisition of the Constitution, all the way to the American Civil War. This is a period in American history that is remarkable for its incredible magnitude of changes in the country’s history; industrial revolution, westward expansion, women’s history, and transportation revolution to name a few. Leaving aside all the rebellions, treaty’s, and massacres. The pages to follow will mainly focus on the Antebellum Fine Arts. The amazing world of literature, marvelous drawings, and beautiful music. All part of this era that marked history forever. Since the very beginning of the Antebellum, American literature was being touched by the early forms of structure in books and authors. Before the Antebellum period, literature was not original; it was either imported from Europe or inspired by other writings. But America started to create a new type of literature, this type of writings was basically just biographies, autobiographies and history books of the American Revolution heroes. But it was also normal to see authors writing fictional stories such as Moby Dick, The Last of the Mohicans, and Sleepy Hollow. The American literature started slow in the middle of the ninetieth century. Books were being written and changed as the wars and revolutions started to spread inside the country’s plains. Many of these inscriptions were either lost or burned in the wars that were taking place, butShow MoreRelatedP eter Kolchin : American Slavery review1708 Words  | 5 PagesKolchin is a history professor at the University of Delaware. In 1970, Kolchin received a degree from John Hopkins University. He now specializes in nineteenth-century U.S. history, the South, slavery and emancipation, and comparative history. In his career he has written many books on slavery including Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom and First Freedom: The Responses of Alabama s Blacks to Emancipation and Reconstruction (Peter Kolchin...). In 1993, his third book American SlaveryRead MoreAntebellum Period Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pages Carmen Jordan Mr.Grosse US History 06 September 2017 The Antebellum Period The Antebellum period took place from before the civil war until after the war of 1812, although some historians extend the date. This period was characterized by the rise of abolition and how prosperous and diverse the topic of slavery was.In this period, the economies the northern and southern economies were very different with the rise of cotton as a cash crop in the south and the industrial advancement in the northRead MoreAmerican History: The Development of the Ironwork Industry in Alabama1088 Words  | 5 Pages The perspective of many historians and textbooks usually consist of the same general understanding of specific issues in American history. For example, key events or battles such as _____, or common trends that aid in the understanding of how society operated at that point in history. However, many American history textbooks avoid the topic of widespread manufacturing industries in the south, and their simultaneous development with the much more powerful agricultur al industry. Set in the Deep SouthRead MoreThe Role Women Played in the Social Reform Movements of the Antebellum Period1557 Words  | 7 PagesThe Role Women Played in the Social Reform Movements of the Antebellum Period Comprehending the lives of American women and their roles is fundamental for understanding the entire antebellum period in America. The period 1820 to 1870 in the United States was marked by a forceful and widespread debate on womans roles and their proper vocation whether this be in the home or outside the home and becoming wage earners.This was, however, still a time in which females were Read More American Literature: Kate Chopin, and Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman1506 Words  | 6 Pagesthe years American Literature has become an important part of the American history. In the other hand, it is really important for people to study the significant of the American literature, because in particular is associated with influence of the American culture. People should know more about their culture, because it is the place where they are living in. Literature was brought to the United States from the European culture. The American literature started to develop during the antebellum era inRead MoreThe Rise of the Anti-Slavery Movement in the US Essay867 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the history of America, the struggle between white and black Americans is by the far the most complex and long standing issue. Beginning with first contact between white Europeans and Africans during the English colonial period, Africans were immediately labeled with terms including savage a nd heathen. During the Antebellum period, institution of chattel slavery in America certain ideas of what the black man’s role in society became widely known and accepted. Stereotype such as the SamboRead MoreSlave Narratives : A Darker Side Of American History900 Words  | 4 PagesDarker Side of American History How would we be able to fully understand history only knowing one-side of the story? If this was the case, American History would be an amazing story of liberty, expansion, and the foundation of American democracy as the most fair and honest government created in the world today. However, this is not the case thankfully due to novels, interviews, and autobiographies written by Americans who’ve felt the painful sting of the other side of American History. For exampleRead MoreAmerican Reformers, By Ronald G. Walters1087 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican Reformers,1815-1860 Book Review American Reformers, 1815-1860 goes into the social and political issues surrounding the Jackson Presidency. Ronald G. Walters effectively chronicalizes the reformation and radicalization of the main issues prevalent in early 19th century. These issues included slavery, alcoholism, women’s rights, religion and science. He explains how these issues led to the transformation of our country into what it is today and explains the reformers responsible for suchRead MoreThe Cruel Treatment