Monday, September 30, 2019
Inter-organizational Cooperation Essay
The fundamental principle of a resonance inter-organizational cooperation is that an agency must give up something in order to get something else in return. The cooperation of local or international organizational is fostered to ensure that both organization benefit from each other. The inter-organizational attraction brought about by trust plays a big role in helping such collaborations to achieve their goals. Paying much attention on developing leadership styles that will promote effectual and collaborative value chains through building of a closer relationship which comprises of trust, commitment, cooperation, and coordination needed between organization members guarantees success of the alliance. Inter-organizational cooperation has continued focusing on leadership as the key for its success. A clear leadership of a focal organization accounts for a stable alliance by guaranteeing legitimacy and authority within the alliance. Effective leadership helps to deal with social, economic and environmental concerns within the inter-organization (Ebers, 1999). In addition, the inter-organization cooperation are increasingly focusing on leadership so as to ensure coordination by merging resources to achieve new things and address common issues through group decision making. Consequently, the leadership behavior of adapting to the competitive global environment through inter-organizational cooperation rather than competing in an adversarial manner ensures survival of the collaboration. This can be attained through impacting leaders with supply chain management skills so that they may be able to establish and maintain effective inter-organizational networks. Proper investment in leaders will ensure that the desired business results are met given that leaders will facilitate an open exchange of proposals which will foster collaboration. Examples include; Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), International Labor Organization (ILO) and Consortia and Enduring Construction firms in the U. S.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Bottle vs breastfeeding Essay
As a nurse, I will tell the young mother that breastfeeding is always better than bottle feeding. As a new parent, it is her responsibility to make sure her baby will get off to a good nutritional start. Breastfeeding does have its’ benefits. There is no doubt that breastfeeding contains all the nutrients your baby needs for proper growth and development. Studies prove that breast milk provides optimal health benefits for your newborn. Mother’s milk is easily digested, has perfectly matched nutrition for the baby, and is filled with antibodies that protect against infection. Furthermore, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from ear infections, diaper rash, and intestinal upsets. In addition, breast milk offers immune system boosters and fatty acids specific to humans that promote optimal brain growth. Not only does breastfeeding benefit your baby, it has many advantages for you. Breastfeeding is convenient. There is no need to get out of bed at 2 a.m. to prepare a bottle. All you have to do is hold your baby to your chest and feed. Next, breastfeeding is very economical. Since breast milk is self- produced, you don’t need money to buy an endless supply of food. Last, breastfeeding is helpful in the process of returning your body to its normal state. While feeding, hormones are produced that make your organs contract into their natural size. One con about breastfeeding is that nursing is definitely time-consuming. A newborn baby typically feed every 2 to 3 hours during the day and may awaken frequently at night. Another con is breastfeeding takes a lot of energy for your body to make milk, so the mother can often feel quite fatigued. Another con is sometimes mothers have physical problems like mastitis, plugged milk ducts and engorgement if the baby is not feeding frequently or properly. If you are a working mother you might find it challenging to schedule nursings. It will be necessary to pump at work and some jobs may not allow for such breaks . 1 What if she has to return to work? Like I said, if you are a working mother, you might find it challenging to schedule nursings. It will be necessary to pump at work and some jobs may not allow for such breaks. But, to breastfeed you will have to find time during the day, during the afternoon, during the evening, and if possible at night to pump. 2 Should people be allowed to breastfeed in public eg a restaurant? So , if you are eating in a restaurant, should your baby eat from the breast? Yes, mothers should be allowed to breastfeed in public, even at a restaurant. Breastfeeding is completely natural, and it should be acceptable. Breasts were not intended for sex; they were intended to be used to breastfeed whenever and wherever the baby needs to be fed. Yes, it may be inappropriate if an entire breast is shown, but most mothers take caution in not exposing all of themselves. They are simply trying to feed their child. 3 What if the patient is from a third world country? I would give the same advice to a third world country mother, as I would to an American mother. I would not discriminate. So, she is from a third world country, to be talking to me she is in America now and there are plenty of free nutritional programs for her and her baby to take part in. I would still advise breastfeeding her baby. 4 Is there a federal/state law that governs breastfeeding? Section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act – Break Time for Nursing Mothers Provision President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on March 30, 2010. (See the combined full text of Public Laws 111-148 and 111-152 here.) Among many provisions, Section 4207 of the law amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 (29 U.S. Code 207) to require an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child’s birth each time such employee has need to express milk. The employer is not required to compensate an employee receiving reasonable break time for any work time spent for such purpose. The employer must also provide a place, other than a bathroom, for the employee to express breast milk. If these requirements impose undue hardship, an employer that employs fewer than 50 employees is not subject to these requirements. The federal requirements shall not preempt a state law that provides greater protections to employees. 5 Does men have a different opinion about breastfeeding as compared to women? I could not find a difference of opinion on breastfeeding by men. I read where most men support breastfeeding. Most men found breastfeeding to be healthier for baby and mother. Most men find that breastfeeding saves them a lot of money. Most of them do not mind their wives breastfeeding in public too. 6 Should you heat a bottle in a microwave? The microwave changes the molecular structure of whatever you heat up in there. Breastmilk has essential nutrients that your baby can benefit from so you don’t want to deprive your baby from that! I would say to not take any chances. Take the extra time for the benefit of your baby and run the bottle under warm water or put it in a bowl of warm water or get a bottle warmer. It is not advised to heat up formula or breastmillk in microwave. I wouldn’t risk it. (7) Should you put a child to bed with a bottle in his/her mouth? Letting your baby go to sleep in his crib with a bottle of milk or juice is not a good idea. Not only will your child come to depend on having a bottle to get to sleep, but leaving a bottle in your sleeping baby’s mouth can cause tooth decay. There is a chance your baby may choke and it also can be the cause of a chronic ear infection. When a baby drinks lying flat on their back the milk can flow through their ear cavity causing infection. It is not recommended to put a bottle in the crib with the baby. I suggest a pacifier. That might be a better alternative. References: Breast vs. Bottlefeeding. (2008, May 19). In Retrieved 19:08, October 12, 2014, from Examine best practice in breastfeeding.. (2004, January 11). In Retrieved 19:06, October 12, 2014, from Breastfeeding and the Workplace. (2004, March 01). In Retrieved 19:06, October 12, 2014, from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Position Paper - Essay Example by Michael Pollan poses a very important question that will circle this discussion, that is, â€Å"What should we have for dinner?†According the his book, the nature offers varieties of food choices and through the years, humans were successfully able to take note which of these food choices are essential and detrimental to the health. Pollan’s work focuses more on the dangers of eating food from what he called â€Å"the modern supermarket†, which in his point of view leads humans to go back to discerning if the food is good or bad for the health. But the omnivore’s dilemma is far more than just the confusion on what food to eat. It opens up a more important question in the factors that affect a person in choosing that food and the economic, as well as the social disposition, of a person plays an important role in one’s food preferences. According to Julie Guthman, some of these considerations are the â€Å"policies not even directly related to food and agriculture, such as taxation, financial regulation, and economic development policies that have created huge disparities between rich and poor†(Merberg, 2012). Looking across cultures, indeed, there are people who are not well-enough to be able to think of what they will have to eat three times a day. Some people are considered lucky if they have something to eat just to surpass the challenges of the entire day or two. Take for example the people in the African region who are suffering from severe malnutrition due to starvation caused by financial challenges and insufficient resources. More than choosing and contemplating on what food to eat, they are thinking on where to get the food to eat. As observed, people in the African region are relatively thin compared to those living in a more civilized nation like the America, where most percentage of people suffers from obesity. Take into consideration the statistics that Pollan presented. â€Å"One in every three American children eats fast food every day. One in
