Thursday, October 31, 2019
Customer Value by Amway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
Customer Value by Amway - Essay Example The present research has identified that Amway ensures that its products are satisfactory. This attracts the interest of customers and clients in the products and promotes the brand image. Customer retention and customer value are also realized. Constant research aimed at finding ways of improving the quality of Amway’s products and ensuring adherence to customers’ preferences is undertaken. The company does this through the over 500 active research employees it has employed. The company takes part in corporate responsibility programs (CSR) at an international level. This is a benefit to communities living within Amway’s business environment as they also gain from the company’s profits. Amway services the customer and not a global market or organizations. Its concentration is on the customer and ensuring that his needs and demands are met. This is expressed in the company’s vision. From the case study presented, it is clear that Amway ensures that c onsumers benefit from its products by offering quality products and indirectly rewarding the clients through corporate social responsibility.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Theorists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Theorists - Essay Example A cognitive theorist would try to apply any of the established theories of cognitive development, such as that of Piaget, to explain Dina’s behavior. As such, a cognitive theorist may refer to the fact that Dina is in her sensorimotor Stage, as identified by Piaget. During this stage, an infant starts to build up knowledge of the world, by relating the physical activities to perceived results of those activities. The main personal trait of infants during this stage is egocentrism, because young kids have no understanding of the external world other than their own. As such, a cognitive theorist may argue that Dina’s egocentrism during this early stage of development pushes her to reject the concept of sharing and prefer to have and possess everything she wants. To remedy this problem, a cognitive theorist may suggest that Dina should be related more to her social surroundings, and not to be left to her ego, as the social surroundings are extremely important in shaping th e personality and behavior of children. Unlike cognitive theorists, a behaviorist accounts for development in terms of learning. That is, behaviorists believe that the bad habit of egocentrism and rejection of sharing is highly affected by the stimulus context. In other words, the surrounding atmosphere, in which one performs this habit, would affect the frequency of practicing it. In this context, almost all behaviorists agree that the behavior of children is affected by the family within which he or she is raised. For example, many of the ill-behavior of children to divorced parents can be closely attributed to the fact that their parents are separated. That’s why a behaviorist may approach Dina’s negative behavior in the light of her relationship with her family and parents. For a behaviorist, Dina’s behavior may be modified after understanding her relationship with her family members. This is because a behaviorist believes that the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reproductive Systems in Males and Females
Reproductive Systems in Males and Females NAME : BENJAMIN NHANDARA Human Reproduction, Growth and Development All living organisms reproduce and it is one of their main characteristics. Living organisms can produce a new member of species replacing those who might die due to old age, competition or in some cases being attacked by diseases. The process is known as reproduction (Clamp, A. 2005). Sexual reproduction involves two beings, male and female who have sex organs which produce gametes (sex cells) which then fuse together to form a new being. (M. B. V. Roberts, 2000). The journey begins in the male reproductive system. Hanging outside the pelvic cavity of a man lies a sack of skin which is known as a scrotum. Present in the scrotum are muscles which move the testicles slightly depending on the surrounding temperature. The scrotum contains the male reproductive organs testes that come in pairs. In the scrotum are muscles known as cremasteric muscles. Australia, H (2016) states that the scrotum helps to maintain the temperature of the sperm at slightly below body temperature (important for sperm manufacture). The testes are the male primary sex organs which are oval and made of fibrous connective tissue. Producing male gametes (spermatozoa/sperm) is their main function. Each testis consists of approximately 300 lobules which are separated by connective tissue and filled with seminiferous tubules, were sperm cells are produced by meiosis as stated by McGuinness, H (2010). They are tightly coiled tubules. Interstitial cells also known as Leydig cells are found adjacent to the seminiferous tubules in the testicles. They promote the secretion of male sex hormone, testosterone. Production of male gametes begins at puberty (when a boy begins to develop into an adult, usually average age is 12 years in a male. Sperm contains the X and Y chromosomes (genetic information encoded with genes). The epididymis lies along the border of each testis and are long coiled tubes leading from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens. They store immature sperms until ready to be released by ejaculation (Centre, N.H.F. 2011). Long tubes known as vas deferens (sperm duct) are made of blood vessels and connect to the urethra. Sperm is released to the ejaculatory duct through the vas deferens. Short tubes join to the urethra from the seminal vesicles and semen passes through these tubes during ejaculation. The tubes are ejaculatory ducts and pass through the prostate gland. A muscular structure known as the urethra keeps urine in the bladder until excretion can occur. It provides a pathway for the flow of urine and secretion of semen. A sphincter muscle is there to prevent both functions occurring at the same time (McGuinness, H 2010). Penis is the main external male sex organ, surrounded by erectile and connective tissue. A foreskin (folded skin) covers the tip of the penis and has many sensory receptors. The penis hangs out the pelvic cavity and excretes urine a waste product. This main organ also penetrates and ejaculates semen inside the female reproductive organ during sexual intercourse (Chard, 2001). Males have reproductive accessory sex glands which are the Cowpers glands also known as bulbourethral gland, prostate gland and the seminal vesicle. Chard (2001), goes on to say that the Cowpers gland secretes a fluid that contributes to the seminal fluid, the secretion is less than that of the prostate gland. A pair of glands make the Cowper`s glands and they open into the urethra at the base of the penis. The prostate gland is like the size of a walnut and it is found in the pelvic cavity in front of the rectum and behind the symphysis pubis. A thin, milky fluid is secreted during ejaculation to enhance the mobility of sperms. Then again thick mucus-like fluid which forms 60% of semen is secreted by the seminal vesicle (M. B. V. Roberts, 2000). The fluid is alkaline and contains nutrients that are added to sperm cells. Located above the urinary bladder, highly coiled tubular structures are the seminal vesicles.  MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Figure 1 (eMedicineHealth,2017) The female reproductive system is adapted so that an egg cell (gamete) can be produced and then fertilized by a sperm cell. The developing offspring is carried by the female being provided with nutrition until it is ready to be born. After birth nourishments are provided to the new infant by the female. This is all made possible by the way the female reproductive system is structured and functions. Ovaries are female reproductive parts that come in pairs one on either side of the uterus. They produce gametes (eggs) by a process known as ovulation. Hormones oestrogen and progesterone are also secreted by ovaries. Eggs are produced by a structure called the cortex and held in a vessel inside the medulla. The ovaries attach to the uterus by ligaments known as ovarian ligaments. About 2 million immature eggs are contained in the ovaries (Chard 2001). The fallopian tubes are muscular and lined with ciliated cells. They are about 5cm long, extend from the sides of the uterus. Other names like the oviduct or uterine tubes is used for the fallopian tube. At the end of each fallopian tube are finger-like projections known as fimbrae which receive the released eggs and transfer them to the uterus. Fertilisation also takes place in these tubes. In front of the rectum is a vast area known as the uterus. The uterus is a pear- shaped muscular chamber that has thick walls (McGuinness, H 2010). The cervix is the neck of the uterus and it opens into 2 upper corners. The uterus wall is composed of three layers of tissue, the perimetrium which is the outer layer which covers the top part of the uterus. The middle layer is known as the myometrium (middle layer of smooth muscle fibres). It is responsible for the contractions during period of labour. Finally, the third layer is the endometrium (soft with thick layer of compound tubular glands). Th is area is shed off each month during menstruation (Care of the mother and baby during labour, 1977). An 8-10cm muscular and elastic tube called the vagina connects the internal female reproductive organs with the external. It discharges fluids like menstrual fluid, urine and mucus. Male semen is received by the vagina and it also provides a passage way for childbirth. Outer wall stretches during sexual intercourse. The external genital organs of the female are collectively known as the vulva. They consist of the labia majora (thick folds of skin where pubic hair grows), labia minora (which are lip-like flesh at the entrance of the vagina), clitoris (contains erectile tissue and suspensory ligament that connect to the symphysis pubis), opening of the urethra and opening of the vagina. The main functions of the vulva are urination, menstruation, childbirth and sexual behaviour. THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Figure 2 (Human Body Diagram, 2016) A female goes through a 28-day cycle known as the menstrual or the ovarian cycle. The female menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases. The first phase is known as proliferative phase which occurs on day 2 of the cycle. The hypothalamus releases a hormone known as Gonadotropin- releasing hormone(GnRH). The GnRH hormone is responsible for the secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. The FSH secreted by the pituitary gland will stimulate the development of several ovarian follicles. A hormone called oestrogen is then secreted by the follicle on day 6 because of the chemical messenger FSH and the follicle develops into graafian follicle. Oestrogen inhibits the secretion of FSH by the pituitary gland on day 14. The layer lost in the previous menstruation is replaced by the proliferation of the endometrium. All repairs will be complete by day 14. The same hormone oestrogen will cause the secretion of LH hormone by the pituitary gland. The rapid increase in LH hormone will trigger the release of the mature egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube around day 14. This phase is referred to as the ovulation phase In the next stage, there is secretion of nutrients by the endometrium in preparation for the implantation and this stage is the secretory phase. An endocrine structure known as the corpus luteum secretes oestrogen and progesterone. The progesterone inhibits the production of FSH. No new follicles are stimulated, the endometrium is maintained by the high levels of progesterone. A rupture of the uterine capillaries will occur when a decrease in oestrogen and progesterone levels occur. Endometrium is lost from the body as a waste product through the cervix, together with some blood. This process is known as menstruation. Hormonal changes will prepare the uterus for pregnancy but in the event, that the egg is not fertilised then the lining of the uterus is lost through the vagina (menstrual period). Figure 3 clearly shows the 28-day cycle and the different periods that a female goes through during her menstrual cycle. FEMALE MENSTRUAL CYCLE Figure 3 (, 2017) FEEDBACK MECHANISM INVOLVED IN THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE Figure 4 (SBI4U 2013 Resource Guide, 2017) In figure 4 the effects of positive and negative feedback mechanisms are evidenced through the different responses given to different conditions at different periods of progress in the female cycle. The result is different if the egg gets fertilised. When the mature female egg in the fallopian tube fuse with a male gamete cell due to having had sexual intercourse. The fusion of the male and female gametes to form a zygote is known as fertilisation (Clamp, A. 2005). During sexual intercourse millions of sperms are deposited into the female reproductive tract. Sperms are smaller than the female gametes and because of their structure (having a head containing the haploid nucleus), a tail (flagellum) for mobility. The sperms swim towards the mature egg through the cervix during ovulation (Bennet, 1985). Only a few hundred sperms get close to the egg because many will die of the acidic environment and some will flow out of the vagina. Early in pregnancy the embryo secretes hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophins). This hormone enables the corpus luteum to continue to produce progesterone, thereby preparing the lining of the uterus for the developing embryo. By testing for HCG in urine, it is easy to diagnose for pregnancy very early. Another hormone is the human chorionic somatomammotropin (HCS) also referred to as human placental lactogen (hPL). The hormone is secreted from the placenta to modify the metabolic state of the mother during pregnancy (mother`s glucose usage and release of fatty acids). Gray, (2012) says that childbirth is divided into three stages. The woman`s age, size of uterus and the number of previous