Of African American Women Essay1583 Words  | 7 Pages The cruel treatment of African American Women in Antebellum In the book Ar n t I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South, author Deborah Gray White writes about the cruel treatment that female slaves faced, as they were given no choice when it came to marriage and were sexually assaulted. By including Primary and Secondary sources, White further explains the inhumane treatment that female slaves had to go through. White’s work offers first hand accounts of how women were stereotyped andRead MoreThe North And South Regions Of The United States1391 Words  | 6 Pageswhich is home to a state congress and governor. However, during the antebellum period of the United States everything wasn’t as blissful as it is today. The antebellum period is the period after the War of 1812 and before the Civil War in 1861. Some people may say that the Antebellum period was a period of great awakening with a lot of prosperity because of manufacturing, while others may say it was a dark time in the nation s history due to slavery. Du ring this time, the country was divided and was
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Movie Crash By Paul Higgins - 978 Words
In the film, Crash by Paul Higgins there is the incorporation of numerous perspectives and theories of societal issues. The film brought up various issues we face in our world today such as racial discrimination, stereotyping, and prejudice etc. One theory that is seen is the symbolic interaction theory. There is the usage of different symbols in the film. Each character in the film comes from a different culture; socioeconomic background etc. and they each have their own story. There are many hidden messages in the film through the usage of symbols. The title of the film is â€Å"Crash†which can be interpreted in many different ways. In the beginning of the film, I believed the title to just speak about car collisions or accidents, but throughout the film you’re able to see collisions between diverse ethnic groups and socioeconomic status. There are also many different vehicles used in the films, which could also be a symbol representing class and wealth. Ludacrisâ₠¬â„¢s character named Anthony stated, â€Å"You don’t have any idea why they put great big windows on buses, one reason only, to humiliate the people of color riding on them.†() In Anthony’s perspective, riding a bus meant that you’re poor and or part of the minority population. At the end of the film when he actually rode a bus it allowed him to see that he was wrong. Anthony saw individuals from different cultures and statuses and understood he was wrong about his pre-judgments. A vehicle used by the two wealthierShow MoreRelatedCrash: Social Psychology1250 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Social Psychology In The Movie Crash Film Studies Essay In life people will come in contact with others, who are from a different background, culture, lifestyle or ethnicity as them, yet still every individual is equal, they’re all humans. As humans, people have the tendency to have their own unique perspectives on the world around them and everything it encounters. Psychologist Gordon Allport (1985), one of the founding fathers of personality psychology, defined social psychology as a disciplineRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1853 Words  | 8 Pages GENRE I RACE IN THE FILM CRASH DEPARTMENT OF FILM AND CREATIVE WRITING INTRODUCTION TO FILM STUDIES B MODULE CODE: 09 24802 STUDENT ID: 1613440 MICHELE AARON UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM 1. Introduction This paper is a critical analysis of the American film Crash, directed by Paul Haggis which was performed for the first time in 2004. This essay will therefore deal with Gender I and Race, two of the approaches discussed in the subject Introduction to Film Studies B in the secondRead MoreAnalysis Of Let s Talk About Racism Essay1784 Words  | 8 Pages(citation). The movie Crash, accurately depicts these problems that we have seen with racism in our country for the past hundred years and more abundantly today. In this essay, I will be discussing how the movie crash helps reveal the fact that racism is multicultural, how racism affects the crime rates in our younger generations, and how the nation can begin to heal from racism. The movie Crash, is an Oscar award winning film which hit the big screen in the early 2000’s and was directed by Paul HigginsRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesxxxii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Patricia Hewlin, Georgetown University Chad Higgins, University of Washington Kim Hinrichs, Minnesota State University Mankato Kathie Holland, University of Central Florida Elaine Hollensbe, University of Cincinnati Kristin Holmberg-Wright, University of Wisconsin at Parkside Brooks Holtom, Georgetown University Lisa Houts, California State University Fullerton Abigail Hubbard, University of Houston Paul Hudec, Milwaukee School of Engineering Stephen Humphrey, Florida StateRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pages(instead of workers setting their own pace), workers can be pushed to perform at higher levelsâ€â€levels that they may have thought were beyond their reach. Charlie Chaplin captured this aspect of mass production in one of the opening scenes of his famous movie Modern Times (1936). In the ï ¬ lm, Chaplin caricatured a new factory employee ï ¬ ghting to work at the machine-imposed pace but losing the battle to the machi ne. Henry Ford also used the principles of scientiï ¬ c management to identify the tasks that eachRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesto allow generic imports of branded drugs, a coalition of 39 ï ¬ rms took legal action. Given the tragic AIDS epidemic and the saintly ï ¬ gure of Nelson Mandela, this was not the best example of industry public relations. The CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, Jean Paul Garnier, helped negotiate the industry out of the court case and established clear principles of operation, adopted by many companies. They would supply critical drugs to poor countries on a no-loss, no-proï ¬ t basis. As for investing in research intoRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesAssisting Employers in Developing a Safer Workplace 323 Management Commitment and Employee Involvement 323 Worksite Analysis 323 Hazard Prevention and Control 324 Retirement Benefits 297 WORKPLACE ISSUES: Flying High No More: Airline Pensions Crash and Burn 298 Defined Benefit Plans 299 Defined Contribution Plans 299 Money Purchase Pension Plans 299 Profit-Sharing Plans 299 Individual Retirement Accounts 299 401(k)s 300 Paid Time Off 300 Vacation and Holiday Leave 301 DID YOU KNOW?: Benefits