Friday, September 27, 2019
Apple SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Apple SWOT analysis - Essay Example Apple statement further elaborates that currently, the company still leads the industry though innovative technologies that have resulted in ward winning computers, operating systems, iLife, and other professional applications. Furthermore, the statement narrates that Apple is setting benchmarks in the global market though launching of IPod portable music, iTunes online store, video players, and has even managed a groundbreaking entrance in the phone market through iPhone. Besanko et al (2009) further elaborates that a mission statement should tell more about what an organization believes in and not what it makes. Telling prospective customers about what a one believes in touches a nerve in the target market, leading to customer loyalty. After development of an inspiring mission statement in the mind, it is essential to consider what makes the brand tick. Precisely, it is essential to come up with something that taps into the emotions of the target customers, something that comes fro m culture rather than from products. In other words, the mission statement should focus on the targeted market or markets and not the products offered. It should mention the long-term benefits that the buyers are going to enjoy (Besanko et al, 2009). For companies such as Apple, the internet, among other media, can be used to send this message to millions of potential customers after devising such a mission statement. It can be posted in the company’s website or on social sites such as FaceBook and Twitter. Evidently, Apple’s current mission statement focuses more on what this company makes rather than what it believes in. It focuses on the products it produces rather than the way buyers will benefit in the long-term. Though such an approach it the company is committed to developing quality products, it hardly touches the emotions of customers. Thus, it rarely contributes to the development of brand loyalty among prospective customers the company. An alternative missio n statement for Apple could detail that Apple Inc. is committed to engaging in sustainable practices in order to protect health of surrounding environment and of customers, workers, surrounding community and other stakeholders. Through the mission, the company has to show commitment in offering innovative technological products and services while protecting the health of all stakeholders and conserving resources for future generations. Moreover, Apple through the mission statement has to portray that it has to detail that it undertakes to continuously strive to improve our products to meet the ultimate needs and desires of our customers. This mission statement is better since it resonates with the long-term needs of the customers and hence, contributes to development of consumer loyalty (Besanko et al, 2009). Strengths To start with, Apple has gained market leadership in its industry through ability to come up with innovative and high quality products such as iPhone, iPod, iPad and Mac. IPod, for instance, holds the largest market share (66%) of digital music globally due to first mover advantages in the industry (Yoffie, 2012). Yoffie further explains that the nearest competitor accounts for only 9.9% of the global market share. Generally, Apple uses its innovativeness to
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 16
Assignment - Essay Example According to the law, a drug dealer means a person who ships, transports, or imports or acquires purchases, possess, manufactures or introduces drug substances in that state. According to the law of Iowa, a person becomes a dealer if he or she introduces seven plus grams of a dutiable constituent except marijuana, but comprising a chargeable means, especially a blend of cannabis sativa and other taxable affluences. It also applies when a person gets into possession of forty-two and half or more of refined cannabis sativa, or of a matter consisting of or comprising cannabis sativa. A person in possession of one or more unprocessed marijuana plants becomes subject to the drug-stamp Act. Ten and above prescription components of a taxable matter that is not sold by mass (Department of Iowa Revenue Web). The following rates of tax are imposed on the dealership of marijuana. On every gram of processed marijuana, five dollars is taxed. On every metric gram of any dutiable substance, sold by mass, other than cannabis sativa, two hundred and fifty dollars fee is imposed. Seven hundred and fifty dollars is charged for every unprocessed marijuana plant. Four hundred dollars fee is imposed on every ten-dosage units that are not sold by weight or portions thereof. Tax payment is required upon possession of drugs. Any person dealing with drugs and fits in any of the above categories is required to buy drug tax stamps and affix the stamps on the drugs. To avoid self-incrimination, a person is not required by the law to divulge any personal information. However, there are some penalties imposed on dealers of marijuana. The director assesses tax, interests, and appropriate penalties based on information available. However, the following information is confidential stamp sales and inquiries, assessments, bank levy, and payments. Garnishment and lien can only be exposed to the public if the papers are forwarded to the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Value shares and Growth Shares in the UK market (FTSE 350) Research Paper
Value shares and Growth Shares in the UK market (FTSE 350) - Research Paper Example This means that the significance level of the test is 0.05 or 5%. The null hypotheses are usually accepted when the test is significant statistically at chosen significance level of 5%. When Null hypothesis is rejected it implies that all sample means are not equal. If this is true, it may not be sufficient to give required inference. In such case it might be required to know which sample means differ. To find that out proper confidence interval has to be chosen using small sample procedures based on t-distribution. A parametric correlation test of coefficient and non parametric run test was further used to test the auto correlation for the stock returns over time. When the null hypothesis will be accepted at 5% or 10% level then it can be said that the regression model developed earlier was statistically significant. The marginal significance in the regression model is given by the p-value. When the probability for observing the t-values is large, then the null hypothesis will be tr ue. The value of p ranges from 0 to 1 and it gives the researcher the cut-off level or the lowest significance level below which the null hypothesis may be rejected. If the p-values are very small then the significance of null hypothesis is reduced. Smaller p-values indicate that null hypothesis is not significant and hence should be rejected.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Elie Saab, Fashion brand strategy analysis Essay
Elie Saab, Fashion brand strategy analysis - Essay Example The paper "Elie Saab, Fashion brand strategy analysis" discovers the Fashion brand of Elie Saab and its strategy. During 1982, after he attained 18 decades, the generally self-instructed fashioner stared his individual design shop inside Beirut locale with a representative minimum of ten. Before long his notoriety quickly rose above Beirut's outskirts, drawing in ladies from developed community who fancied chic Elie Saab apparel. During 1990 he extended his vicinity into Europe via introducing his 2nd lead shop inside Paris. During 1998 Saab Elie became the earliest non-Italian fashioner to end up an individual of the ICNM, and that similar decade he exhibited his foremost assortment away from Lebanon, in Roman Empire. During 1999, youthful fashioner started his ready-made dress inside Milan. Be that as it may, Elie Saab got his glory, during 2002 when he clothed Berry Halle in favor of Oscar festival winning this award that decade. The following day, he got to be world celebrated fa shioner. The brand’s outward look comprises of the exceptional outline of the outfit, which underscores the lovely bends of lady body. The mark style is stunning shining weaving quality utilization of bands as well as sheer materials, exceptional manually-beaded fixing and valuable stones. Everything that creates Saab apparels a showstopper amongst other night dresses. Identity of the brand concerns making each lady feels akin to a queen. Elie Saab succeeded to create well-known extravagance and traditional tailoring.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Comparative Essay between Machiavelli is The Prince and Erasmuss The Term Paper