pregnancies will determine the duration of the stages. Dilation is the first stage, were the cervix dilates because the foetus would have begun its descent a few days or weeks earlier. Uterus muscle wall contract rhythmically and the head of the baby breaks the amnion and the fluid is released. Dilation of the cervix can last to 6 12 hours. As the contractions of the uterus become strong, the baby is then forced out through the cervix down the vagina. This is called the delivery stage and can be 1 -2 hours. Oxytocin hormone stimulates powerful contractions that help to open the cervix to push the baby and placenta out and limit bleeding at the site of the placenta. While the fight or flight hormone (adrenaline) can slow the labour for the fearful females. It can be produced in large quantities because of fear (Bennet, 1985). The umbilical code is tied and cut once the baby has begun to breathe or cry (can live independently without the placenta). After birth is the last stage which starts immediately after child birth and ends with the placenta expulsion. There is the production and ejection of milk from mammary glands (, 2017). The process is known as lactation. Prolactin hormone (mothering hormone) helps to prepare a woman for breastfeeding. Eventually the uterus will grow smaller because of the continued contraction. While nursing, 5 10% of women become pregnant again. To fully go through the human life, they are stages that need to be accomplished. They are about 12 different stages and we will look at infancy or the developing child in detail. During child infancy (0-3 years), a child will become more independent as they grow and the body matures. The baby learns how to walk, talk, feed themselves. A lot of the children do not get to walk in the first year as their bones will be weak to support the weight. By being encouraged the child will experiment and develop more confidence in the ability to co-ordinate themselves (, 2017). Motor movement is the title given to the development of co-ordination movement. As early as 3 months the baby will develop different sounds. Sounds are used to show pleasure, laugh or cry as a way communicating their needs. At this stage the child will like to play so much. Many hormones are involved in the development of the child at this stage. The most important hormone that is present is the human growth hormone (hGH) which influences the growth of bone and muscle tissue. Sometimes the overproduction of this hormone will cause the child to grow too fast and too much, while the opposite (underproduction) will cause dwarfism (Richards, M 1990). In the journal by Richard, M. (1990) insulin is another important hormone that is found at this stage and is secreted by the pancreas. Insulin helps in the regulation of glucose levels in the blood and thereby indirectly positively contributes to growth and development. This hormone should work in collaboration with other hormones to ensure normal growth. For normal growth, the child will need sufficient energy coming from metabolic reactions (rate of reactions). These are influenced by the amount of a hormone known as thyroxine being produced by the thyroid gland. Cretinism is a condition that will develop when there is under development of thyroxine. Poor mental, physical and even retardation can be caused by underproduction. At this stage the child likes to play. Playing helps the child to develop emotionally, physically, mentally and social development. The child should be encouraged to be active. Environmental factors such as housing and someone to play with or read to them can affect the development of the child (Lohoar, S et al. 2014) . When a child plays with toys it helps to strengthen their muscles and improve co-ordination (physical development). The child should grow healthy by having nutritious food and hygienic. The immune system needs to develop which will safeguard the child from virus or bacterial attacks. These factors are biological factors (Chard, 2001). Without the presents of interpersonal relationships, the child may be affected in their social development. The relationships help the child appreciate and respect of authority. It helps them to build social skills such as communication, friendship and understanding the roles of others around them. Generally, they just three factors that may affect the development of the child`s growth. The factors are biological, environmental and social or emotional as explained above (Ford, n.d.). REFERENCES  Bennet, P. (1985). Dhaagicw Life-Stages: A Study in Paradigmatic Reconstruction. History in Africa, [online] 12, pp. 11-28. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. CARE OF THE MOTHER AND BABY DURING LABOUR. (1977). InPharma, [online] 110(1), pp. 11-11. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2017]. Centre, N.H.F. (2011) The male reproductive system. Available at: reproductive-system.php (Accessed: 20 March 2017). Chard, T. (2001). Does the baby gain weight during labour? Human Reproduction, [online] 16(2), pp.207 [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017] Clamp, A. (2005) As/a-level biology essential word dictionary (essential word dictionaries). United Kingdom: Philip Allan Updates. EMedicineHealth. (2017). The Male Anatomy: Pictures, Diagrams Reference. [online] Available at: emh.ssp?articlekey=59149 [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017]. Ford, J. (n.d.) Growth development. Human Body Diagram. (2016). Human Body Diagram Anatomy Human Labelled And Chart. [ONLINE] Available at: content/uploads/2016/10/female-reproductive-system-function-female-reproductive- system-functions-anatomy-human-body.jpg [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. (2017). 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Albert Einstein :: essays research papers
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1879 in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany.He died April 18 1955 in Princeton,NJ.When Einstein was five years old his father showed him a compass.He was very impressed by the behavior of the needle of the compass,which kept pointing in the same direction no matter which way the compass was turned.He later said he felt that "Something deeply hidden had to be behind things". After public school in Munich and in Aarau,Switzerland,Einstein studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich.He graduated in 1900.From 1902 to 1909 he worked as an examiner at the Swiss Patent office in Bern.This job as patent examiner gave him a lot of free time,which he spent doing scientific investigations.He became a Swiss citizen in 1905.Einstein liked music also.He listened to classical music and played the violin.He supported zionism and was asked to be the president of Israel when president Chain Weizmann died in 1952.He decided not to except,saying that he wasn't right for that position.Einstein was never concerned about money.Publishers from all parts of the world offered him huge amounts of money for an autobiography.He never accepted any of their offers.Einstein was married twice.He was seperated from his first wife after he arrived in Berlin.During World War I he married his first cousin,Elsa.She shared his life with him until she died in Princeton in 1936.He had two sons from his first marriage.He also had two stepdaughters from his second marriage.In 1933 while Einstein was visiting England and the United States the Nazi government of Germany took his property and deprived him of his positions and his citizenship.Even before this happened he had been asked to direct the school of mathematics in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,New Jersey.He accepted this position and he directed the school for the rest of his life.Einstein became an American citizen in 1940.After he took the job he moved into a two-story house at 112 Mercer St. in Princeton.He lived and worked there until he died. Albert Einstein is best known for his theory of relativity,which he first advanced in 1905 when he was 26 years old.Einsteins theory revolutionized scientific thought with new conceptions of time,space,mass,motion,and gravitation.Einstein laid the basis for splitting the atom by treating mass and energy as exchangable and not distinct.Einsteins famous equation E=mc2 {energy equals mass times the velocity of light squarred} became a important foundation in the development of atomic energy.Einstein arrived at his theory by means of highly involved mathematical calculations and equations.Einsteins theories were used in making the atomic bomb.He helped in it's making in another way also.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Thirty-nine
Eddard He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood. In the dream his friends rode with him, as they had in life. Proud Martyn Cassel, Jory's father; faithful Theo Wull; Ethan Glover, who had been Brandon's squire; Ser Mark Ryswell, soft of speech and gentle of heart; the crannogman, Howland Reed; Lord Dustin on his great red stallion. Ned had known their faces as well as he knew his own once, but the years leech at a man's memories, even those he has vowed never to forget. In the dream they were only shadows, grey wraiths on horses made of mist. They were seven, facing three. In the dream as it had been in life. Yet these were no ordinary three. They waited before the round tower, the red mountains of Dorne at their backs, their white cloaks blowing in the wind. And these were no shadows; their faces burned clear, even now. Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, had a sad smile on his lips. The hilt of the greatsword Dawn poked up over his right shoulder. Ser Oswell Whent was on one knee, sharpening his blade with a whetstone. Across his white-enameled helm, the black bat of his House spread its wings. Between them stood fierce old Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. â€Å"I looked for you on the Trident,†Ned said to them. â€Å"We were not there,†Ser Gerold answered. â€Å"Woe to the Usurper if we had been,†said Ser Oswell. â€Å"When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.†â€Å"Far away,†Ser Gerold said, â€Å"or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.†â€Å"I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,†Ned told them, â€Å"and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.†â€Å"Our knees do not bend easily,†said Ser Arthur Dayne. â€Å"Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.†â€Å"Ser Willem is a good man and true,†said Ser Oswell. â€Å"But not of the Kingsguard,†Ser Gerold pointed out. â€Å"The Kingsguard does not flee.†â€Å"Then or now,†said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm. â€Å"We swore a vow,†explained old Ser Gerold. Ned's wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three. â€Å"And now it begins,†said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light. â€Å"No,†Ned said with sadness in his voice. â€Å"Now it ends.†As they came together in a rush of steel and shadow, he could hear Lyanna screaming. â€Å"Eddard!†she called. A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death. â€Å"Lord Eddard,†Lyanna called again. â€Å"I promise,†he whispered. â€Å"Lya, I promise . . . â€Å" â€Å"Lord Eddard,†a man echoed from the dark. Groaning, Eddard Stark opened his eyes. Moonlight streamed through the tall windows of the Tower of the Hand. â€Å"Lord Eddard?†A shadow stood over the bed. â€Å"How . . . how long?†The sheets were tangled, his leg splinted and plastered. A dull throb of pain shot up his side. â€Å"Six days and seven nights.†The voice was Vayon Poole's. The steward held a cup to Ned's lips. â€Å"Drink, my lord.†â€Å"What . . . ?†â€Å"Only water. Maester Pycelle said you would be thirsty.†Ned drank. His lips were parched and cracked. The water tasted sweet as honey. â€Å"The king left orders,†Vayon Poole told him when the cup was empty. â€Å"He would speak with you, my lord.†â€Å"On the morrow,†Ned said. â€Å"When I am stronger.†He could not face Robert now. The dream had left him weak as a kitten. â€Å"My lord,†Poole said, â€Å"he commanded us to send you to him the moment you opened your eyes.†The steward busied himself lighting a bedside candle. Ned cursed softly. Robert was never known for his patience. â€Å"Tell him I'm too weak to come to him. If he wishes to speak with me, I should be pleased to receive him here. I hope you wake him from a sound sleep. And summon . . . †He was about to say Jory when he remembered. â€Å"Summon the captain of my guard.†Alyn stepped into the bedchamber a few moments after the steward had taken his leave. â€Å"My lord.†â€Å"Poole tells me it has been six days,†Ned said. â€Å"I must know how things stand.†â€Å"The Kingslayer is fled the city,†Alyn told him. â€Å"The talk is he's ridden back to Casterly Rock to join his father. The story of how Lady Catelyn took the Imp is on every lip. I have put on extra guards, if it please you.†â€Å"It does,†Ned assured him. â€Å"My daughters?†â€Å"They have been with you every day, my lord. Sansa prays quietly, but Arya . . . †He hesitated. â€Å"She has not said a word since they brought you back. She is a fierce little thing, my lord. I have never seen such anger in a girl.†â€Å"Whatever happens,†Ned said, â€Å"I want my daughters kept safe. I fear this is only the beginning.†â€Å"No harm will come to them, Lord Eddard,†Alyn said. â€Å"I stake my life on that.†â€Å"Jory and the others . . . â€Å" â€Å"I gave them over to the silent sisters, to be sent north to Winterfell. Jory would want to lie beside his grandfather.†It would have to be his grandfather, for Jory's father was buried far to the south. Martyn Cassel had perished with the rest. Ned had pulled the tower down afterward, and used its bloody stones to build eight cairns upon the ridge. It was said that Rhaegar had named that place the tower of joy, but for Ned it was a bitter memory. They had been seven against three, yet only two had lived to ride away; Eddard Stark himself and the little crannogman, Howland Reed. He did not think it omened well that he should dream that dream again after so many years. â€Å"You've done well, Alyn,†Ned was saying when Vayon Poole returned. The steward bowed low. â€Å"His Grace is without, my lord, and the queen with him.