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Questions to Help You Choose Your College Major
When you were in high school, everyone wanted to know where you were going to go to college. Now that youre there, everyone wants to know what youre going to major in. If youre having problems deciding, try asking yourself these five questions. What Do I Love? Knowing what really engages you is critically important when picking a major. If you think you want to be a doctor but cant wait until chemistry ends because it means you can head straight to your Shakespeare class, pay attention to that. No matter what major you choose, if youre like everyone else, youll end up changing careers several times during your lifetime. So pick something that speaks to the fire in your belly and that will get you excited, regardless of the context in which its presented. What am I Good At? Do students in your residence hall always come to you for help with their biology homework? Do you always earn rave reviews for your performances or art work? Majoring in something that you have a natural inclination toward can speak to where your interests and skills are, and, if youre particularly skilled in a specific subject, can possibly lead to further study (abroad, in graduate school, or with a fellowship after graduation). What Do I Want to Do? Have you always wanted to be a doctor? A teacher? A lawyer? Dont limit yourself to only doing what is traditional for those fields. If you want to be a doctor but have a love of Spanish literature, make sure you take your pre-med requirements ... and look into majoring in Spanish. Having college goals and exploring your interests along the way can be a bonus on your graduate school applications. Similarly, if you know youve always wanted to work on Wall Street, make sure youre adequately prepared with the coursework youll need to get your foot in the door. Your major and your preparation for a professional field dont always have to be the exact same thing. What Skills Do I Want to Learn? If you love theater and are hoping to pursue it full-time after you graduate, remember to keep in mind the additional skills youll need to do so. If you want to run your own theater company someday, youll need to know about all kinds things about business rules, ethics, marketing, writing, public relations, and customer service. Pick a major that is intellectually interesting and that also provides you with the practical training you may need later. What Life Factors Do I Need to Consider? Many students have additional factors influencing their college choices: family, financial obligations, cultural expectations. While exploring your own path is highly important, its also important to keep in mind that these external forces will have an influence on your post-college life in one way or another. Finding a major that can provide balance for your internal dreams and desires with external expectations can make an overwhelming situation sometimes feel more manageable.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Ethics and the Global Dimension of Business Essay
Business Ethics And The Global Dimension of Business Abstract Now that we have established a strategic business plan for Marketing, Operations and Human Resource Management for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc, we must now establish an ethically and socially responsible business climate for our new plant. Another topic we must turn on our focus on is our presence in the global market. Because 20% of our sales are anticipated to be in the overseas market, we must address our international management considerations associated with the international sales of our products. Ethically and Socially Responsible Business Climate â€Å"Socially responsible management practices are defined as aiming at the achievement of commercial success in ways†¦show more content†¦Being ethical meets the demands of stakeholders, enhances business performance, requires us to comply with legal requirements, and promotes personal morality. (Lawerence-Weber, 2008) There are many arguments against corporate social responsibility, but I believe that to truly become a successful business, we must meet our economic and social objectives. Being socially responsible balances corporate power, discourages government regulation, promotes long-term profits, improves business value and reputation, and corrects social problems caused by business. Again, to truly be effective and successful a business must take social responsibility into every decision making factor. â€Å"The business of business is not solely just to make a profit; it is now to meet economic and social responsibilities simultaneously.