Comparative Essay between Machiavelli is The Prince and Erasmuss The Education of a Christian Prince - Term Paper Example During his duties at work, he travelled on missions to various governments France, Germany and Italy. As a result, he acquired a lot of knowledge on government affairs and various state procedures. He also witnessed the callous diplomacies that politician Cesare Borgia used as a tool to seize and control cities. He was against the unprincipled and immoral policies enacted by the rulers in order to ensure control and expand the safety and well-being of his sphere. Consequently, this made him face a lot of opposition from those in power and was tortured, jailed and banished for a whole year. This motivated him to write The Prince. On the other hand, The Education of A Christian Prince was written in 1532.This reminiscence book was meant for Princes and particularly It was a dedication to Prince Charles who later became the Emperor of Habsburg. Erasmus emphasized that teachers should possess unimpeachable morals. He was against enforcement of corporal punishment to the unruly naughty st udents. Through his works he attempted to merge the critics of antiquity with those of the Christian principles during his time. This essay compares and contrasts Machiavelli is The Prince and Erasmus’s The Education of a Christian Prince.... He emphasized that the ruler must be devoted to administration of justice and doing what is right at all times. He was against loss of human life and violence that was as a result of differences between Catholics and the Protestants during the Religious Reformation era. Machiavelli uses Classical Rhetoric styles in his writing which creates a big gap from traditional rhetoric styles. For example, In his introduction which stated that â€Å"I have not embellished or crammed this book with rounded periods or big, impressive words ,or with any blandishment or superfluous decoration of the kind which many are in the habit of using to describe or adorn what they have produced†(Machiavelli 37).He also sourced his information from Cicero’s rhetoric works.In Chapter 18, for instance, His use of a metaphor of a lion and a fox as examples of cunning and force (Machiavelli 56).. It offers a model of an ethical system that not only condones the practice of force and deception but a ppears to regard them as habitual and indeed germane to political activity(Machiavelli 62). Machiavelli was greatly influenced by the classical pre-Christian philosophers. He often referred to Xenophon who was a writer of the classic mirrors of princes, The Education of Cyrus. The experience at work in The Free Republic of Florence, which has created a firm base where his arguments are founded. He recapitulates his transactions with the soldiers and statements during his reign. This supplied sources of characters and the diverse experiences illustrated in The Prince. The missions he went in the line of duty helped in putting across some of the principles in his book. A good example is his very first mission in 1499 to Catherine Sforza, â€Å"my lady of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
No topic - Assignment Example However, very often these expectations were not lived up as it not very easy for the new government to rule the country. These difficulties created new problems for newly independent state, especially if these were African states, which became independent after the long years of colonial regime. Colonizers ruled the country in their own way and it was not very easy for the new government to cope with all the problems that a newly independent country may have faced. There can be the following four main issues of the post-colonial period defined: Sovereignity and safety. The government of the newly independent states should have taken care of sovereignty and safety. This was important because the countries were created and ruled by colonizers and in the new conditions they could easily disintegrate; Propaganda of unity. The colonies created by Europeans had different culture and different languages, thus it was essential to provide national unity. People with different culture and reli gions belief had to realize that they are citizens of one country called Africa. Otherwise, the country would not be able to exist; Ethic conflicts prevention. The main principle of colonial policy was â€Å"divide and rule†. This created very difficult relations between the ethnic groups. Many of them were aggressive in their attitudes towards the other. Thus, it was important for the government to prevent further conflicts; Human services provision. Colonial regime did not prescribe satisfying basic human needs of the citizens of colonies. Colonists needed only their work and did not think about what they need. Thus, it was important for the new government to satisfy basic needs of the citizens of newly independent Africa. 2. The role of women in African nationalism creation was very interesting and it predefined their position in post-colonial society. Some scientists even argue that African nationalism managed to reach its goals at the expense of women and their subordina te position. It means that the nationalists defended women’s interests in order to attract as many people as possible to their movement. It was determined that the struggle for women’s rights was held alongside the struggle for freedom of Africa. Certainly, we can’t omit the fact that the common interests of the struggle usually overshadowed the interests of women as women were initially directed on the struggle for the interests of nationalists. Notwithstanding that nationalists defended women’s interests and talked about â€Å"motherland†instead of â€Å"fatherland†, when they talked about the â€Å"fathers†of the revolution, they still talked about men. This was primarily because most of women who took part in the revolution were uneducated. However, they managed to find the connection between maternity and the fight and turned the ability to give birth into their force. This helped them to move into politics as â€Å"birth give rs for all these men†. 3. State politics can be considered through the concepts of engagement and disengagement. There are four forms of political relations defined: state elite is engaged in regulation; state elite is disengaged due to the obstacles on the way to authority met by elite or elite retrenchment; ordinary citizens are engaged in political regulations; ordinary citizens are disengaged due to bad access to power. The disengagement from the state threatens the hegemony of the state. People do not trust their state and want to
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Plagarism in schools Essay Example for Free
Plagarism in schools Essay The term ‘plagiarism’ comes from the Latin word meaning ‘kidnapping’. It is form of academic dishonesty in which one person passes on another persons work, words and ideas as own. Several universities and schools do not allow plagiarism of any sort. Some of the educational institutions often term plagiarism as the worst form of academic dishonesty. They prefer their students to research and use resources in an appropriate manner and also express their own ideas and views. Children often find it difficult to understand what plagiarism is.  A student may often use plagiarism in order to compete with others in the same grade. Plagiarism also puts on extra pressure on the teachers, professors and the lecturers in detecting this serious form of dishonesty and taking action against such students (Nagy, 2004, Dowshen, 2005). In a study conducted by Duke University in several parts of the US, it was found that about 75 % of the students indulged in some form of plagiarism. About 33 % of the students admitted that they plagiarized to a severe extent. In another survey, about 72 % of the students admitted that they plagiarized to serious extents when given home assignments. In another study conducted in High School American students in 1998, 80 % admitted that they plagiarized in some form of the other, and only on 5 % of the occasions were they caught for it (Nagy, 2004). The teachers also do consider that the students frequently indulge in plagiarism. Teachers consider the advent of the internet as a major factor for helping to plagiarize their homework. About 58 % of the teachers consider plagiarism to be an academic issue and about 28 % of them consider that more than 50 % of the students plagiarize their homework. Teachers consider plagiarism to be particular difficult to detect in certain cases and also to be time-consuming (ATL, 2008). In certain occasions plagiarism can be unintentional. It is important for the student to quote the references in all cases and to express the ideas and argument in the own words. The students should also express their ideas in the specific area. Paraphrasing is one way of avoiding plagiarism, but use of individual ideas needs to be incorporated. Other people’s words and sentences needs to be clearly quoted. The individual’s own ideas can be supported by another person’s views mentioned in the texts. Information taken from several sources and framed using skill and creativity to compile a datasheet cannot be considered as plagiarism (University of Queensland, 2007 BBC, 2008). References: Association of Teachers Lecturers (2008). â€Å"School work plagued by plagiarism ATL survey.†Retrieved on 2008, March 13, from ATL Web site: BBC (2007). â€Å"Exploring and Deterring Plagiarism in Schools.†Retrieved on 2008, March 13, from BBC Web site: Dowshen, S. (1995). â€Å"What is Plagiarism?†Retrieved on 2008, March 13, from Kidshealth Web site: Nagy, C. (2004). â€Å"Dealing with High School Plagiarism.†Retrieved on 2008, March 13, from New Foundations Web site: The University of Queensland, Australia (2007). â€Å"What is Plagiarism?†Retrieved on 2008, March 13, from University of Queensland Web site:
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Overview For The Customer Loyalty Marketing Essay
The Overview For The Customer Loyalty Marketing Essay This chapter starts with the introduction of the researchs topic. Firstly, I will explain the overview for the customer loyalty. After that, research background, problem statement and research objective will discuss on this chapter. Besides, the justification, scope of the study, and limitation of the study hand been thoroughly discussed in chapter one. Finally, I will give definition for the importance term that I often use in this research. Nowadays, Customer loyalty is very important if an organization want to retain its current customers. Gaining customer loyalty becomes a key objective for banking organizations. Customer loyalty defines loyalty as a deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior. (Oliver 1997,p.360) This has lead to a different definition of customer loyalty, an ongoing propensity to buy the brand, usually as one of several (Uncles et al., 2003, Gee et al., 2008,). Customer loyalty can be determined by looking at the number of purchases made by the customer from the product portfolio of a company, the frequency of acquisition, the percentage from the total expenditures made by a customer for a certain product or service. (Filip and Anghel, 2009). Besides, customer loyalty can be determined through consumer preferences and their affective disposition toward the bank, which are combined with repeat purchasing. Due to Filip and Constantinescu, 2007, we can conclude that repetitive customer behavior is not enough for us to be considered loyal towards the banking industry. (Filip and Anghel, 2009) Many academics need have more knowledge and better understanding to the process of developing customer loyalty (McMullan and Audrey, 2008, Oliver, 1999; Knox and Walker, 2001; Tsaur et al. 2002). When the academic have enough knowledge, they can know how to segmentation the customers according to different levels of customer. So, Different level customers have different strategies based on their background. In addition, the relationship between competition and loyalty becomes stronger when level of competition increase. Services sector is one of the examples because this sector has a lot of choices and rapidly emerging innovative products and services (McMullan and Audrey, 2008, Stevens, 2000). However, the academic and practical knowledge of the determinants of customer loyalty is very important for a organization to survive in market. In overall, we can say that develop an efficient customer loyalty strategic is very important for a organization includes banks. A successful strategic can help the organization to retain the customer in order to survive in highly competitive market. So, bank must build a strong customer relationship with their customer. 