†Ned pushed himself up higher, wincing as his leg trembled with pain. He had not expected Cersei to come. It did not bode well that she had. â€Å"Send them in, and leave us. What we have to say should not go beyond these walls.†Poole withdrew quietly. Robert had taken time to dress. He wore a black velvet doublet with the crowned stag of Baratheon worked upon the breast in golden thread, and a golden mantle with a cloak of black and gold squares. A flagon of wine was in his hand, his face already flushed from drink. Cersei Lannister entered behind him, a jeweled tiara in her hair. â€Å"Your Grace,†Ned said. â€Å"Your pardons. I cannot rise.†â€Å"No matter,†the king said gruffly. â€Å"Some wine? From the Arbor. A good vintage.†â€Å"A small cup,†Ned said. â€Å"My head is still heavy from the milk of the poppy.†â€Å"A man in your place should count himself fortunate that his head is still on his shoulders,†the queen declared. â€Å"Quiet, woman,†Robert snapped. He brought Ned a cup of wine. â€Å"Does the leg still pain you?†â€Å"Some,†Ned said. His head was swimming, but it would not do to admit to weakness in front of the queen. â€Å"Pycelle swears it will heal clean.†Robert frowned. â€Å"I take it you know what Catelyn has done?†â€Å"I do.†Ned took a small swallow of wine. â€Å"My lady wife is blameless, Your Grace. All she did she did at my command.†â€Å"I am not pleased, Ned,†Robert grumbled. â€Å"By what right do you dare lay hands on my blood?†Cersei demanded. â€Å"Who do you think you are?†â€Å"The Hand of the King,†Ned told her with icy courtesy. â€Å"Charged by your own lord husband to keep the king's peace and enforce the king's justice.†â€Å"You were the Hand,†Cersei began, â€Å"but nowâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Silence!†the king roared. â€Å"You asked him a question and he answered it.†Cersei subsided, cold with anger, and Robert turned back to Ned. â€Å"Keep the king's peace, you say. Is this how you keep my peace, Ned? Seven men are dead . . . â€Å" â€Å"Eight,†the queen corrected. â€Å"Tregar died this morning, of the blow Lord Stark gave him.†â€Å"Abductions on the kingsroad and drunken slaughter in my streets,†the king said. â€Å"I will not have it, Ned.†â€Å"Catelyn had good reason for taking the Impâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I said, I will not have it! To hell with her reasons. You will command her to release the dwarf at once, and you will make your peace with Jaime.†â€Å"Three of my men were butchered before my eyes, because Jaime Lannister wished to chasten me. Am I to forget that?†â€Å"My brother was not the cause of this quarrel,†Cersei told the king. â€Å"Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel. His men attacked Jaime and his guards, even as his wife attacked Tyrion on the kingsroad.†â€Å"You know me better than that, Robert,†Ned said. â€Å"Ask Lord Baelish if you doubt me. He was there.†â€Å"I've talked to Littlefinger,†Robert said. â€Å"He claims he rode off to bring the gold cloaks before the fighting began, but he admits you were returning from some whorehouse.†â€Å"Some whorehouse? Damn your eyes, Robert, I went there to have a look at your daughter! Her mother has named her Barra. She looks like that first girl you fathered, when we were boys together in the Vale.†He watched the queen as he spoke; her face was a mask, still and pale, betraying nothing. Robert flushed. â€Å"Barra,†he grumbled. â€Å"Is that supposed to please me? Damn the girl. I thought she had more sense.†â€Å"She cannot be more than fifteen, and a whore, and you thought she had sense?†Ned said, incredulous. His leg was beginning to pain him sorely. It was hard to keep his temper. â€Å"The fool child is in love with you, Robert.†The king glanced at Cersei. â€Å"This is no fit subject for the queen's ears.†â€Å"Her Grace will have no liking for anything I have to say,†Ned replied. â€Å"I am told the Kingslayer has fled the city. Give me leave to bring him back to justice.†The king swirled the wine in his cup, brooding. He took a swallow. â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I want no more of this. Jaime slew three of your men, and you five of his. Now it ends.†â€Å"Is that your notion of justice?†Ned flared. â€Å"If so, I am pleased that I am no longer your Hand.†The queen looked to her husband. â€Å"If any man had dared speak to a Targaryen as he has spoken to youâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Do you take me for Aerys?†Robert interrupted. â€Å"I took you for a king. Jaime and Tyrion are your own brothers, by all the laws of marriage and the bonds we share. The Starks have driven off the one and seized the other. This man dishonors you with every breath he takes, and yet you stand there meekly, asking if his leg pains him and would he like some wine.†Robert's face was dark with anger. â€Å"How many times must I tell you to hold your tongue, woman?†Cersei's face was a study in contempt. â€Å"What a jape the gods have made of us two,†she said. â€Å"By all rights, you ought to be in skirts and me in mail.†Purple with rage, the king lashed out, a vicious backhand blow to the side of the head. She stumbled against the table and fell hard, yet Cersei Lannister did not cry out. Her slender fingers brushed her cheek, where the pale smooth skin was already reddening. On the morrow the bruise would cover half her face. â€Å"I shall wear this as a badge of honor,†she announced. â€Å"Wear it in silence, or I'll honor you again,†Robert vowed. He shouted for a guard. Ser Meryn Trant stepped into the room, tall and somber in his white armor. â€Å"The queen is tired. See her to her bedchamber.†The knight helped Cersei to her feet and led her out without a word. Robert reached for the flagon and refilled his cup. â€Å"You see what she does to me, Ned.†The king seated himself, cradling his wine cup. â€Å"My loving wife. The mother of my children.†The rage was gone from him now; in his eyes Ned saw something sad and scared. â€Å"I should not have hit her. That was not . . . that was not kingly.†He stared down at his hands, as if he did not quite know what they were. â€Å"I was always strong . . . no one could stand before me, no one. How do you fight someone if you can't hit them?†Confused, the king shook his head. â€Å"Rhaegar . . . Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her.†The king drained his cup. â€Å"Your Grace,†Ned Stark said, â€Å"we must talk . . . â€Å" Robert pressed his fingertips against his temples. â€Å"I am sick unto death of talk. On the morrow I'm going to the kingswood to hunt. Whatever you have to say can wait until I return.†â€Å"If the gods are good, I shall not be here on your return. You commanded me to return to Winterfell, remember?†Robert stood up, grasping one of the bedposts to steady himself. â€Å"The gods are seldom good, Ned. Here, this is yours.†He pulled the heavy silver hand clasp from a pocket in the lining of his cloak and tossed it on the bed. â€Å"Like it or not, you are my Hand, damn you. I forbid you to leave.†Ned picked up the silver clasp. He was being given no choice, it seemed. His leg throbbed, and he felt as helpless as a child. â€Å"The Targaryen girlâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ The king groaned. â€Å"Seven hells, don't start with her again. That's done, I'll hear no more of it.†â€Å"Why would you want me as your Hand, if you refuse to listen to my counsel?†â€Å"Why?†Robert laughed. â€Å"Why not? Someone has to rule this damnable kingdom. Put on the badge, Ned. It suits you. And if you ever throw it in my face again, I swear to you, I'll pin the damned thing on Jaime Lannister.â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why Fast Food is Unhealthy
In todays age of convenience, fast food needs no introduction. Everyone from a two year old to a sixty year old seems to be enjoying it. Why not? It's delicious, it's filling, it's affordable, and available Just any time of the day. What more can you ask for when you are living life in the fast lane? Well fast food all good tastes, except that it is not nutritionally balanced and, therefore, unhealthy in the long run if consumed on a regular basis.Even though some people say that eating fast food is healthy because hey get certain types of fast food like salads or chicken, it not the real stuff. They make it seem like it is but its not. They also choose fast foods because it is inexpensive than most other food choices. Fast foods contain lots of calories, sugar, sodium and unhealthy fats substances that increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Increased health risks are directly associated with increased consumption of fast foods.Yet, as prices for fast foods increase the consumption and health risks decrease. Eating healthier foods may reduce your health risks and your costs. (Roizman) On the McDonalds website if you get 1 Big Mac, 1 Double Cheeseburger, 1 Large Fries, and 1 Large Coke you would get 1,770 Calories, 77 grams of fat, 1,430 milligrams of sodium, and 219 grams of Carbs for all about $9 which is not healthy if consumed on the daily basis. (McDonalds) In the short reading by Eric Schlosser Why the Fries Taste Good Fast food increases your weight.Body Mass Index(BMl) is an indicator of body fat that is measured according to your weight and height. The higher your BMI, the higher your risk of obesity and chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, gallstones and cancer. Research by the Department of Economics and Institute for Health Research and Policy in 2009 found the price of fast food is statistically associated with BMI of teenagers, particularly among fami lies in low to middle socioeconomic status. The low cost of fast food influenced weight gain, the report showed.Consuming fast food may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. Scientists estimate the popularity of type 2 diabetes will increase 300 percent in the United States in the next 40 years, from 10 percent to 33 percent of the population. Research by scientists at the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 2010 discovered that increasing the price of fast food items by $1, reduced the amount of calorie intake from these foods, decreased weight gain and lowered insulin resistance, risk factors for obesity and type 2 diabetes.The research suggests the US government should consider policies aimed t altering the price of fast foods to steer Americans toward eating healthier foods and reducing the risks of chronic diseases. The total annual health care cost to treat diabetes is estimated at $174 billion. Fast food restaurants use processed foods with high amounts of sodium to flavor your meals. Sodium is a risk factor for high blood pressure and stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States. Scientists at the University of Michigan predict that the treatment of strokes will cost the UnitedStates $2 2 trillion by 2050 unless Americans change their eating habits and maintain normal blood pressure. Fast food restaurants predominantly serve meals in big portion sizes with higher amounts of calories than you need and contain additive ingredients such as preservatives, flavorings, sweeteners, sodium and colors. Many restaurants are increasing the costs for fast foods with prices as high as $10 per person and over $30 or $40 for a family of four in some locations. Purchasing healthy food ingredients and preparing meals at home can save you money.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Week 3 Research Example
Week 3 Research Example Week 3 Research – Essay Example Week 3 Research As the business environment increasingly becomes competitive, business owners go to great lengths to enhance and sustain their wellbeing. The main aim of their activities and operations is to enhance performance that can enable them to maintain a competitive environment in the seemingly harsh business environment. This increased competition has diverse impacts on both the businesses owners and the consumers. Perhaps the most important of these are the ethical concerns that stem from the increased competition. In light of the case study, it is certain that Intel’s actions are compounded by a host of ethical concerns. The inherent greed and execution of market dominance has greatly hurt the consumer community. From the case study, Intel dominates Central processing Units (CPU) and Graphics Processing Units (GPU) market share. Thus it enjoys sufficient profits to sustain its operations as well as general wellbeing. From a business point of view, it would be healthy if the business took practical measures to safeguard this desirable corporate status. However, its operations are compounded by ethical lapses that have far reaching impacts on its competitors as well as clients. From the case study, it overcharges its clients on products that the clients would have otherwise paid lower prices. Although the company gets enormous profits in the short term, the lasting impacts have negative implications on its performance. Gradually, clients and other stakeholders lose trust in this company. At this point, Di Norcia (1994) asserts that trust is fundamental for ensuring a company’s future growth as well as investment. Intel’s step to alter its CPUs in case programs from other companies were introduced in them is also unethical and driven by selfish interests. In particular, its main aim is to undermine the performance of its competitors such as Dell. The consumers however suffer the most because they have to pay more for similar products. Alternatively, consumers get enslaved to its products and lack the ability to explore the effectiveness of the products from its competitors. Seemingly, Intel’s operations and business strategies contravene the provisions of the principle of fair play as well as the laws that protect competition merits. These principles provide that an individual’s or organization’s behavior is ethical if it puts into consideration the effects of its activities and operations to the wellbeing of others. Put differently, this principle obliges organizations to ensure that their operations are within the legal and moral domains that govern business activities. Thus relative operations need not have adverse effects on others; rather they should promote their growth and sustainability. As aforementioned, Intel’s activities deny its competitors a chance to benefit from the society. To a great extent, they also limit the options of the consumer base and prevent them from exploring the resources that other companies offer optimally. Undoubtedly, the implications are pervasive and affect the suppliers of relative products too. For this reason, it is imperatively important for the company to review its operations and align its strategies to the ethical principles that govern competition and business growth. This would go a long way in ensuring that profits reaped are sustainable and rewarding. Reference Di Norcia, V. (1994). Ethics, technology development and innovation. Business Ethics Quarterly, 4 (3): 235-252.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cloning for Perfection or Damnation †English Essay