†(Lawerence-Weber, 2008) ABC Complete Kitchens Inc. will choose to have an enlightened self-interest. Meaning that it is in our best self-interest for long term success and profit to provide true value to our customers, to help our employees grow, and to behave responsibly as a corporate citizen. (Lawerence-Weber, 2008) For managing the relationship with key stakeholders in a socially responsible manner while also attaining the relevant benefits for the company, values are essential. Values help both to define the ‘core’ of people and to explain why people make sacrifices, who they are and what they are willing to give up to attainShow MoreRelated Business Ethics and the Global Dimensions of Business Essay1409 Words  | 6 PagesBusiness Ethics and the Global Dimensions of Business This inclusive analysis was developed after an initial consultation with the C.E.O. of XYZ Construction, Inc. where the implications of expanding the construction company into Asia were discussed. The issues to be examined are the varied aspects of implementing a global business expansion. Time wise there is market potential for this opportune endeavor. However there are potential difficulties and risk that need to be considered before an internationalRead MoreEthical Decision Making A Good Corporate Social Responsibility938 Words  | 4 PagesIn today’s busness world, ethics must be considered in order to keep organizations in good social standing in their industries and in society. Hobby Lobby founder David Green insist that stores are closed on Sundays to allow employees time for family and worship (Green, n.d.). Critics say that believers and employees may be happy with the policy, but the store is losing business to competitors who remain open on Sundays and for longe r hours. This might be true but it is not important to Mr. GreenRead MoreUnderstanding Cultural Dimension : Strategy For Globalization Business1596 Words  | 7 Pages Understanding Cultural Dimension: Strategy for Globalisation Business The maritime industry is a kind of vast business, which usually develop into multinational business. This business will involve many people from other countries. Since, the ship moves from one to another country, communicating with people from another country with different cultures is inevitable. Culture was defined by anthropologist as learning and sharing concept, value and belief or can be said as an adaptable systemRead MoreGlobal Business Today917 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States/West Africa: A Comparison Of Home and Host Cultures LeAndra Evans Upper Iowa University BA 488-Economics of International Business January 21, 2011 United States/West Africa: A Comparison Of Home and Host Cultures Introduction What is culture? Cultureâ€â€according to many scholars is â€Å"a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living†(Hill, 2009). Because, culture is characterized by individualRead MoreThe Social Responsibility Of Engineering1385 Words  | 6 PagesIn a modern society engineering activities including professional, based on scientific knowledge, social responsibility and human-dimension design and operation of technical devices plays an increasingly important role. Modern engineering professionalism involves not only the development of scientific bases of design engineering, but also awareness of the purposes, meanings and engineering problems in general, its place in the culture of the twenty first century. Of great importance is an understandingRead MoreAnalysis Of Chase Co. s Culture Essay1648 Words  | 7 Pagesscrutiny due to the unethical behaviors that tend to be common in the indu stry. This has led to a public discontent for the industry, but JPMorgan Chase Co. is attempting to overcome that hurdle through a unique culture. This culture is founded on ethics while still maintaining a completive nature that is embedded in the industry. They have structured their organization and policies in a way to prevent and report unethical actions employees may engage in. Through various bits of research, we are ableRead MoreEthical Principles Of The Word Ethics1464 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy states that the word ethics is commonly used interchangeably with morality ... and sometimes it is used more narrowly to mean the moral principles of a particular tradition, group or individual (Deigh, 1995). Since we were kids and we began to realize what was around us, our parents and grandparents have taught us the basic knowledge of what is good and what is bad. It is indeed an inherent characteristic of all human being and grows from our desires toRead MoreImportance Of Business Ethics On Previous And Current Literature Essay1459 Words  | 6 PagesImportance of business ethics in previous and current literature Previous Methodologies used for Studying Business Ethics Majority of the literature reviewed relied heavily on questionnaires and surveys as the chosen methodology. According to Rowley (2014), questionnaires are the â€Å"most widely used means of collecting data†(p. 308). However, when designing a questionnaire or survey researchers should consider the type of questions being used, sensitivity of questions asked, content and lengthRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics1064 Words  | 5 Pages    Business Ethics Ethics can be viewed as the rules and values that determine goals and actions people should follow when dealing with other human beings. However, business ethics can be defined as moral principles of a business. It examines moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. Generally, it has both normative and descriptive dimensions. Organization practice and career specialization are regarded as normative whereas academics attempting to understand business behaviourRead MoreCultural Differences Between Australia And Sri Lanka Essay1209 Words  | 5 PagesREPORT Cultural Differences Between Australia and Sri Lanka Hofstede s cultural dimensions theory (POWER DISTANCE) Student Name : Dinusha Thilakaratne Student ID No : 101322462 Teachers Name : Shirley Robinson Date : 11.11.2016 â€Æ' Introduction The key purpose behind this report is to decide the significance of Hofstede s dimensions and to set up the attributes of the two countries under thought in connection to Hofstede social model. It is
American Health Care Essay Free Essays