1.2 Background of the research In Malaysia, there are many bank located in different states, banking sector becoming increasing competitive from day to day. Due to the rapid development of information technology, it has made a great impact in the banking industry deeply. The high technology can provide the customer better alternative than before. It can help the customer to fulfill their financial needs. So, many bank need to keep improve themselves with the high technology to retain the customer. In order to retain the customer, the bankers need to have different kind of marketing and management strategic. One of the strategies is to understand their customer needs and try to satisfy their needs. There are several reasons that can influence customers selection of a bank. The range of services, rates, fees and prices charged can influence the customer mind when they want choose the suitable bank to keep their money .(Cohen et al., 2006;Abratt and Russell, 1999). Furthermore, providing service excellence, innovative products are vital to succeed in the banking industry. As conclusion, description above is my research background. It relate to the problem statement and objective that I am going to study during this research. 1.3 Problem statement Customer loyalty becoming an important element of banking strategy in todays increasingly competitive environment. Nowadays, the entire bankers need to compete with each other to survive in this highly competitive market. The entire banker must identify the problem occur in the bank and try to manage the problem in a proper way. Employees play an important role in a banking industry. Employees represent the professionalism of an organization. So, the banker must make sure their employee willingness to solve problems when emergency case happens. They must train their employee when how to dealing with customer. The employee must deal with customer friendliness and have sufficient knowledge to help customer. Other than that, the employee must have communication skills, and selling skills when dealing with customers. Many researchers conclude that retaining an existing bank customer costs less than creating a new customer. They discover that the cost of creating a new customer has been expected to be five times more than that of retaining an existing customer (Gan et al., 2006,Reichheld, 1996). Some researcher has explored the influence of several factors on loyalty. There are service quality, customer satisfaction, corporate image, commitment and conflict handling. Based on the research, this several factor have great impact on customer loyalty. Unfortunately, many banking industry does not fulfill the requirement of this several factor. Some banks do not understand the customer needs and provide the wrong information to customer. Other than that, some banks do not provide the good quality of service. The bank staff does not know how to deal with customer; the customer will think the staff no manners and do not professional. Besides, some bank does not build the strong relationship with the loyalty customer by giving them some special offer. If retention criteria are not well managed, customers may still leave their banks and find another bank to manage their wealth. In order to settle those problems, the bank must know how to handle the problem and try to satisfy the customer needs. Research question: Is there any significant relationship between reliability and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between responsiveness and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between assurance and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between empathy and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between tangibles and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between corporate image and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between commitment and customer loyalty? Is there any significant relationship between conflict handling and customer loyalty? 1.4 Research Objective Research had show that customer loyalty is very important for an organization. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the factor that can influence customer loyalty towards banking industry. Besides, the purpose of this study is to investigate how the bank to strengthen the relationship between bank and customer. The target respondent for this research is undergraduate university student. The study has some specific objective are as follow, i) To determine important factors affect the customer loyalty on bank ii) To analyze the relationship between reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, customer satisfaction, corporate image, commitment and conflict handling. iii) To make suggestion that could assist bank manager to increase customer loyalty towards bank. 1.5 Research Justification Nowadays, gaining customer loyalty becomes the purpose of a bank in order to survive in the competitive market. So, all the banking organization tries to make every customer satisfy their services. The result of this research will be able to provide an insight into how the bank manager to determine the factor that can affect the customer loyalty towards banking industry. All the relationship between the factors and customer loyalty can help the bank manager to making more effective market strategic. Besides, this result also can benefit all organizations includes banking industry. With the research, they can determine the factor that can influence the customer loyalty and the relationship between the factors and customer loyalty. Therefore, they can learn and make decision at the better way. Furthermore, the findings of this research are very useful to local banking industry. The findings of this research can provide some useful feedbacks that help the bank manager to improve the bank service quality. It is important to banking industry as it has direct impact of customer loyalty. If the improvement of the bank services parallel with the needs of the customer, the bank can increase the amount of customer satisfaction. High level customer satisfaction will reduce the customer switching. 1.6 Limitation of the study This study only focuses on banking industry in Malaysia due to the time limitation and other country banking industry hard to do more research on it. Besides, the customer loyalty also affect buy other external factors such as price. Besides, the research only focuses on undergraduate university students which include the local university and private university. It is hard to find target respondent other than undergraduate university student to do the survey. It is assumed that the respondents will answer the question in an honest manner. So, the results get from the research maybe not accurate. 1.7 Scope of the study This research target respondents consist of a group of 200 undergraduate university students. The undergraduate university students must be a bank customer. In this research, data are collected through primary research by the questionnaire survey form. Suggestion, recommendations from the bank customer can get through the survey form. In order to achieve the objective of the research, the questionnaires will be set based on research objective and hypotheses statement. It can make sure that the data that had been collected are more accurate and useful for the research. 1.8 Conclusion As a conclusion, bank should always keep improve the services in order to compete with other competitor. Customer loyalty is a key success for a banking industry. The cost of creating a new customer has been expected to be five times more than that of retaining an existing customer (Reichheld, 1996). 1.9 Definition bank A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities. Banks primarily provide financial services to customers while enriching investors. Government restrictions on financial activities by banks vary over time and location. Banks are important players in financial markets and offer services such as investment funds and loans. Customer loyalty Customer loyalty can be define as a deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.(Oliver 1997,p.360) Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is defined as the customers response to the evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectations and the actual performance of the product/service as perceived after its consumption. (Che-Ha,Tse, 2007 and Tse and Wilton, 1988,p.127) 1.10 Organization of Research Project This research project consists of five chapters which is introduction, literature review and research methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations. Chapter one is introduction of the research project. It begins with the overview and background of the topic. After that, this chapter also covers background of the research and problem statement. After identify objective of research, research justification will be discuss. Finally, limitation of the study and scope of the study will be explained. Chapter two is literature review. It presents the variables that involve in this research. The variables include reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, customer satisfaction, corporate image, commitment and conflict handling. First, I define the key terms and variables, and then followed by literature review in the context of factors affecting customer loyalty towards bank. Finally, a small conclusion will be discussed. Chapter three states the research methodology. It begins with introduction and then followed by a complete research framework to illustrate the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variable. After that, nine hypotheses were developed to test the correlation. Sampling procedures and sources of data will also discuss in this chapter. Furthermore, some technique to develop questionnaire also will discuss. Chapter four presents the results from the data analyses. The analysis examines the results how whether the variables can influence the bank customer loyalty. The analysis can find out there is any significant relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. Chapter five states the recommendation and conclusion. It discusses the major finding and concludes the study. It also highlights the implication of this study, limitations and some suggestion for the future research.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Commentary on Mans Faith and his Guilt Essay -- Religion Religious