Cloning for Perfection or Damnation – English Essay Free Online Research Papers Cloning for Perfection or Damnation English Essay Cloning has been a debate for years and is still a big question today. It is a very complicated process that many people believe is us playing god. People who support cloning believe it is a good way to perfect the human race. Although I feel both sides are extreme, I think that cloning should be allowed but only if the government approves it so we can satisfy both sides. To understand why cloning is important to scientists; you must understand the origins of where the idea of cloning came from. It is said that that it was started in 1952 when geneticists removed a nucleus from an embryonic frog, placed it into an egg cell, and a frog was hatched from the egg cell with the embryonic nucleus. (Human Cloning) First glimpse the world had of cloning is with the sheep named Dolly who was the first live animal to be cloned. Common question asked is what is cloning? Well the answer is quite simple; it is an asexual process that replicates genetic makeup to the youth brought from the womb. The result is an animal that looks exactly like the original. A common myth for people who don’t know much about cloning is that the clone will be exactly like the individual whose genetic code it came from. The only similarities are the genetic makeup. Everything else in the organism is different. Say if I were to be cloned, my clone would be completely different than I because he would have a different upbringing. He would not have the same childhood experiences I had. So in other words, you are creating another person that looks like you but may be completely different. It would be like raising a child, they may share some genetic code with you but they are not exactly like you. Psychology has a pr ofound effect on cloning. Environmental factors play a huge role in how someone turns out. You may be a completely calm individual who is always courteous and believes in chivalry. If certain aspects of your clones upbringing brought him to feel anxiety, then he or she would be a completely different person. Your clone may become a promiscuous crude person that only believes in satisfying themselves rather than serve the common good. Arguments among the debate of cloning are quite simple. The argument for those against cloning is how we know that the clone’s life will be as long as ours. Simple answer is that we do not know. How can we know if protestors do not let us try doing so? The only way to be sure is to of course let us try it. Experiments are the only way of letting us know if something works. If it does work, then we will the public decide. Debates will still rage on but if we decide on whether or not to legalize cloning, then it will mark a new era for our country. Another common nemesis to the cloning of certain things is that the cloning could not be healthy for the world. Certain cloned fruit or vegetables could carry very negative effects on us if we eat them. They could cause us to have new diseases that doctors would never know the cure to. So this means that cloning could cause certain illnesses to outbreak through the world. The last thing the world needs is an epidemic that could spread throughout the world. I guess people feel that the world does not need any more incurable diseases. Religious views that oppose closing are many. One of the views that believe cloning violates god is that when men creates a child through genetics, we are violating the image of god. It also makes children an object or manipulate but not a gift from god. The church also feels that if we are able to make clones, that we would treat them less than equal and we would sacrifice them so we could transplant organs and such.†The church argues that just ends do not justify immoral means.†(Human Cloning: Religious and Ethical Debate) Another common argument is that we as humans have distinct souls and they do not believe that we could clone the human soul with the human. â€Å"Jewish people think that man has a partnership with god and that we as men must care for mankind as it grows to nurture it like Adam and Eve did with the garden.†(Human Cloning: Religious and Ethical Debate) Ethical concerns are also not helping the argument against cloning. People believe that with our technology of today does not allow us to securely clone someone and that there will be harm to the embryo and the clone will age faster. There are also the psychological factors that come into play. People believe that the child will feel constrained to the future of their gene donors’ life. The quality of parenting and family life may be degraded because instead of parents loving their children merely for the fact that they are their child will not be enough for the parents. Instead, the parents will love them for how well they meet expectations. All ethical concerns are understandable. I feel that cloning would benefit the world. I believe leaders that could have done well for the world could be cloned and possibly could continue their past-life’s legacy. Maybe if we cloned Martin Luther King, we would know his potential influence on society. Many people in history could have done such great things if they had not died, maybe cloning would reawaken the potential will they would bring upon the world. If we were to clone Albert Einstein, I believe we could create something that would terrify the rest of the world and we would be in power because of the fact that the world would be terrified by our power. Although clones would have a stigmatization by society, the worth of their presence would be far greater. One of the many things that certain people back cloning with is that we could control whether or not our offspring would have certain diseases or recessive genes. I guess you could look at it with the angle that we could perfect the human race. We could very well get rid of disease and certain common ailments brought by certain genes like baldness. Scientists believe that we could create the ideal race for the future. â€Å"At the current time the risks associated with the cloning of humans are so great that virtually all people agree that there should be a prohibition on such experimentation at the moment.†(Religious and Ethical Debate) This of course makes a lot of sense because we don’t know the harm that cloning could have on a child. It was 277 tries before the scientists who cloned the lamb named Dolly before they had a healthy lamb. This experiment made it a point to the scientists that there would be more birth defects and failures would be expected during experimentation. This doesn’t help the argument of the people that want us to be able to clone humans. Arguments against ethical concerns are quite formidable. â€Å"Supporters may also argue that human clones will have the advantage of knowing what they are good at early in life.†(Human Cloning: Religious and Ethical Debate) With the argument of children not being loved by their parents for the child’s sake is contended with the argument that the child will be loved unconditionally. For infertile couples, the child that they will attain through cloning will be loved as warmly as if they had the baby themselves. All ethical arguments do not seem so strong now. With both debates in mind, government control over cloning sounds like a good idea, so we as the public could have a glimpse of the potential of cloning. We could see how cloning would benefit the world. The public would find out which side of the argument was true on certain debates. Maybe there is a chance that we could get rid of aids or other types of diseases that cannot be cured. By doing this, we would find out if by eliminating certain diseases, cloning would bring even more dangerous illnesses than we got rid of. Government regulation of cloning I think would benefit society because I believe the curiosity that we humans have for what could come is too great for us to ban cloning forever. Knowledge that we could attain about our race is unlimited. We could find new things about the human race that no one has ever discovered. We could tap into certain brain potentials that otherwise could not be manipulated. We could make people have higher brain activity and IQ, so they can help benefit the world through other sciences and make discoveries that we haven’t. Cloning can open so many windows for us and many people believe that pioneering into this branch of science is the right thing to do. Both sides are really extreme, and to allow government to regulate cloning experiments is the right thing to do to satisfy everybody. Cloning I think at the moment is a very sensitive issue for many people because people are so entwined with their religious beliefs that they do not see the potential cloning has for us. Although cloning isn’t really going anywhere at the moment, in a few years I believe that we will see more successful experiments in the future. Dolly is the most recent success of the cloning team around the world but soon we will find more groundbreaking experiments. â€Å"Human Cloning: Religious and Ethical Debate.†04. Mar. 2005. â€Å"Human Cloning.’ Bradford, Jenny. 04. March. 2005. Research Papers on Cloning for Perfection or Damnation - English EssayGenetic EngineeringEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenCapital PunishmentHip-Hop is ArtComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoStandardized TestingNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use
Sunday, October 20, 2019
William Howard Taft Fast Facts - 27th US President
William Howard Taft Fast Facts - 27th US President William Howard Taft (1857 - 1930) served as Americas twenty-seventh president. He was known for the concept of Dollar Diplomacy. He was also the only president to become a Supreme Court Justice, being appointed Chief Justice in 1921 by President Warren G. Harding. Here is a quick list of fast facts for William Howard Taft. For more in depth information, you can also read the William Howard Taft Biography Birth: September 15, 1857 Death: March 8, 1930 Term of Office: March 4, 1909-March 3, 1913 Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term First Lady: Helen Nellie HerronChart of the First Ladies William Howard Taft Quote: The diplomacy of the present administration has sought to respond to modern ideas of commercial intercourse. This policy has been characterized as substituting dollars for bullets. It is one that appeals alike to idealistic humanitarian sentiments, to the dictates of sound policy and strategy, and to legitimate commercial aims. Major Events While in Office: Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909)Sixteenth Amendment Ratified (1913)Dollar DiplomacyAntitrust Policy States Entering Union While in Office: New Mexico (1912)Arizona (1912) Related William Howard Taft Resources: These additional resources on William Howard Taft can provide you with further information about the president and his times. William Howard Taft BiographyTake a more in depth look at the twenty-seventh president of the United States through this biography. Youll learn about his childhood, family, early career, and the major events of his administration. Territories of the United StatesHere is a chart presenting the territories of the United States, their capitals, and the years they were acquired. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: Theodore RooseveltWoodrow WilsonList of American Presidents
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Forensic Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Forensic Archaeology - Essay Example Ground Penetrating Radar GRP) and Resistivity Mapping are the two popular techniques in this field. Geographic survey conducted for forensic perspective has mainly two aspects. The first survey is carried out on the surface. For the second, at every survey geophysicist prepare ‘map’ of the sub-surface. There are different techniques used for this mapping process. Based on the measurement they collected from the survey, they constitute the ‘hot-spot,’ in terms of geophysics it is called anomalies. If any kind of extreme natural variations detect, it clearly stress that the presence of subsurface disturbance like graves may drawn in that locality. Resistivity mapping: - In this method the presence of electrical materials of the subsurface is identifying by passing electricity through the ground. Wet soil passes electricity (I) more effortlessly than dry soil and hard rock. Practical case this method conducted by passing electricity between two electrodes and calculate the electrical potential (V) in this area. Electrical resistance (R) is find out by R= V/I. When regarding the readings of this survey at particular intervals, make out a grid of readings. Different resistance readings will obtain from the same place based on the electrode array and electrode division. This survey is conducted frequently by raising the electrode separation. Various types of resistivity of electrode array are; Wenner array and pole-pole array. Here ‘R’ is represented in ohms, ‘p’ is represented as in ohm meters and ‘a’ is represented as in meters. In archaeological mapping pole-pole array is commonly used than Wenner array because it gives simpler anomalies which help for identification of noisy environment easily than pole-pole array anomalies. Some factors which cause potential for avoiding the resistivity of the ground includes buried body interruptions which take place while burying the body. This will cause fluctuations