Mckenzie ClutterClutter 1 2/27/13 Mr. Allen(pd. 7) American Healthcare: A Transformation from Crap to Gold America is without a question the leading country of medical and scientific advances. We will write a custom essay sample on American Health Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now There always seem to be a new medical breakthrough every time you watch the news or read the paper, especially in the cure of certain diseases. However, the medical research requires an enormous amount of money. The U. S. spends the most money on health care yet many people, mainly the working class Americans are still without any type of health insurance and thus are more susceptible to health risks and problems. The concept of health insurance for Americans was formulated over a century ago. Most Americans obtain health insurance from employers or government programs, but some Americans are without health insurance. Most of them not being able to pay for it. In 2010, 49. 9 million were without insurance. That’s 16. 3% of the total population. 18. 4% were the percentage of uninsured Americans younger than 65 in 2010. When it comes to the United States, American health care is described as the Capitalist System. In England they have what is called as the Socialist system. In America, health care is going to change all because of Obama. Obama trying to do what he thinks is best and will be worth it in the long run called the Affordable Care Act or the called Obama Care. Capitalism is a free market that balances demand with supply, it works by using money to connect consumer wants and needs (demand) with the production and distribution of goods and services (supply). Capitalism implies equal â€Å"opportunity†and there will also be winners and losers (example high class, middle class ; low class). For capitalism to function, the consumer must have control of spending and enough information to be a wise shopper in his or her own Clutter 2 self-interest. In U. S. healthcare, the consumer/patient has virtually no control over who will provide service or what service will be provided. One has to buy insurance which is a certain amount of money a month to receive health care. You also have to get approved to get something done say like a surgery. You have to fill out forms, send them in and wait to hear back within the company or the person doing your surgery. If you get approved which is rare then you can go on with your surgery if not you have to find someone who will and who takes your insurance. In most cases you are denied due to doctors wanting money because the more doctors deny surgery’s the more they make are many positive things when it comes to the capitalist system, one being the number of jobs increase but this is not as great as it sounds. There are also negatives to this. One being capitalism makes the rich richer. Insurance outside of the United States (for example England) is run by the socialist system, which is paid by the government. One of the goals of socialized medicine systems is ensuring universal access to health care. Only thing in return is to pay higher taxes. You receive free health care. You can’t get denied for any surgery. You don’t have to have insurance to receive health care. Also prescriptions you receive from a pharmacy are only a flat rate no more or less unless you are under a certain age or a senior citizen in that case it is free. In the United States, neither of the main parties favors a socialized system that puts the government in charge of hospitals or doctors, but they do have different approaches to financing and access. Democrats tend to be favorably inclined towards reform that involves more government control over health care financing and citizens’ right of access to health care. Republicans are broadly in favor of the status quo, or a reform of the financing system that gives more power to the citizen, often through tax credits. Both sides have also looked to more philosophical arguments, debating Clutter 3 whether people have a fundamental right to have health care provided to them by their government. In this system, doctors receive more money when they help out patients unlike the United States. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obama care, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, it represents the most significant government expansion and regulatory overhaul of the U. S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Guaranteed issue will require policies to be issued regardless of any medical condition, and partial community rating will require insurers to offer the same premium to all applicants of the same age and geographical location without regard to gender or most pre-existing conditions. It requires that all individuals not covered by an employer sponsored health plan, Medicaid, Medicare or other public insurance programs, secure an approved private-insurance policy or pay a penalty. According to this system, a child would stay under their parents insurance until they turn twenty-six. The non-participating employers/ citizens, health insurances and hospitals will be taxed. Doctors would receive more money when helping patients more. Also, each year one hundred and twenty-five million dollars will go towards funding school-based health centers and programs to reduce teen pregnancy. Also the number of bankruptcies will be reduced due to this system. This system is planned to take effect in 2014. All these systems all have good and bad ideas when it comes to healthcare. They all point out past, present and future plans and ideas that could be good or bad. In my opinion the best Clutter 4 health care system would be the Affordable Care Act or the Obama Care Act. This uses both the capitalist and socialist system and combines them. It affects every citizen in the United States. I feel like this would be affective and help the people of America out to the better. How to cite American Health Care Essay, Essays
American Health Care Essay Free Essays