A Commentary on Man;s Faith and his Guilt Archibald MacLeish raised many thought provoking questions in the play J.B.. The Book of Job had already asked some of these questions, while others were very original and insightful. MacLeish offers many powerful thoughts on the relationship between man and God, some of which are disturbing to consider. Nickels lost his faith in both God and man. He believes that the purpose of life is merely to survive and not to live. Nickles says, There must be thousands!... Millions and millions of mankind burned, crushed, broken, mutilated, slaughtered, and for what? For thinking! For walking around the world in the wrong skin, the wrong shaped noises, eyelids: sleeping the wrong night wrong city- London, Dresden, Hiroshima. (MacLeish, 12) In fact the only thing that Nickels did have faith in was that J.B. would curse God if tested. Mr. Zuss, on the other hand, has complete faith in humanity and J.B. He knows of J.B.'s strength and his ability to love God. In short, Mr. Zuss has faith in J.B.'s faith. However, J.B.'s faith in God is ill founded. J.B.'s faith in God is based on the fact that he believes God to be just, but is God really just? If he is then why does J.B. suffer so? Maybe it is just J.B.'s notion of justice that is incorrect. Bildad comments on the notion of justice, "History is justice! -- Time inexorably turned to truth!… One man's suffering won't count, no matter what his suffering; but all will. At the end ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
Inspector Muggins leaned back in his chair and took a long puff of his cigar, with the joyous air of a man who is paid to do nothing but sit in his office and do nothing but waste away the day. Which is exactly what Muggins did. The town Muggins lived in was a quiet one, so he never actually did any work. So when the phone rang it came to him as a suprise. So much of a surprise, in fact, that Muggins fell off his chair. The first thing that appeared above the Inspector’s desk was a shiny, bald head, followed by a pair of beady, piercing eyes, and then a most amazing ginger handlebar moustache, which was finely treated and rather oily. This moustache bristled angrily, and rose a couple of feet as Muggins stood up and brushed himself off. The phone kept ringing, until Muggins picked up the receiver. He was greeted by a voice, which suggested that the caller was very stressed, and slightly hysterical. â€Å"Hello? Hello? Is anybody there?†â€Å"Inspector Muggins, Police Department†Replied the Inspector, in a practiced, professional calm. â€Å"Quick! A†¦ a murder! !†â€Å"I see. Just stay calm ma’am, I’ll be right over†â€Å"Yes, Inspector. Thank you, Inspector†There was a click and the line went dead. Muggins picked up his nametag, took one last swig of whisky, threw on his overcoat, and strode out the door. There was a grey fog descending over the town which was accompanied by a grey drizzle. Muggins frowned at the sky, and picked up the pace a bit. A thin ray of sunlight caught Muggins’ nametag. â€Å"Bill Muggins†it read. â€Å"Chief Inspector, Caldwood Police Station†. Bill halted outside a particularly Enormous house, painted a gleaming white, which looked a bit dull through the drizzle. Bill walked up the never ending maze of a garden path, ... ...ontinued to talk.. â€Å"I’m going to kill you, Bill. And I’m going to enjoy it.†â€Å"Wh†¦ why did you kill Paul?†â€Å"Why? Because I hated everything about him he had the looks, the money, there wasn’t one thing he didnt have. And what did I have? I had nothing i was the runt of the litter and I was through with it. IM DONE!!†He roared the last words. â€Å"I can’t let you turn me in, Bill. I can’t. I don’t want to go to jail, and it would wreck the whole feeling of revenge. That’s why I’m going to kill you. Bill’s whole body froze as the cold, black gun muzzle touched his neck. He tried to scream but nothing came out he couldn’t do anything he was done for.. All people heard was a bang and a thud. When they came to see what happened, all they saw was a body, with blood flowing from a hole in his neck. And, off in the forest behind the house, Spencer Dawson began to laugh.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Roller Coaster Ride through Sins in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
A Roller Coaster Ride through Sins in The Scarlet Letter Through Hawthorn's discrimination toward Puritans,he makes a plot with a series of events that leads you through sins and torments of the three main characters. The setting is the colonial time period, in the Puritan town of Boston, Massachusetts. The story starts with a group of puritans standing outside a prison door. Hester Prynne leaves the prison to go to the scaffold to stand with her newly born daughter Pearl. Hester is standing on the scaffold for punishment of adultery, which there is also a scarlet "A" on her breast symbolizing the sin and crime. She is known to have sinned because she came to the new world without her husband and gave birth to Pearl. While standing on the scaffold, she notices a gentleman standing next to an Indian. This gentleman is who we know as Roger Chillingworth. Roger Chillingworth is the husband of Hester. With Hester still on the scaffold, he acts why she is standing there with the child. He is told that she has committed adultery . Hester returns to prison and Roger Chillingworth visits her. He gives Pearl a drink to make her stop crying and talks to Hester about her sin. She tells him she won't tell him who she slept with and he asks her not to tell anyone that he is her husband. Hester agrees to this. Hester is released from prison. She makes a living by her amazing sewing abilities. As Peal gets a little older, Hester tries to discipline her. However, Pearl seems to love to be rebellious. This brings Hester and Pearl to governor Bellingham's. Hester is there to deliver some gloves she made, but is truly there because she has heard that they might take Pearl away from her. She dresses Pearl up and talks to Bellingham, who is in company of Dimmesdale, Wilson,and Chillingsworth. These men are in a meeting to determine weather or not Pearl will stay with her. The four men see Pearl first and ask her were she comes from.
Monday, September 16, 2019
PARKER : Penning global strategy Ankita Jain Hrishikesh V Nilotpal Sinha Abhinav Sharma Great Lakes Institute of Management November 18, 2011 Caesar had perished from the world of men, had not his sword been rescued by a pen. Abstract In this study, we look at two strategies adopted by Parker Pen. The ? rst is a highly successful strategy of product di? erentiation through technological innovation. The second is an unsuccessful execution of globalization strategy. 1 A brief history of Parker Pen The Parker Pen Company was born in 1888 when George Sta? rd Parker tried to repair some fountain pens that were leaking and in the process began to manufacture his own pens. Six years later in 1894, Parker Pen won the patent of the †Lucky Curve†feed, which was claimed to draw excess ink back into the pen body when the pen was not in use. This technology remained the di? erentiating factor for Parker pens until the arrival of the Duofold in the 1930s. 1 2 The forty years period ra nging from 1920s to the 1960s, in the pre ballpoint pen era, was the golden period of Parker Pen’s reign when it consistently ranked either number one or number two in worldwide writing instrument sales.In 1931 Parker Pen created 1 2 Key words and phrases. Parker Pen, fountain pen, ball-point pen. This study was conducted for completion of the group project for Strategy Execution. 1 the Quink (quick drying ink) which eliminated the need for blotting and led to the development of the most widely used pen in history Parker 51 which generated over $400 million in sales. A Parker pen stood for quality, prestige, tradition, steadfastness and strength highlighted by the fact that Parker pens were the pen of choice to sign important documents in history such as the World War II armistices.Parker Pen expanded its business and by 1980s the company had extended up to 154 countries. The company adopted globalization strategy to establish market presence. However the execution of this st rategy was unsuccessful; the managers failed to create proper marketing strategies that would have made them compete in international markets with inexpensive products from other parts of the world. In 1993 Parker Pen was acquired by the Gillette Company, which already owned the PaperMate brand, one of the best-selling disposable ballpoints.In 2000, Gillette sold the writing instruments division to Newell Rubbermaid, whose own Stationery Division, Sanford, became the largest in the world owning such brand names as Rotring, Sharpie, Reynolds as well as Parker, PaperMate, Waterman and Liquid Paper. In recent years, Parker Pen has abandoned both the entry level market as well as the traditional retail outlets in North America and moved into up-scale luxury retailers. 