Friday, October 18, 2019
Wal-Mart Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wal-Mart - Case Study Example (Wal-Mart) Currently, Wal-Mart operates worldwide through the Wal-Mart Stores, Sam's Club franchises, and International. Wal-Mart offers everything starting from necessities such as food, clothing, health, beauty and household items, cleaning products, electronics and others. Wal-Mart currently operates almost 4,000 stores in the U.S., and more than 2,700 stores outside the United States. Wal-Mart has been an attractive target for lawsuits for so long. The company's policy about this has been to admit their fault and settle the claim, otherwise take the matter to court. This practice of Wal-Mart's has proven effective in keeping the number of lawsuits piling at bay. (Willing) The company has been growing at a remarkable pace. Wal-Mart is not content with its present stature to the effect of building and opening hundreds of new stores each year to further boost its supremacy of the United States retail industry. Wal-Mart is looking to further expansion efforts in the future. Industry experts are concerned however, at the rate that Wal-Mart is expanding. At the rate that it is expanding, the older stores are not getting much attention as the newer ones. Patrons who seek are seeking a change and a more modern feel would flock to the nearest "new" competitor. World oil prices are anothe... Patrons who seek are seeking a change and a more modern feel would flock to the nearest "new" competitor. Retail Industry Health The recent years have seen ups and downs in Wal-Mart's performance. These fluctuations are caused my many factors such as world oil prices, globalization, and others. Similar companies such as Target and Costco are also performing well although Wal-Mart remains dominant in this category. National Economic Trends The United States stock market is currently a bear market and said to be on its third leg. (The Market Oracle) When interest rates are on the rise, stock markets are expected to crash. When inflation rate is high, stock prices may decrease, in like manner, stock prices may become overpriced if inflation rate falls. World oil prices are another important factor in determining the prices of stock and the performance of a nation's economy. The skyrocketing of the prices of oil in the world market would cause prices of stocks all around the globe to plummet. The reason for this is almost all industries are dependent on oil for their operations. The United States is also very concerned about the trade deficit with China. China is fast becoming a world leader with the onset of globalization. In terms of prices, most of China's commodities and the labor market offer very competitive prices as compared to the prices of other countries. The past decade has seen the entry of more and more products and services from China. More industries are shifting or outsourcing labor services to China because of the cost-efficiency. The United States feels that the fact that China refuses to raise the value of its currency gives China an unfair advantage when it comes to trade. With more buying power
Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research Proposal Example This will immediately be followed with the drafting of chapter 1, which will have the preparation of research question, formation of aims and objectives, and the outline of the significance of the study in some of the highlighted areas. During the last week of drafting of the chapter one, the researcher will begin collecting secondary materials needed to undertake the literature review. The selection will be based on the research questions and specific objectives. The actual drafting of the literature review, which is the chapter two of the study, will take place within a period of three weeks. While drafting the literature review, the researcher will meet resource persons to share ideas. This will then be followed with the seeking of formal consent from the targeted setting for the study. As soon as the permission is granted, the researcher will go on using one week to form the sample size and conduct the actual collection of primary data in three weeks. Thereafter, two weeks will b e dedicated to putting the data collection into writing and then another two weeks will be used to draft the results and analysis. The conclusion and summary shall take one week to draft while the marking of the whole draft will take place in the very week that the conclusion is written. The final week will be dedicated to making corrections and reviewing the entire project report. Resources Needed Computers and Tablet PCs: The researcher will make use of computers and tablet PCs for the typing and researching aspect of the project. The tablet PC is particularly necessary so that the researcher can be on the go with whatever data that he comes across, where the computer may not be readily available or accessible. In effect, the tablet PC would allow for portability. Internet Access: The researcher will need constant access to internet for undertaking online research. Such online researches are going to be necessary for the completion of the proposed research since the researcher wil l be making use of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches and will, therefore, come to a stage where secondary data derived from the internet will be of much relevance. Statistical Software: Since aspects of the research may be quantitative, it is proposed that the need to use statistical software may emerge. Some of these statistical programs may include Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Interview Guide: The researcher shall prepare an exclusive interview guide, with which data shall be collected from members of the sample group. It has already been explained that members in the sample size are going to be made up of students in lower grades and so the best form of data collection instrument to use on them is one that will not make them read and produce written responses. Tape Recorders: In the course of the interview, it will be necessary and important that the researcher records the interactions that will go on between the researcher and the respondents. Because of this, t he researcher will have the need of a tape recorder to do the recording and later transcribe the results. E-Coli Meter: the E-Coli meter is going to be
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9
Communication - Essay Example the film’s running time of 87 is generous, considering the genre. This was a massive box office hit film generating more than $5 million on the first week of release. City Lights was the first Charles Chaplin’s first production after the technology in talking movies was first introduced. Nonetheless, the film did not the technology in its development, wisely so, since the sound equipment used would have trapped the film in sound sets and stages. Since the movie was built on the comedy genre, the actors staying up close to the equipment and this would not have produced the bouts of laughter an expectation, the audience relished. After watching the film, one must contend that the few sound used underscore the silent comedy without any overbearing the audience. In the opening scene, where the mayor unveils a civic statue only to find Charlie Chaplin on its arms enjoying slumber, the speech is shown by sounds sounding like shrills and screeches. Additionally, when Charlie Chaplin swallows the whistle and accidentally causes a concert to stop, followed by a scene in which he makes a call for cab to a stop and then another in which he surrounds himself with dogs. The first and the sequence of scenes as mentioned above, provide, perhaps the only moments when sounds is used. According to Gehring (12), the character, Little Tramp dwelt in the language understood all over the world then, pantomime. A part from these, music is only used in the film, when the synchronized score is used to aid with the movement of the comedy. The music a composition, partly by the director-Charlie Chaplin helped in alleviating the need for talkies The main character in the story, Tramp falls overhead with a blind flower-girl and pulled along by a drunken millionaire, and ends up doing a shift as a municipal manure sweeper and in the ends up winning the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A Final Recruitment Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Final Recruitment Plan - Coursework Example Companies either have their own human resource management department to handle the recruitment process or outsource recruitment agencies for conducting the recruitment activity on behalf of the company. It is a very important function for any organization, so the management has to always make sure that they recruit the best candidate for the vacant position. It is very important to select the right person for the job because the human resource is the most important resource for the company. This is why recruitment and selection process is complicated in nature and requires skillful planning (Clarke, 1996, p. 1-2). Recruitment is the process in which the potential talents are located and approached by the organization. The function of this process is to develop a pool of qualified and experience individual so that the section and decision-making strategies can be effectively implemented. It is the tool for placing the right person in the right place at the right time at a right price. Recruitment in organizations are no more organized or conducted in the traditional manner. It is delivered through a scientific approach, where the exercise is an opportunity to analyze the job and update the job description along with the specification of the individual. Recruitment Plan The perspective from which employment was viewed earlier has changed. It is no longer a life-long agreement between the employer and his employees. The employer cannot bind his / her employees. So it is very important to present a fresh view of the company and its policies in the recruitment advertisement, for attracting talented and qualified candidates. This is also known as marketing the job or floating the job in the market. In this study the job vacancy is for the position of the Accountant Technician in the department of Patient Accounting. It is very important to develop a recruitment plan before starting the process of recruitment. The plan would include: The objective for the recruitment The strategies of the company for recruitment to achieve the goal: The strategies of the companies differ The steps to be taken, the responsible person and the due date for the task. Documentation that would be needed during the various stages of the recruitment process. It is important for the human resource team to set goals before recruitment. In the Patient Accounting department the goal was to appoint a person for handling the accounting and administration functions. He/ she would answer to the mails, receive the phone calls and communicate with the clients along with entering the data and maintaining the financial records. This was the purpose behind creating a position in this department to hire a person. The success rate of the recruitment would be depending upon the effectiveness of the advertisement. So the language and the tone of the advertisement should be carefully developed and revised. The subject matter of the advertisement should be crisp and precise so that it inc ludes the main motive of advertisement that is very brief introduction of the company and what it deals with, the job profile vacant and its description, the contact details of the responsible person and the company and also the dates, time and venue details if the company is organizing a walk-in interview. The advertisement would also include the salary range for the available position, and other allowances if any. In the study the job vacancy is for an Accounting Technician and hence the job description would include the activities that an accounting technician would have to perform
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Life Interview with My Grandmother Nana Case Study
Life Interview with My Grandmother Nana - Case Study Example My interview with my grandmother went off well, and I had a lot to learn from her in terms of my life and most importantly my career. The live interview with an elderly is important and beneficial since the process is attributed to promoting understanding and self-understanding. By summing up her life, I had a clear picture of how she coped in every stage of development and will be helpful in understanding my patients in my nursing career. However, due to her age, I encountered some difficulties such as lack of clear memory of the past events. According to researchers, natural foods will be the best for her health; I would recommend her, to use natural food to ensure that her body is strong enough to fight aging diseases. Frequent walking is another therapy that would be helpful for her muscle relaxation. In the community, today, there are several support groups for the elderly that would help her not to feel isolated from the active part of the community. Sharing with other elderly people would also help her in realizing that she is not alone and can count on them for social support. The interview experience was an enlightening experience for me, and I believe D.A also enjoyed it, as well. Through the interview, I was able to experience firsthand information and interaction with an elder adult besides the classroom learning. It was also enlightening considering the fact that we bonded well, and I was able to receive all the necessary information that was essential to the assessment. Nana can remember it clearly it was two years after their dad died, and she found a part-time job in one of the McDonalds outlets as a waiter. However, in her college level, she studied nursing, and it was after she graduated she got her first career job in George Washington University Hospital, where she worked as a nurse for 30 years as a nurse. In her early 50s, she got a job in Friends Nursing Home where she worked for 10 years and later retired. She said working as a nurse was one of the most amazing experiences she had since she had an opportunity of helping helpless people.