Mckenzie ClutterClutter 1 2/27/13 Mr. Allen(pd. 7) American Healthcare: A Transformation from Crap to Gold America is without a question the leading country of medical and scientific advances. We will write a custom essay sample on American Health Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now There always seem to be a new medical breakthrough every time you watch the news or read the paper, especially in the cure of certain diseases. However, the medical research requires an enormous amount of money. The U. S. spends the most money on health care yet many people, mainly the working class Americans are still without any type of health insurance and thus are more susceptible to health risks and problems. The concept of health insurance for Americans was formulated over a century ago. Most Americans obtain health insurance from employers or government programs, but some Americans are without health insurance. Most of them not being able to pay for it. In 2010, 49. 9 million were without insurance. That’s 16. 3% of the total population. 18. 4% were the percentage of uninsured Americans younger than 65 in 2010. When it comes to the United States, American health care is described as the Capitalist System. In England they have what is called as the Socialist system. In America, health care is going to change all because of Obama. Obama trying to do what he thinks is best and will be worth it in the long run called the Affordable Care Act or the called Obama Care. Capitalism is a free market that balances demand with supply, it works by using money to connect consumer wants and needs (demand) with the production and distribution of goods and services (supply). Capitalism implies equal â€Å"opportunity†and there will also be winners and losers (example high class, middle class ; low class). For capitalism to function, the consumer must have control of spending and enough information to be a wise shopper in his or her own Clutter 2 self-interest. In U. S. healthcare, the consumer/patient has virtually no control over who will provide service or what service will be provided. One has to buy insurance which is a certain amount of money a month to receive health care. You also have to get approved to get something done say like a surgery. You have to fill out forms, send them in and wait to hear back within the company or the person doing your surgery. If you get approved which is rare then you can go on with your surgery if not you have to find someone who will and who takes your insurance. In most cases you are denied due to doctors wanting money because the more doctors deny surgery’s the more they make are many positive things when it comes to the capitalist system, one being the number of jobs increase but this is not as great as it sounds. There are also negatives to this. One being capitalism makes the rich richer. Insurance outside of the United States (for example England) is run by the socialist system, which is paid by the government. One of the goals of socialized medicine systems is ensuring universal access to health care. Only thing in return is to pay higher taxes. You receive free health care. You can’t get denied for any surgery. You don’t have to have insurance to receive health care. Also prescriptions you receive from a pharmacy are only a flat rate no more or less unless you are under a certain age or a senior citizen in that case it is free. In the United States, neither of the main parties favors a socialized system that puts the government in charge of hospitals or doctors, but they do have different approaches to financing and access. Democrats tend to be favorably inclined towards reform that involves more government control over health care financing and citizens’ right of access to health care. Republicans are broadly in favor of the status quo, or a reform of the financing system that gives more power to the citizen, often through tax credits. Both sides have also looked to more philosophical arguments, debating Clutter 3 whether people have a fundamental right to have health care provided to them by their government. In this system, doctors receive more money when they help out patients unlike the United States. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obama care, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, it represents the most significant government expansion and regulatory overhaul of the U. S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Guaranteed issue will require policies to be issued regardless of any medical condition, and partial community rating will require insurers to offer the same premium to all applicants of the same age and geographical location without regard to gender or most pre-existing conditions. It requires that all individuals not covered by an employer sponsored health plan, Medicaid, Medicare or other public insurance programs, secure an approved private-insurance policy or pay a penalty. According to this system, a child would stay under their parents insurance until they turn twenty-six. The non-participating employers/ citizens, health insurances and hospitals will be taxed. Doctors would receive more money when helping patients more. Also, each year one hundred and twenty-five million dollars will go towards funding school-based health centers and programs to reduce teen pregnancy. Also the number of bankruptcies will be reduced due to this system. This system is planned to take effect in 2014. All these systems all have good and bad ideas when it comes to healthcare. They all point out past, present and future plans and ideas that could be good or bad. In my opinion the best Clutter 4 health care system would be the Affordable Care Act or the Obama Care Act. This uses both the capitalist and socialist system and combines them. It affects every citizen in the United States. I feel like this would be affective and help the people of America out to the better. How to cite American Health Care Essay, Essays
Romeo And Juliet monologue from the play by William Shakespeare Essay Example For Students