2 Innovation as a di? erentiation strategy Throughout its history, Parker Pen has used technological innovation as a strategy to di? erentiate itself from the competition.The company has been a pioneer in research on writi ng instruments and introduced several revolutionary products . In this section, we look at some of the iconic products from Parker Pens which have driven both the company as well as the pen market. (The current portfolio of Parker Pen’s products can be found in Ref. [1]) 2. 1 Duofold – 1921 In 1921 the company introduced the Parker Duofold (Ref. [2]) fountain pen. It was a state of the art pen for its time and Parker Pen positioned the Duofold in the premier segment and priced it expensively $7. 00, equivalent to about $85 in 2011.In 1926 the Duofold became the ? rst pen in the world to have a guaranteed life of †forever†. It was an instant success. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used one to write the exploits of Sherlock Holmes. General Douglas MacArthur signed the document ending World War II in the 2 Paci? c with his 20 year old Duofold (Ref. [3]). By the early 1930s the Duofolds design had grown dated in the USA but it remained popular in Europe until the 1960s . In 1988, Parker launched the Duofold Centennial series of pens. The modern Duofold is a key part of Parker Pens product portfolio. . 2 Quink – 1928 In 1928, after three years of research and an investment of $68,000, Parker Pen came up with Quink (a portmanteau word from ’quick’ and ’ink’; also known as Double Quink and Parker 51 Ink) that would eliminate the need for blotting. The success of Quink lay in the fact that it had a number of useful features: it resisted water, it did not clog, it had the desired quality of ink ? ow, it resisted moulding, it was non-corrosive, it did not leave deposits, it did not fade, and, most importantly, it was quick-drying.However, the new ink was strongly alkaline and contained isopropyl alcohol, a solvent not previously used in inks, which often damaged the pen barrels of that time which were manufactured using pyralin. This problem eventually led to the development of the world’s most successful pen, t he Parker 51 in 1941. In 1941, when the Parker 51 was launched, Double Quink was renamed and repackaged as †Parker 51 ink†as a marketing initiative. Parker Pen’s ink sales became the key to maintaining the company’s pro? tability.This revenue generation model is used by the modern day computer printer companies, whose main source of revenue comes from the sale of printer cartridges. Further enhancements were made to Parker Pen inks with its revolutionary †Super Chrome†ink. This ink was marketed in 1947 after a research period that lasted 17 years and cost over $200,000. This was the ? rst basic ink improvement in the last three centuries. Today, more than seventy years later, Quink is still the world’s biggest selling pen ink. 2. 3 Vacumatic – 1933 The Parker Vacumatic (Ref. 4]) fountain pen was introduced in 1933, as a replacing the Duofold as Parker’s top-of-the-line product. The Vacumatic featured a new ? lling mechanis m which boasted a much higher ink capacity than the Duofold. The pen remained Parkers top-of-the-line product until the launch of the Parker 51 in 1941. The US production continued through 1948, and until 1953 in Canada. 3 2. 4 Parker 51 – 1941 In 1941 Parker Pen introduced the Parker 51 (Ref. [5]) which arguably is the best pen of all time both in terms of popularity and sales. General Eisenhower signed the victory in Europe in 1944.The futuristic design of the Parker 51 heralded as †Ten Years Ahead†of its time, a revolutionary pen, with its hooded, tubular nib and multi-? nned collector, all designed to work in conjunction with the pen’s proprietary ink, allowing the nib to stay wet and lay down an even line with either the ultra-fast drying ink or more traditional inks. It was advertised as the ’The Worlds Most Wanted Pen’ which created huge demand which took Parker several years to ful? l. By 1970, the Parker 51 generated over $400 millio n in sales, higher than that generated by any single pen ever. 2. 5Jotter – 1954 In the 1940, the world had seen a ? erce battle for market share fought between the traditional fountain pens and the new ballpoint pens. Despite some initial success, ballpoint pens died a consumer death and by 1951, the fountain pen became the pen of choice of the world. In 1954, Parker Pens introduced its ? rst ballpoint pen, the Jotter which wrote ? ve times longer than the best ballpoint pens available in the market, the Eversharp and the Reynolds ballpoint pens. It was the introduction of Jotter that revived the ballpoint pen market. Parker sold 3. 5 million Jotters at $2. 5 to $8. 75 in less than one year. In 1957, Parker Pen introduced the T-ball Jotter with tungsten carbide textured ball bearing which to this date remains an industry standard. The famed styling of the Parker Duofold was revived in 1972 as a ball pen and within the next decade, ballpoint pens overtook fountain pen as the number choice of pen in the world. 3 Rise of competition – 1980s After about a century of dominating the ? ne writing instrument market, Parker Pen entered into a period of crisis in the 1980s and the reason for this was that the company was driven by the wrong strategy.Parker was facing competition from three fronts. First, the Japanese were mass marketing cheaper and disposable pens and had captured a large portion of the low end market in USA and Europe and were gradually eating into Parker Pen’s market share. Second, like the Japanese, American brands such as Paper Mate, Bic, Pilot, and Pentel had created signi? cance presence in the low end segment and gradually eroding and were pulling away parker Pen’s customer. Third, in the high 4 end segment which had been Parker Pens main target segment, competition had become ? ercer with reputed German brands such as Montblanc and A.T. Cross making progress in the European markets. 4 Globalization strategy – 1982 Parker Pen faced two contrasting challenges. On one side the weakened dollar generated high foreign revenue since about 80% of the company’s sales were abroad, the pro? ts derived from those sales represented even big pro? ts when translated to local currency. But on the other side, this over dependency on foreign sales exposed the company to foreign competitors, especially the inexpensive brands from Japan which used low pricing as a strategy to compete in the international market.Parker Pen realized that a competitive strategy based on product di? erentiation through technological innovation was not su? cient to thwart the challenge from competitors. In 1982, James R. Peterson became the CEO of Parker Pen,having joined it from Reynolds. He was given the responsibility of reinventing the brand. Peterson decided to launch a global marketing campaign to target all market segments. A consequence of the decision to adopt globalization was standardization. Everything includi ng products as well as marketing campaign was to be standardized for all the markets across the world. Issues in executing globalization strategy When Peterson took over Parker, he was met by a highly proud, mismanaged company that prided itself on its extensive decentralization. The atmosphere re? ected the founders pride in the fact that they had a unique pen for every place in the world. They were a federation of autonomous geographical units. It became immediately clear to Peterson that huge changes were on the anvil. The immediate problems were twofold. The ? rst was the products positioning. Having positioned itself at the higher end of the market for a signi? ant part of the previous century, it had now began to face problems with regard to its image. It was clear that a complete clarity of its brand positioning and image was essential. The second issue that confronted Peterson was its complete ine? ciency in managing its product portfolio. When Peterson entered Parker, it di dnt even have a proper idea of the range of products that it was manufacturing. It was a situation of complete chaos 5 with more than 500 products in simultaneous existence. Its decentralized structure had completely turned against its pro? ability, resulting in every distant subsidiary and distributor involved developing a customized product for that particular market. While the company was proud of its decentralized multinational structure, it was ailing on account of an obvious lack of economies of scale and a uni? ed command and strategy. The company clearly lacked a common driving force across markets. However, this decentralization had its positive aspects as well, most notably in the area of advertising. Pens meant and mean di? erent things to di? erent people.While the Europeans tended to choose a pen based on its style and feel, people in less-developed countries tended to see a pen as nothing more than a badge of literacy. Within Europe itself for instance, tastes tended t o vary from one country to another. While the French showed a de? nite attachment to the fountain pen, the Scandinavians favoured the ballpoint pen. The company justi? ed the existence of numerous advertising agencies in its employ feeling that while it bred a certain amount of ine? ciency, it paid o? from a sales standpoint. Many individual advertising ? ms were able to develop excellent customized messages for their audience that successfully struck a responsive chord within them. For instance, the Lowe Howard-Spink agency in London was able to make the UK division of Parker the most pro? table division during its tenure. Its creative genius is clearly visible in the advertisement that it created showing a dead plumber with a giant Parker pen protruding from his heart. The situation seemed bleak to Peterson. He immediately implemented a strategy by which Parker would position itself in the entry-level segment.He felt that in the face of the trends at that time, this would be the i deal positioning that would succeed in turning around the company. He also dissociated Parker from the numerous advertising ? rms that it was associated with, retaining only one, Ogilvy and Mather, to oversee a worldwide common strategy in terms of communication and advertising. However, this strategy failed miserably on two counts. It failed to provide a customized communication strategy to each market and thus failed to account for the cultLural di? erences across geographies.It also failed to leverage the premium positioning of the brand and reduced it to an entry-level brand. 