A Final Recruitment Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Final Recruitment Plan - Coursework Example Companies either have their own human resource management department to handle the recruitment process or outsource recruitment agencies for conducting the recruitment activity on behalf of the company. It is a very important function for any organization, so the management has to always make sure that they recruit the best candidate for the vacant position. It is very important to select the right person for the job because the human resource is the most important resource for the company. This is why recruitment and selection process is complicated in nature and requires skillful planning (Clarke, 1996, p. 1-2). Recruitment is the process in which the potential talents are located and approached by the organization. The function of this process is to develop a pool of qualified and experience individual so that the section and decision-making strategies can be effectively implemented. It is the tool for placing the right person in the right place at the right time at a right price. Recruitment in organizations are no more organized or conducted in the traditional manner. It is delivered through a scientific approach, where the exercise is an opportunity to analyze the job and update the job description along with the specification of the individual. Recruitment Plan The perspective from which employment was viewed earlier has changed. It is no longer a life-long agreement between the employer and his employees. The employer cannot bind his / her employees. So it is very important to present a fresh view of the company and its policies in the recruitment advertisement, for attracting talented and qualified candidates. This is also known as marketing the job or floating the job in the market. In this study the job vacancy is for the position of the Accountant Technician in the department of Patient Accounting. It is very important to develop a recruitment plan before starting the process of recruitment. The plan would include: The objective for the recruitment The strategies of the company for recruitment to achieve the goal: The strategies of the companies differ The steps to be taken, the responsible person and the due date for the task. Documentation that would be needed during the various stages of the recruitment process. It is important for the human resource team to set goals before recruitment. In the Patient Accounting department the goal was to appoint a person for handling the accounting and administration functions. He/ she would answer to the mails, receive the phone calls and communicate with the clients along with entering the data and maintaining the financial records. This was the purpose behind creating a position in this department to hire a person. The success rate of the recruitment would be depending upon the effectiveness of the advertisement. So the language and the tone of the advertisement should be carefully developed and revised. The subject matter of the advertisement should be crisp and precise so that it inc ludes the main motive of advertisement that is very brief introduction of the company and what it deals with, the job profile vacant and its description, the contact details of the responsible person and the company and also the dates, time and venue details if the company is organizing a walk-in interview. The advertisement would also include the salary range for the available position, and other allowances if any. In the study the job vacancy is for an Accounting Technician and hence the job description would include the activities that an accounting technician would have to perform
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Violent media Essay Example for Free
Violent media Essay Violence is the act of injuring and killing someone. Exposure of young people to the media violence makes them to be more violent and this will be highly seen when they become adults. Children can watch movies in the television that may influence them negatively. The cartoon violence and the violence committed by real people are different. Movies will also consume productive time for the children. Instead of doing other productive work like reading children may spend a lot of time watching television. Programs in the television are addictive hence most people especially the children spend most of their time watching them. This also kills the persons, abilities to articulate any issue which relates to their life. There is also the tendency of the young people to be ineffective in solving any problem which they encounter in the real point of view. They instead attend to it as per the said actions in the media programs. This is a very serious issue which need to be addressed and adequate measures taken to get a permanent solution of the matter. There are several instances of psychological torture as a result of the video games, TV, films, and even music. People need to concentrate on the effective management and control of the accessibility of the violent media so as to build the effectiveness of personal performance (Ruben, 2006). Discussion TV contains programs that can be watched by children. These programs may include cartoon network. Cartoons can be educational as well as entertaining to children. Children can be entertained by watching TV. This cuts the cost of buying entertainment material by parents who would not have afforded them. Entertainment can be music, movies and plays. Type of music a child watches may influence his or her character. Music available in TV can be of different types that is gospel music, rock, pop, jazz, hip hop and many other types. Watching music can inspire a child to like music and may want to pursue that career later in life. These are some positive attributes of watching TV and other media which are not violent. Control should be exercised in a manner which ensures that the children and other people have access to the media which do not instill violence in them or any kind of behavior which is not appropriate to them. The society we live in is totally polluted with such issues which do not assist the inhabitants hence the resulting case is the one of violence as per what they get from the media. Utilization of adequate measures which are not restraining is very important. Media plays a major role in the passing of information to all the viewers but others love irrelevant scenes which do not help them but instead destroy their well being. A human beings psychology is very important and should be adequately feed with information which is positive in the ways of living. Contrary to this is very disastrous and a person will be affected negatively. The thinking of a person will be seriously affected as a result what is obtained from the media (Perse, 2001). Media Violence is also aired in television and it negatively affect in the young children. Exposure of young people to the media violence makes them to be more violent and this will be highly seen when they become adults. Violence is the act of injuring and killing someone. Children can watch movies in the television that may influence them negatively. The cartoon violence and the violence committed by real people are different. The cartoon violence does not have much effect as compared to the actual violence committed by real people as they seem unrealistic. Young people develop such unrealistic attitudes of approaching and solving problems encountered. The society as well is not convincing as such hence there is need for the society to address such problems. The people who encounter these issues are the young who do not know how to control such matters hence they have the psychological torture. There is need for the young to be under critical check-out for any issue which will enable them access the media which is not violent. This will enable them facilitate the media content well with their way of life. This will help them stay connected with the reality other than the media misconceptions which does not help them at all in the real life situations. Other TV channels may air movies which have some sexual and violence scenes. When children watch this kind of movies, their behavior is greatly influenced hence their thinking is also adversely affected. This has great effects to the children throughout their lives which are not appropriate since they will not act accordingly. This is further indicated on the future growth of the children when they are grown ups as they execute things which in an inappropriate manner. Watching violent movies may make children act violently. This influence the way they relate with people and the way they think. They may also end up earning a living from actions which are not worthwhile and not according to the laid down societal norms and the existing laws (Wilkins Christians, 2009). Horror movies may instill fear in children. This also affects them throughout their lives and in the way they view things. They will always be on the negative or unique and most weird position in addressing their issues and attending to their daily duties. Media can be such destructive to the viewers especially those who are not able to control what they want from it. Violent media is not appropriate to the people who are easily moved by the actions as they will put such in practice without their actual realization. It’s important for all the people to take charge of their access to media so as to avoid those which are violent. The people who are keen of that music which are very emotional also are at risk since their actions will be measured by how much they believe in the media. If they put all their trust in the media, then they will be acting as per what they get from it. There should be adequate care and control over the access to the media. Movies will also consume productive time for the children. Instead of doing other productive work like reading children may spend a lot of time watching television. Programs in the television are addictive and there should be appropriate measures which should be taken for the children to adequately in check and operating within the programs which can be productive to them. It can make someone forget everything when being aired since they concentrate so much on them without actually taking care of what they should be attending to at their time. It causes what we call zombie in children. They should be made to watch those programs that are good for them at all times. Care and control should be excised over the media access by the children as it will enable them get accessed to what is relevant to their age. There should also be those which are very educative so as to instill knowledge and creativity to them. This is very important as the children’s mind is very young and needs to be build-up in the appropriate manner. The kind of media access should be regulated to those which fits every person and the age limits of all the people so as to discourage the bad and disturbing networks and programs (Freedman, 2002). Children should be encouraged to watch good programs in television because they are educational as well as entertaining. Parents should choose the programs that are to be watched by their children. This is important as it will allow only good programs to be watched. Children should not be allowed programs and songs that may contain some sexual and violence scenes. Watching these programs may affect them later in their lives. Horror movies may make children terrified which may affect them negatively throughout their lives (Kirsh, 2006). Research has been conducted on the degree of violence before and after the introduction of television. It was found that after the introduction of television, people have become more violent. This is due to the exposure to the violent media. People tend to apply to their real life what was done on the movie. It may even make one to be remorseful when they do something bad. This is very bad and it injures the viewers yet it does suppose to be entertainment on their part. Applying such acts is very destructive to an individual and to other people as well as there has to be some one to fell the impact. People need to be educated about the contents of the media. There is need to inform them that its being acted by people like them and its meant for entertainment not to be implemented in real life situations. The films can be so divisive to the viewers and hence the power of information is important on the meaning of the media content so as no to affect the people psychologically (Bryant Oliver, 2009). Video game is another type of media violence that has a great effect on children. Most of the games that are produced have some form of violence in it and this may psychologically affect the young people. Researches that have been conducted shows that the children who play violent games are most likely to act violently. These are very serious situations to have the children exposed to. The games which are violent are supposed to be avoided by the children. Most of the children will start implementing such actions they have been playing with others on the streets so as to be seen as the most person who really knows how to do as it has been acted. This ends up being psychological torture to the concern persons hence there is need to adequately limit the access to such media by the children (Cesarone, 1994). Time should be planned well for children so as to avoid wasting too much of their productive time. They should be able to do school homework and have time with their family. They should also find some time to play with their friends. This will help them grow well and be physically fit. Parents should manage time for their children well. Time planning will also ensure that some programs which are irrelevant to children are not watched. In general TV is important to children and should be allowed to watch it. However, parents should control the