Romeo And Juliet monologue from the play by William Shakespeare Essay A monologue from the play by William Shakespeare FRIAR: Hold thy desperate hand. Art thou a man? Thy form cries out thou art; Thy tears are womanish, thy wild acts denote The unreasonable fury of a beast. Unseemly woman is a seeming man! And ill-beseeming beast in seeming both! Thou hast amazed me. By my holy order, I thought thy disposition better tempered. Hast thou slain Tybalt? Wilt thou slay thyself? And slay thy lady that in thy life lives, By doing damned hate upon thyself? Why railest thou on thy birth, the heaven, and earth? Since birth and heaven and earth, all three do meet In thee at once; which thou at once wouldst lose. Fie, fie, thou shamest thy shape, thy love, thy wit, Which, like a userer, abound\st in all, And uses none in that true sense indeed Which should bedeck thy shape, thy love, thy wit. Thy noble shape is but a form of wax, Digressing from the valor of a man; Thy dear love sworn but hollow perjury, Killing that love which thou hast vowed to cherish; Thy wit, that ornament to shape and love, Misshapen in the conduct of them both, Like powder in a skilless soldier\s flask, Is set afire by thine own ignorance, And thou dismemb\red with thine own defense. What, rouse thee, man! Thy Juliet is alive, For whose dear sake thou wast but lately dead. There art thou happy. Tybalt would kill thee, But thou slewest Tybalt. There are thou happy too. The law, that threat\ned death, becomes thy friend And turns it to exile. There art thou happy. A pack of blessings light upon thy back; Happiness courts thee in her best array; But, like a misbehaved and sullen wench, Thou pout\st upon thy fortune and thy love. Take heed, take heed, for such die miserable. Go get thee to thy love, as was decreed, Ascend her chamber, hence and comfort her. But look thou stay not till the watch be set, For then thou canst not pass to Mantua, Where thou shalt live till we can find a time To blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends, Beg pardon of the Prince, and call thee back With twenty hundred thousand times more joy Than thou went\st forth in lamentation. Go before, nurse. Commend me to thy lady, And bid her hasten all the house to bed, Which heavy sorrow makes them apt unto. Romeo is coming.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Technical Report free essay sample
Mobile devices are getting smaller, lighter, and more powerful; they have bigger screens and longer battery life, more features and more capabilities. Things like watching the football game on your mobile device, watching movies, videoconferencing, paying your bills and downloading music to the palm of your hand will become second nature in the near future. Bandwidth will always be the limiting factor in the development of applications and devices, be it wired, or wireless. At the moment the wireless world doesn’t have a large-cell, high bandwidth standard, that is capable of delivering the much needed speeds to a mobile device. The short fall of 3G networks is clear, it’s just not fast enough, offering 384kbps doesn’t meet the requirements of what the end user has come to expect these days. Some people see 3G as a stop-gap, until a fully integrated IP network is created; some countries have even chosen to bypass 3G and head straight to 4G, a method which has its advantages, and its disadvantages. G is set to be available around 2010, getting it right first time will make it a general winner with the one billion mobile users around the world. The end user can expect low cost per data bit, as well as speed and reliability, something which is greatly. Technology Companies with 4G networks are knocking on the door and mobile operators are beginning to answer. 4G networks and Next Generation Networks (NGNs) are becoming fast and very cost-effective solutions for those wanting an IP built high-speed data capacities in the mobile network. IP is pushing its way into the mobile wireless market,†said Visant Strategies Senior Analyst Andy Fuertes, author of â€Å"The Road to 4G and NGN: Wireless IP Migration Paths. †By 2010, the just-published study finds, there will be 113 million NGN and 4G users, with the market starting to take effect 2006 and 2007. Introduction: 4G is an initialize of the term Fourth-Generation Communications System. †¢ A 4G system will provide an end-to-end IP solution where voice, data and streamed multimedia can be served to users on an Anytime, Anywhere basis at higher data rates than previous generations. This architecture uses a single physical terminal with multiple interfaces to access services on different wireless networks. It may improve call completion and expand effective coverage area. It should also provide reliable wireless coverage in case of network, link, or switch failure. The user, device, or network can initiate handoff between networks. The device itself incorporates most of the additional complexity without requiring wireless network modification or employing inter working devices. Each network can deploy a database that keeps track of user location, device capabilities, network conditions, and user preferences. Figure-1 The handling of quality-of-service (QoS) issues remains an open research question. Overlay network In this architecture, a user accesses an overlay network consisting of several universal access points. These UAPs in turn select a wireless network based on availability, QoS(Quality of Service) specifications, and user defined choices. A UAP performs protocol and frequency translation, content adaptation, and QoS negotiation-renegotiation on behalf of users. Figure-2 A UAP stores user, network, and device information, capabilities, and preferences. The overlay network, rather than the user or device, performs handoffs as the user moves from one UAP to another. Common access protocol This protocol becomes viable if wireless networks can support one or two standard access protocols. One possible solution, which will require inter working between different networks, uses wireless asynchronous transfer mode. To implement wireless ATM, every wireless network must allow transmission of ATM cells with additional headers or wireless ATM cells requiring changes in the wireless networks. Figure-3 Challenges: †¢ v 4G definition – A global consensus on the 4G definition is needed before the standardization starts. – Despite efforts there still are too many diverging approached to 4G. †¢ Seamless connectivity – Inter- and intra-network connectivity is fundamental to the provision of temporally and spatially seamless services. – Vertical and horizontal handovers are critical for 4G. In the former case, the heterogeneity and variety of networks exacerbate the problem. †¢ Latency – Many 4G services are delay sensitive. – Guaranteeing short delays in networks with different access architecture and coverage is far from straightforward . †¢ 4G definition – A global consensus on the 4G definition is needed before the standardization starts. – Despite efforts