5. 1 Two speci? c cases of execution failures The following examples show two speci? c cases of execution failure by Parker Pen. 6 (a) At a corporate level, Parker Pen targeted almost all market segments. However at the business level, management failed to introduce products which would cover the market segments with middle and lower income levels. This allowed competitors with inexpensive products to take up the market. (b) Some of the marketing campaign failed to adjust to the local environment.For example, when Parker Pen ? rst expanded their market to Latin America, they wanted their advertisement to say, †It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you. †The company did not realize that the Spanish word †embarazar †has two meanings; it means †to embarrass,†and it also means to †impregnate. †So, to some unsuspecting people, the ad read: †It won’t leak in your pocket and make you pregnant. †(Ref. [6]) 6 Acquisition of Parker by Gillette and beyond In May 1993, Gillette announced its acquisition of Parker Pen Holdings Ltd (Ref. [7]). (See Exhibit X).This made Gillette the world leader in the pen market. Gillette took an after-tax charge of $164 million for a reorganization of its overseas operations, including the integration of the Parker Pen facilities into the Gillette structure. Nearly 2000 jobs were l ost as a result of this restructuring process. Gillette sold the writing instruments division to Newell Rubbermaid, whose own stationery division, Sanford became the largest in the world with brand names such as Rotring, Sharpie, Reynolds as well as Parker, PaperMate, Waterman and Liquid Paper under its umbrella.The next few years were one of a complete downsizing of Parker, marked by job losses across the board. In July 2009, the 180 workers at the Parker headquarters of Newhaven, UK were given notice that the factory was going to be shut down on account of the production moving to France. On August 18, 2009, Newell Rubbermaid announced that Janesville Wisconsin would close the remaining operations of Parker. This resulted in the loss of 153 jobs. According to the company, †This decision is a response to structural issues accelerated by market trends and is in no way a re? ction on the highly valued work performed by our Janesville employees over the years. †Newell Rub bermaid stated an o? er of transitional employment services and severance bene? ts. What remained of the Parker brand was moved to the upscale segment of the writing instrument market and was sold via luxury retailers. Traditional retail outlets were abandoned. This completely removed the brand from the entry level segment of the market. 7 In 2011, Parker Pen announced the ? nest innovation in the history of writing, Parker 5TH Technology which o? ers a genuine ? th way of writing. Until then the world knew only four forms of ? ne writing – fountain pen, ball point, roller ball and the mechanical pencil. ground-breaking innovation has rea? rmed placed Parker as leaders in terms of both innovation and market share. 7 7. 1 Exhibits Financial statement 8 7. 2 Product display Duofold – Lucky 8 Limited Edition Ingenuity Parker 51 9 7. 3 Current product portfolio TABLE I T ype Ink Quink Fountain Pen Duofold, Premier, Sonnet, Vector, IM Ballpoint pen 7. 4 M odel Facet, Execut ive, Esprit, Frontier, Urban, I. M. , Vector JotterAcquisition of Parker by Gillette References [1] http://parkerpens. net/catalogue/parker catalogue 2009. pdf [2] http://www. parkerpen. com/en/discovery/range/iconic/duofold [3] http://www. patricktaylor. com/parker-duofold [4] http://www. vintagepens. com/Parker Vacumatics. shtml [5] http://www. pentrace. net/penbase/Data Returns/full article. asp? id=468 [6] http://parkerpens. blogspot. com/2007/09/advertizing-campaings-that-wentwrong. html [7] http://www. nytimes. com/1993/05/08/business/company-news-gillette-completesacquisition-of-parker-pen. html 10
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Earth from Space
NOVA â€Å"Earth From Space†1. They describe at least three teleconnections in the film. The movie talks about sandstorms in the Sahara Desert transforming the rainforest across the globe. Also explained are the waterfalls under the sea in Antarctica, leading to a feeding frenzy in the ocean by the equator. Finally, they talked about streaming water off the coast of Africa causing a disastrous weather storm in the United States. This happens because all of the activity in the ocean, sun and atmosphere are bound together.When an action occurs to one of them, a reaction occurs within another. It’s almost like a butterfly effect that occurs between the three. 2. We can learn and visually see all these different parts of the Earth by using satellites. I. Geosphere (Solid Earth) The Geosphere is made up of mostly rock. Beneath the surface of Earth, forces inside are a crucial source for the basic materials that nurture life. Volcanoes and earthquakes are examples of reactio ns to disturbances that initially took place under the Earth’s surface.Although destructive, the natural forces behind these events also provide the materials we and other living organisms need to survive. Through satellites we can see that the Earth’s crust is constantly moving. II. Cryosphere (Ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice) The Cryosphere can be observed from space using satellites. The reason the Cryosphere doesn’t receive much heat from the sun is because the sun strikes these regions at an oblique angle and any heat that does reach the cryosphere is reflected back into space by the sheets of ice covering it.III. Atmosphere (Gases, clouds, weather) As water vapor evaporates from the ocean it works its way up into the atmosphere and eventually creates clouds, who size depends on how much water vapor was evaporated. The heat that water vapors carried before they became clouds is eventually what triggers storms to occur. If there is enough heat influencing the clouds it will cause the clouds to shoot upward and the rotation of the Earth is what makes them spin. If the clouds turn into a vortex, hurricanes are formed. IV. Biosphere (Life on Earth)Life on Earth is affected by all the other parts of the Earth including internally and externally. The catastrophic storms that are caused by the atmosphere effect life on Earth more and more every year. Mother Nature is so unpredictable and it is very hard, even with all of earth-observing technologies humans have created, to prepare for Earth’s catastrophic events. It is even harder for other organisms to survive that do not have the same knowledge about technology as humans do. When hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes do occur, it is instincts that ultimately help different species survive.V. Hydrosphere (Oceans, lakes, rivers) The hydrosphere plays a big part in the water cycle. Energy from the sun causes evaporation from all wet surfaces on the earth. Because the earth is two thirds water, the oceans are important for homeostasis on the planet Earth. The water helps the atmosphere function properly and vice versa. Without one there would be no other. The ocean and lakes are also the homes to millions of organisms. Some believe the ocean is even where the first walks of life were formed. Ocean circulation greatly affects climate and weather. . One NASA’s newest satellites named Polar Orbiting Suomi, after a meteorologist, is an electronic eye in space that measure the impact of the sun’s energy all around the Earth. This satellite can see much more of the electromagnetic spectrum then the human eye can. One of this satellites’ key instruments in called Cloud and Earth’s Radiant Energy System. It helps detect the ultraviolet and infrared parts of the spectrum that we can’t see. This instrument helps detect anything on Earth that gives off heat.Aqua is a satellite that uses another earth- observing technology that monitors the in teraction between heat and water. Aqua uses infrared to analyze the temperature of water. Using the infrared, Aqua can see how much water vapor is evaporating from the ocean into the atmosphere. TRIM is a satellite equipped with a radar and imager that operate in the micro wave range of the electromagnetic spectrum. These radio waves are higher in energy and shorter in wavelength than others. The instruments on this satellite bounce micro waves off raindrops in the clouds allowing scientist to build a three imensional structure of the internal structure of a hurricane. 4. Scale I. The temporal resolution specifies the revisiting frequency of a satellite sensor for a specific location. A low temporal resolution can last greater than 16 days whereas a high temporal resolution will last only up to 3 days. II. Using satellite remote sensing we can view the earth’s surface as frequently as we would like too. As long as the satellites are working efficiently there should be no prob lem. III. The spatial resolution specifies the pixel size of satellite images covering the earth surface.IV. The level of detail does depend on what the satellites are observing. The different spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions are the limiting factor for the utilization of the data they find. Unfortunately, because of technical constraints, satellite systems can only offer the following relationship between spatial and spectral resolution. Ether a high spatial resolution is associated with a low spectral resolution and vice versa. That means that a system with a high spectral resolution can only offer a medium or low spatial resolution.Therefore, it is either necessary to find compromises between the different resolutions according to the individual application or to utilize alternative methods of data acquisition. 5. I found the most striking thing in this movie to be, how easily events like hurricanes, volcanoes, and tsunamis could be created. A little bit too much moistu re in the atmosphere or a little disturbance in the Earth could eventually lead to a disastrous, possibly life threatening event. This movie made me grateful to live in an area that is not as highly affected by natural disasters and sympathetic towards those that do.