programs in the television that their children watch. Parents should select the programs that she knows are helpful to their children. However programs which children may really want to watch should be considered if good they can be allowed (Gentile, 2003). Children should be encouraged to watch good programs in television because they are educational as well as entertaining. Parents should choose the programs that are to be watched by their children. This is important as it will allow only good programs to be watched. Children should not be allowed to watch programs and listen to songs which may contain some sexual and violence scenes. This instills a bad sexual behavior in the lives of people. This is the main cause the current state of marriage problems and high rate of divorce. The youths also are implementing such bad sexual behaviors and injuring one another for no appropriate reason (Preiss, 2007). There are several break-ups and misconducts which lead to devastating psychological problems. These psychological problems are hard to clean or clear up in the live of a person but ends up being a source of disturbance on the person all through his or her life. This is also the main source of making irrational decisions which are not helpful at all in our lives since people think and reason with emotions as a result of the psychological instability and torture. People even tend to fix their marriages as per the programs which they have watched. This is due to their lack of adequate knowledge on the relevance and the irrelevance of such scenes. The emotional pats are very disturbing and hence most people who watch them ends up getting carried away and in most cases, they also ask themselves questions as to the reasons why any ugly scene happened. This is a clear indication that it’s a real source of psychological disturbance on the individuals. There is therefore need for people to control what they watch and limit also their thoughts to entertainment not to be carried away by them and being violent. Watching these programs may affect them later in their lives. Horror movies may make children terrified which may affect them negatively throughout their lives (Kirsh, 2009). Conclusion It was found that after the introduction of television, people have become more violent. This is due to the exposure to the violent media. People tend to apply to their real lives what was done on the movie. It may even make one to be remorseful when they do something bad. Media violence is also aired in television and it negatively affects the young people. Exposure of young people to the media violence makes them to be more violent and this is highly seen when they become adults. Violence is the act of injuring and killing someone. Children can watch movies in the television that may influence them to kill or even get affected by the site of a dead person. There is need to adequately control what is being watched by people so as to avoid the psychological torture from such violent media. Video game is another type of media violence that has a great effect on people. Most of the games that are produced have some form of violence in it and this may psychologically affect the young people. There should be a means of counterchecking any form of game so that the children may not develop the same attitudes as what is being played. References Bryant, J. Oliver, M. B.(2009). Media effects: advances in theory and research. 3rd ed. Kentucky: Taylor Francis Cesarone, B. (1994). Video Games and Children. New York: Cengage Learning Freedman, J. L. (2002). Media violence and its effect on aggression: assessing the scientific evidence. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Gentile, D. A. (2003). Media violence and children: a complete guide for parents and professionals. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group Giles, D. (2003). Media psychology. New York: Routledge Kirsh, S. J. (2006). Children, adolescents, and media violence: a critical look at the research. New York: SAGE Publications Kirsh, S. J. (2009). Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ruben, B. D. (2006). Communication Yearbook. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers Perse, E. M. (2001). Media effects and society. New York: Routledge Preiss, R. W. (2007). Mass media effects research: advances through meta- analysis. London: Routledge Wilkins, L. Christians, C. G. (2009). The handbook of mass media ethics. New York: Taylor Francis
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Types Of Anxiety Disorders
The Types Of Anxiety Disorders Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, apprehension and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and they can manifest physical symptoms. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling, while severe anxiety can be extremely debilitating, which will cause a serious impact on daily life. (, 2010) It is different as fear, as we only feel fear when the stimulus is present, and it fades off if we avoid the stimulus. (James W. Kalat, 1992). On the other hand, anxiety is the result of how people perceive threats, which appears to be uncontrollable and unavoidable. In fact, anxiety may not always be a bad thing as they help us stay alert and focused; it spurs us to action and motivates us to solve problems. People often experience worry or fear when they confront something challenging such as examinations and interview, these mild anxiety are justified and considered as normal. It only becomes a disorder when it interferes with our ability to function and cope with everyday life (James W. Kalat, 1992). Anxiety disorder, are thus the results from excessive anxiety and worries, in which occurred in a prolonged period of time to be classified as a type of disorder. Research shows that almost 25 percent of the adult population experienced symptoms characteristic of the various anxiety disorders (Kessler etal., 1994). Because anxiety disorders are a group of related conditions rather than just a single disorder, they vary from person to person. Different individuals may experience different type of attacks and symptoms. Despite of the different forms in anxiety disorder, all anxiety disorders share one major symptom: persistent or severe worry or fear in situations in which most people would not feel threatened (Melinda Smith, 2008). This shows that to be categorized in the different types of anxiety disorder, it depends on which type of anxiety is experienced, the degree of anxiety experienced, and also the situation which stimulated the anxiety. There are several disorders which are categorized under anxiety disorder, the five major categorize are namely Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic disorder, phobias, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (Zimbardo Gerrig, 1996) Types of Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder This disorder is diagnosed when a person have the anxious and worry feeling in a prolonged period of time, at least six months, when he or she is not threatened by any specific danger. It usually focused on specific life circumstances (Zimbardo Gerrig, 1996). Several examples for life circumstances are such as keeping their job, simple household matters, well-being of loved ones etc. They do not have realistic reason to have such intense anxiety and it may persist and interfere their normal functioning in daily life for a prolonged period of time. Physical symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder may include sweating, flushing, pounding heart, diarrhea, clammy hands, headaches, muscle tension and muscle aches. Whereas the psychological symptoms are frequently includes persistent nervousness, fatigue, restlessness, irritability and insomnia (Rod Plotnik, 1993). This disorder leads to impaired functioning because the person is unable to control his excessive anxiety; hence the individual cannot attend sufficiently to his or her daily life obligations. It is further compounded by the physical symptoms associated with the disorder. For instance, when the individual has this disorder, he perhaps will have persistent insomnia, which leads to deprivation of sleep. This will then affect his function ability the next day as he is too tired or fatigue. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is commonly treated with psychotherapy or with medications. Many studies show that therapy is the most effective treatment for most people as it is side-effect free. One of the psychotherapy which is commonly used to treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It analyses the distortions in the way the patient perceive the world and themselves (Robert Segal, 2008). As from the medication aspect, drugs which are frequently prescribed are tranquilizers, such as Valium and Librium (Slazman, 1991). In moderate dozes, it is usually not physically addicting. However, when it is consumed in higher doses, the person may suffer withdrawal symptoms when the drugs were stopped. Based on studies, people who had been treated by these two ways were 68% recovered or less impaired than untreated controls (Noyes et al., 1980) Hence both drugs and psychotherapy are often used together to treat patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Panic Disorder Research shows that panic disorder is an emotional disturbance which is found in about 1-2% of all American Adults, women more than men and is rare among children (McNally, 1990; Myers et al., 1984; Robins et al., 1984). According to the DSM-III-R, panic disorders are different from generalized anxiety disorder and the various types of phobias. Patients of panic disorders usually experience unexpected and severe panic attacks that may last for only a few minutes to a few hours. Studies shows that people with this disorder have a fairly constant state of moderate anxiety and an over responsive sympathetic nervous system. When faced a mild stressor, patients may respond with a sudden increase in heart rate and blood adrenaline (Liebowitz et al., 1985; Nutt, 1989). As it attacks suddenly, it can occur anytime, even when the individual are asleep. Although research could not find the specific cause of panic disorder, it is said to be due to an inherited neurochemical abnormality that results the sudden surges of physiological arousal and fear or it may be due to psychological factors such as conditioning and irrational beliefs (McNally 1990). It is also believed that panic disorder is trigger by stress, fear, or even physical activities. When people discover that by doing this physical activity will cause a panic attack, they tend to avoid the activity completely, causing them to be more sensitive towards the effect of that particular physical activity. Hence, for example, they tend to suffer from panic attacks due to the slightest exertion that will cause their heart rate to increase, in which they will start to perceive as a panic attack because of their persistent worry of having this attack again. Therefore, professionals usually suggest the patient to have regular exercise as a treatment for panic disorder (Ledwidge, 1980) Base on prior studies, panic disorders are usually treated with a combination of benzodiazepines or antidepressants and psychotherapy. With this combination, it can be usually treated successfully in a period of 3 to 8 months (Ballenger 1991). Phobias According to Zimbardo Gerrig in their book Psychology and Life, they stated that a person suffers from phobia when he suffers from a persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation that is excessive and unreasonable given the reality of the threat. This means that that person may show intense fear of something, in which normal people may not have such intense fear of it. This shows that phobias have a distinct different from the meaning of fear. Fear, on the other hand, is a rational reaction to an objectively identified external danger that will cause the person to escape or attack in self-defense. What it means by objectively identified external danger are such as sudden natural disaster or there is fire at one ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s home. These stimuli are perceived as dangerous and it is rational to have fear against it. Phobias causes significant distress and it interferes with the adjustment in life of that that individual (Zimbardo Gerrig, 1996). James W. Kalat even define phobia as a fear so extreme that it interferes with normal living. For example, normal people may have fear against some insect such as bees or even spiders. But these fears did not interfere with their function of living and it did not stop them from achieving their goal. It is only diagnosed as phobia if this fear interferes with the normal functionality of their life. The DSM-IV divides phobia into two categories, namely social phobias and specific phobias. Rod Plotnik define social phobia as phobias which are brought on by the presence of other people. This further means that that person feels uneasy in a public location because they are fear of the presence of others around them. People suffering from social phobia may have stage fright and always fear that they will act something embarrassing in public. Surveys show that approximately 13.3 percent of U.S. adults have experienced social phobia (Kessler et al., 1994). On the other hand, specific phobias occur when a patient produces response towards several different types of objects or situations (Zimbardo Gerrig, 1996). Some people may have intense fear of height, while some towards snake which may due to prior conditioning. Different people with specific phobias may have different thing or stimulus which they are afraid of. Phobias can last a lifetime as people tend to avoid the stimulus which they are afraid of. Hence it is very difficult for a phobia to extinguish itself. Hence the therapies which are usually used to cure phobias are systematic desensitization and flooding. Systematic desensitization is known as the most common and successful therapy to treat phobias. It is a method of reducing fear by gradually exposing the patient to the object which they fear (Wolpe, 1961). For instance, if a person is afraid of snakes, they are asked to slowly approach a snake through stages. For the first stage they may just need to imagine about an image of a snake, as the person is ready, they are then exposed to the real stimulus. However, the patient can stop the process whenever they feel distress about it. This shows that the process resembles Skinners shaping procedure. Flooding, also known as implosion is a treatment in which differ from systematic desensitization. Base on Hogan and Kirchner, this treatment is conducted by exposing the object of the phobia suddenly, rather than gradually. This approach is basically treating phobia by believing that the human sympathetic nervous system is unable to maintain an extreme arousal for a very long period of time, in which the body will start to adapt and the fear will start to subside. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders According to Jeanne Segal, Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors in which the individual feel compelled to perform. As the name implies, this disorder consists of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are involuntary, uncontrollable thoughts, images or impulses that tend to occur over and over again in the mind unconsciously. For example, the person may repetitively think that they may not lock the door yet, although they already did. These thinking are usually disturbing and may cause stress to the person. On the other hand, compulsions are repetitive behaviors or rituals in which the person is driven to carry out again and again (Melinda Smith, 2008). This means that the action is taken again and again to reduce the discomfort of the previously repeating obsessions. For instance, the patient may repetitively checking whether he had turn off the oven even though he had checked it again and again for the past few hours. This may then interfere with the normal routine of the individual ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s daily life especially their social and occupational functioning. According to Rapoport, obsessive-compulsive disorder can be treated by exposing the person to the very situation or object in which the individual is attempting to avoid. He further suggests that if this treatment does not work, clomipramine can be used as medication. This antidepressant drug is usually used simultaneously with exposure therapy for an efficient result. Furthermore, researchers also found out that about 80% of the patients had maintained their improved status of reducing their rituals from 5 hours to 1 hour a day (OSullivan et al., 1991). Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD is a disorder in which it develops following a traumatic event that threatens ones safety or create a helpless feeling towards that individual (Robert Segal,2008). Traumatic events are such as car crash, kidnapping, natural disasters, rape case, war etc. These events somehow create fear towards the individual in which it develops into PTSD. Studies shows that rape victim are among the group are most likely to develop this disorder (Green, 1994). After the individual experience a traumatic event, the body will be in a state of shock. If the individual make sense of what had happened, they tend to come out of it. But if the individual remain in psychological shock, PTSD will then develop. Zimbardo Gerrig defines this disorder as an anxiety disorder that is characterized by persistent re-experience of traumatic events through dreams, hallucinations or flashbacks. The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder usually arises suddenly, gradually or continuously over time (Melinda Smith, 2008). Sometimes it may also be triggered by a stimulus that is related to the traumatic event. For example, victims who are raped in a car tend to have PTSD when they see a car. PTSD can be treated by encouraging the victim to face the trauma they have experienced rather than to avoid them. There are four types of treatments for PTSD, namely Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Family therapy and medications (Robert Segal, 2008). The Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy involves exposing the victim towards thoughts, feelings and situations that will remind the victim about the trauma. This therapy also encourages the victim to identify upsetting thoughts of the event and replacing them with a more balanced picture. The Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing incorporates the elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy with eye movements or other forms of rhythmic stimulations. For instance, hand taps or sounds. This therapy is believed to unfreeze the brains information processing system which is interrupted in times of extreme stress. It is also used to free the frozen emotional fragments whic h retained their original intensity; they can be integrated into a cohesive memory. Family therapy is a therapy in which family members around the victim help the loved ones to understand and support what they are going through. Last but not least, medication can be prescribed to relive secondary symptoms such as depression or anxiety, but it will not cure the causes of PTSD. General Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder According to Jeanne Segal, anxiety disorders share one major symptom, which is persistent or severe fear or worry in situations in which normal people would not feel threatened. In addition to the primary symptoms of irrational and excessive worry and fear, emotional symptoms of anxiety disorder includes: having trouble concentrating, tension, irritability, restlessness, anticipating the worst, apprehension feelings and have the tendency to focus more on signs of danger. On the other hand, physical symptoms are involved because anxiety makes the body to produce a fight-or-flight response. Common physical symptoms include pounding heart, sweating, muscle tensions, fatigue, insomnia, shortness of breath, stomach upset, and etc. Anxiety sufferers often mistook these physical symptoms as symptoms of medical illness, causing them to visit the hospital numerous times before discovering their disorder. Causes of Anxiety Disorder Many psychologists suggest that the development of anxiety disorder with the four etiological approaches, namely biological, psychodynamic, behavioral and cognitive (Zimbardo Gerrig, 1996). Biological Seligman proposed a hypothesis called as the preparedness hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that human carry around an evolutionary tendency to respond quickly and thoughtlessly to once-feared stimuli. This hypothesis attempts to explain why only certain phobias are more common than fears of other dangers. For example, the fear of snakes and height are more common than the fear of electricity. He further proposed that at one time in the evolutionary past, certain fear enhanced our ancestors chances of survival. Besides that, he also thinks that there is a possibility where human are born with a predisposition to fear whatever is related to sources of serious danger in the evolutionary past. However, this hypothesis did not explain the other types of phobias which develop in response to objects or situations that would not have had survival meaning over evolutionary theory, such as the fear of driving or elevators. A research conducted with identical and fraternal twins shows another evidence of a biological role in anxiety disorders. This research suggests a genetic basis for the predisposition to experience four of the five categories of anxiety disorders (Skre et al., 1993). It suggest that the probability of a pair of identical twins both suffered from a panic disorder is twice the probability of both fraternal twins were sufferers. However, phobia shows no genetic evidence because it is develop more purely environmental origins for those disorders. Psychodynamic According to Zimbardo Gerrig, this model is based on the assumption that the symptoms of anxiety disorders actually comes from an underlying psychic conflicts or fears. These symptoms are actually attempts to protect the individual from psychological pain. For example, in obsessive-compulsive disorders, the obsessive behavior seems to be an attempt to displace anxiety created by a related but far more feared conflict or desire. Hence, in order to gain some relief, the individual then substitute an obsession towards something that symbolically captures the forbidden impulse. Another example is such as a child with a record of childhood abuse develops the obsessive-compulsive disorder. The child may have different types of compulsion so that she will feel being in control and not bullied by someone else and this soothes anxiety of losing control or doing something wrong that will cause her family to beat her up. In a nutshell, the individual actually carry out minor task repetitively to avoid the original issue that is creating unconscious conflict. Behavioral This factor focus on the way symptoms of anxiety disorders are conditioned or reinforced. The Classical conditioning theory proposed by Ivan Pavlov is often used to explain the development of phobias, which are seen as classically conditioned fears. This means that the object in which the individual phobia of may be a neutral stimulus but became something a phobia stimulus after it is paired with a frightening experience. For example, an individual might not be afraid of a dog before the incident in which he is bitten by a dog. From that incident, the individual is conditioned that all dogs will bite and thus cause him to have a fear of dogs. As what the obsessive-compulsive example above suggests, the compulsive behaviors tend to reduce the unconscious anxiety associated with the obsessive thoughts. This can be explained from the behavioral aspect. As the individual reduce the unconscious anxiety through his compulsive behaviors, it reinforces the compulsive behaviors as it causes a sense of temporary relieve. Cognitive Sufferers of anxiety disorder tend to perceive their distress as a sign of impending disaster. Their reaction may set off a vicious cycle in which the person fears disaster, which in turn leads to an increase of the anxiety level even more, which cause the anxiety sensation to worsen and confirms the person ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s fear (Beck Emery, 1985). Research also found out that anxious patients maintain their anxiety by employing cognitive biases that highlight the threatening of the stimuli (MacLeod et al., 1986). The result of this study suggest that anxious patients may have bias in attending or encoding that makes them more likely to notice a threatening stimuli. Neuromolecular Studies show that levels of some neurotransmitter in the body contributes to anxiety disorder. For instance, low levels of GABA, which reduces the activity in the central nervous system, will contribute to anxiety (Lydiard RB, Nemeroff CB, 2003). Recent studies also suggest that the effect of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) in alleviating anxiety may result from a direct action on GABA neurons (Taylor M, 2004). Effect of Anxiety Disorder According to Kendall Genre, an anxiety disorder can affect one ¿Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s family and friends in a number of ways. When one has anxiety disorder, the symptoms which they experience, such as insomnia, irritability, tension can affect his or her interpersonal relationships with his or her family and friends. Besides that, the symptoms of anxiety disorder may abrupt the normal function of that individual in his daily life (Kendall Genre, 2008). The individual may not be able to do his or her work efficiently which may be related to the symptoms one suffered due to anxiety disorder. For example, if the individual suffers from insomnia, he will be fatigue the next day and causing lack of concentration in fulfilling his task properly. Symptoms may last for days, causing the sufferer having difficulty to cope it, which then cause them to unable to function properly (Judith Boucher, 2007) Furthermore, some anxiety disorder such as panic disorder and Post-traumatic stress disorder may cause the individual to avoid things that will trigger the disorder (Kendall Genre, 2008). Avoidance then causes the individual to unable to function ones daily life normally. For instance, if a person is afraid of car due to an incident which she was rape in a car, she will avoid going on cars and thus circumscribed her ability to interact socially in such a way that her family, friends and coworkers are affected. She can no longer drive out to have tea with her friends because she wants to avoid being in a car. Better Daoust suggest that anxiety disorder especially panic disorder can cause the body to take a lot of punishment due to its broad symptoms. Panic attack can generate long term stress related problems that are quite serious. First of all, the heart will suffer first from a panic attack. If it is not handled properly, it will affect the functions of other organs in the body too. During a panic attack, the lungs will work harder and the heart pumps faster because there is a lack of cellular support, the brain dedicates energy to somewhere else. Hence, she suggests that panic attack is a multi-system attacker. Anxiety disorders are often comorbid with other serious psychiatric disorders, particularly common, depression and substance abuse (Kendall Genre, 2008). This means that a patient of anxiety disorder has a very high possibility to suffer from depression or substance abuse.
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