there still are too many diverging approached to 4G . †¢ Seamless connectivity – Inter- and intra-network connectivity is fundamental to the provision of temporally and spatially seamless services. – Vertical and horizontal handovers are critical for 4G. In the former case, the heterogeneity and variety of networks exacerbate the problem. Development: [pic] A Japanese company has been testing a 4G communication system prototype at 100 Mbit/s while moving, and 1 Gbit/s while stationary. Recently †¢ reached 5 Gbit/s moving at 10 km/h, and is planning on releasing the first commercial network in 2010. †¢ An Irish company has announced that they have received a mobile communications license from Irish Telecoms regulator. This service will be issued the mobile code 088 in Ireland and will be used for the provision of 4G Mobile communications. †¢ Sprint plans to launch 4G services in trial markets by the end of 2007 with plans to deploy a network that reaches as many as 100 million people in 2008 4G mobile technologies: ) Open Wireless Architecture (OWA) 2) Spectrum-efficient High-speed wireless mobile transmission 1. Open Wireless Architecture (OWA) A single system architecture characterized by a horizontal communication model providing common platform to complement different access technologies in an optimum way for different service requirements and radio environments is called the converged broadband wireless platform or open wireless architecture (OWA). OWA will be the next storm in wireless communications, fueled by many emerging technologies including digital signal processing, software- definable radio, intelligent antennas. The open wireless platform requires: Area and power-efficient broadband signal processing for wideband wireless applications †¢ Highest industry channel density (MOPS pooling) in flexible new BTS signal processing architectures †¢ BTS solutions scalable to higher clock rates and higher network capacity Space-Time Coding and MIMO(Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output) Increasing demand for high performance 4G broadband wireless mobile calls for use of multiple antennas at both base station and subsc riber ends. Multiple antenna technologies enable high capacities suited for Internet and multimedia services and also dramatically increase range and reliability.. [pic] Figure-4 The target frequency band for this system is 2 to 5 GHz due to favorable propagation characteristics and low radio-frequency (RF) equipment cost. Advantages Spatial diversity and coding gains for large link budget gains (gt;10 dB). Disadvantage Multiple antennas at the transmitter and rece- iver provide diversity in a fading environment. 2. Spectrum-efficient High-speed wireless mobile transmission Wide-area wireless broadband systems spectral efficiency can yield a system capacity that allows that experience to be delivered simultaneously to many users in a cell, reducing the cost of service delivery for this mass-market broadband service. These systems are optimized to exploit the full potential of adaptive antenna signal processing, thereby providing robust, high-speed connections for mobile users with a minimum of radio infrastructure. Reduced spectrum requirements, minimizing up-front capital expenses related to spectrum †¢ Reduced infrastructure requirements, minimizing capital and operating costs associated with base station sites, translating into reduced costs per subscriber and per covered population element The acquisition of spectrum is a key component of the cost structure of wireless systems, and two key features of spectrum have great impact on that cost ( the spectral efficiency of the wireless system and the type of spectrum required to implement the system. A fully capable and commercially viable mobile broadband system can operate in as little as 5 MHz of unpaired spectrum with a total of 20 Mbps throughput per cell in that amount of spectrum. Factors contribute to the spectral efficiency of a system 1)Modulation formats, Air interface overhead 2)Multiple access method, Usage model. The quantities just mentioned all contribute to the bits/second/Hertz dimensions of the unit. The appearance of a â€Å"per cell†dimension may seem surprising, but the throughput of a particular cell’s base station in a cellular network is almost always substantially less than that of a single cell in isolation. Future of 4G: â€Å"The future of wireless is not just wireless, it is a part of life. †The future offers faster speeds and larger bandwidth. It is suggested that 4G technologies will allow 3D virtual reality and interactive video / hologram images. The technology could also increase interaction between compatible technologies, so that the smart card in the handset could automatically pay for goods in passing a linked payment kiosk (i-mode can already boast this capability) or will tell your car to warm up in the morning, because your phone has noted you have left the house or have set the alarm. 4G is expected to provide high-resolution images (better quality than TV images) and video-links (all of these will require a band width of about 100MHz). Conclusion: ? From user driven perspective, the user has freedom and flexibility to select the service, at a reasonable QoS and price, anytime, anywhere Reconfigurability: Next-generation wireless network interfaces need to be able to switch seamlessly between different communications standards, in order to provide the most suitable level of service while the user moves across different environments. One of the main challenges faced in 4G development was how to access several wireless networks and different mobile phones, for this problems three main architecture are been designed they are, Multimode device, overlay network and the common access protocols these architectures are been briefly discussed in this paper. Some of the other main challenges faced during the development were seamless connectivity, latency. This paper also discuss about the technologies used in the 4G, Open wireless architecture (OWA), spectrum efficient high speed wireless mobile transmission.
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