Consumers as Individuals Essay
The self-concept refers to the beliefs a person holds about their attributes, and how they evaluate these qualities. Components of the self-concept It is composed of many attributes, some of which are given greater emphasis when the overall self is being evaluated. Attributes of self-concept can be described along such dimensions as their content (for example, facial attractiveness vs. mental aptitude), positivity or negativity (i. e. elf-esteem), intensity, stability over time and accuracy (that is, the degree to which one’s self-assessment corresponds to reality). Self-esteem Self-esteem refers to the positivity of a person’s self-concept. People with low self-esteem do not expect that they will perform very well, and they will try to avoid embarrassment, failure or rejection. People with high self-esteem expect to be successful,, will take more risks and are more willing to be the centre of attention. Self-esteem is often related to acceptance by others. Marketing communications can influence a consumer’s level of self-esteem. Exposure to ads can trigger a process of social comparison, where the person tries to evaluate their self by comparing it to the people in these artificial images. Real and ideal selves Self-esteem is influenced by a process where the consumer compares their actual standing on some attribute to some ideal. The ideal self is a person’s conception of how they would like to be, while the actual self refers to our more realistic appraisal of the qualities we have or lack. And we often engage in a process of impression management where we work hard to ‘manage’ what others think of us by strategically choosing clothing and other cues that will put us in a good light. The ideal self is partly moulded by elements of the consumer’s culture, such as heroes or people depicted in advertising who serve as models of achievement or apprearance. Products may be purchased because they are believed to be instrumental in helping us achieve these goals. Some products are chosen because they are reaching the standard set by the ideal self. Multiple selves We have as many selves as we do different social roles. Depending on the situation, we act differently, use different products and services, and we even vary in terms of how much we like ourselves. A person may require a different set of products to play a desired role. The self can be thought of as having different components, or role identities, and only some of these are active at any given time. Symbolic interactionism If each person potentially has many social selves, how does each develop and how do we decide which self to ‘activate’ at any point in time? The sociological tradition of symbolic interactionism stresses that relationships with other people play a large part in forming the self. This perspective maintains that people exist in a symbolic environment, and the meaning attached to any situation or object is determined by the interpretation of these symbols. Like other social objects, the meanings of consumers themselves are defined b social consensus. The consumer interprets their own identity, and this assessment is continually evolving as they encounter new situations and people. The looking-glass self When you choose an article of clothing, the mirror superimposes it on your reflection so that you can see how it would look on you. This process of imagining the reactions of others towards us is known as ‘taking the role of the other’, or the looking-glass self. According to this view, our desire to define ourselves operates as a sort of psychological sonar, we take readings of our own identify by ‘bouncing’ signals off others and trying to project what impression they have of us. Self-conciousness There are times when people seem to be painfully aware of themselves. If you have ever walked into a class in the middle of a lecture and noticed that all eyes were on you, you can understand this feeling of self-conciousness. Some people seem in general to be more sensitive to the image they communicate to others. A heightened concern about he nature of one’s public ‘image’ also results in more concern about the social appropriateness of products and consumption activities. Several measures have been devised to measure this tendency. Consumers who score high on a scale of public self-conciousness, for example, are also more interested in clothing and are heavier users of cosmetic. A similar measure is self-monitoring. High self-monitors are more attuned to how they present themselves in their social environments, and their product choices are influenced by their estimates of how these items will be perceived by others. High self-monitors are more likely than low self-monitors to evaluate products consumed in public in terms of the impressions they make on others. Products that shape the self: you are what you consume Recall that the reflected self helps to shape self-concept, which implies hat people see themselves as they imagine others see them. People use an individual’s consumption behaviours to help them make judgements about that person’s social identity. A consumer exhibits attachment to an object to the extent that it is used by that person to maintain their self-concept. Objects can act as a sort of security blanket by reinforcing our identities, especially in unfamiliar situations. Symbolic self-completion theory predicts that people who have an incomplete self-definition tend to complete this identity by acquiring and displaying symbols associated with it. Self/product congruence Because many consumption activities are related to self-definition, it is not surprising to learn that consumers demonstrate consistency between their values and the things they buy. Self-image congruence models predict that products will be chosen when their attributes match some aspect of the self. These models assume a process of cognitive matching between these attributes and the consumer’s self-image. Research tends to support the idea of congruence between product usage and self-image. Congruity has also been found between consumers and their most preferred brands of beer, soap, toothpaste and cigarettes relative to their least preferred brands, as well as between consumers’ self-images and their favourite shops. Some specific attributes that have been found to be useful in describing some of the matches between consumers and products include rugged/delicate, excitable/calm,†¦. The extended self. Many of the props and settings consumers use to define their social roles in a sense become a part of their selves. Those external objects that we consider a part of us comprise the extended self. Many material objects, ranging from personal possessions and pets to national monuments or landmarks, help to form a consumer’s identity. Four levels of the extended self were described. These range from very personal objects to places and things that allow people to feel like they are rooted in their larger social environments. †¢ Individual level. Consumers include many of their personal possessions in self-definition. These products can include jewellery, cars, clothing and so on. The saying ‘You are what you wear’ reflects the belief that one’s things are a part of what one is. †¢ Family level. This part of the extended self includes a consumer’s residence and its furnishings. The house can be thought of as a symbolic body for the family and often is a central aspect of identity. †¢ Community level. It is common for consumers to describe themselves in terms of the neighbourhood or town from which they come. †¢ Group level. Our attachments to certain social groups can be considered a part of self. A consumer may feel that landmarks, monuments or sports teams are a part of the extended self. Sexual identity is a very important component of a consumer’s self-concept. People often conform to their culture’s expectations about how those of their gender should act, dress, speak and so on. To the extent that our culture is everything that we learn, then virtually all aspects of the consumption process must be affected by culture. Gender differences in socialization A society’s assumptions about the proper roles of men and women are communicated in terms of the ideal behaviours that are stressed for each sex (in advertising, among other places). Gender goals and expectations In many societies, males are controlled by agentic goals, which stress self-assertion and mastery. Females, on the other hand, are taught to value communal goals such as affiliation and the fostering of harmonious relations. Every society creates a set of expectations regarding the behaviours appropriate for men and women, and finds ways to communicate these priorities. Gender vs. sexual identity Sex role identity is a state of mind as well as body. A person’s biological gender does not totally determine whether they will exhibit sex-typed traits, or characteristics that are stereotypically associated with one sex or the other. A consumer’s subjective feelings about their sexuality are crucial as well.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Human Impact on the Natural Environment Case study: The world’s Tropical rainforests
They are found around the equator between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. They run in a belt from west – east. The landmass of tropical forest is very extensive, it covers 7% of all the worlds land. It is trans continental; it covers 4 continents South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The Rainforest Environment: The Amazon rejoins of South America (Amozonia) Population density is number of people by area of land Population density = number of people/ are of land Brazil population = 150500000 Land area = 8361111 km2 population density =18 people per km2 U.K population = 56000000 Land area = 244602 km2 population density = 229 people per km2 Amazonian population = 6000000 Land area = 2000000 population density = 3 people per km2 A Comparative Analysis of population for the 3 areas? Brazil is a much bigger population and a massive amount of land so there are a lot of people living in a large amount of land that is why the population density is so low. The U.K has a large population but a small amount of lad it is very densely populated that is why the population density is so high. Amazonian has a small population and a large amount of land it is very sparsely population that is why the population density is so very low. You can read also Costco Case Study The Tropical Rainforest climate compared to our own (London and England) The range of temperature is the amount of degrees between the lowest temperature and the highest. (1) The annual rainfall for Manus is 1811mm this is about three times as much rain as London receives 600mm London has a very fixed amount of rainfall over the year and Manus has an extremly varied amount of rainfall over the year. (2) Manus has a very high average temperature at about 28oc this is about three times the temperature of londons at 11oc. (3) Manus has a very small range of temperature 2oc this shows no fixed seasons with temperature because there is very little change London's is seven times bigger a 11oc this shows that the temperature is not fixed this is show by the four seasons winter spring autumn and summer, in June, July and August the temperasture is at its highest showing summer. (4) Manus has only 2 distinct seasons the wet and the dry season because the temperature is the same all year round from November to May it rains very hevily about 200 mm from june to april it is relitivly dry about 50mm. (5) The rainfall in Manus is very heavy most of the year except of 3 months it is not fixed; in London the rain is a similar amount all year round. Vegetation and Daily Weather Conditions Read this Ch. 22 Respiratory System In the rain forest the water is evaporated during the day and by 3 o'clock it starts to rain this is covectional rainfall. This make the forest vegitation very dense and not much light reaches the forest floor, becase it is some warm and wet if anything fall to the floor it starts to decompose quickly, There are 4 layers in a rain forest the top layer is the Emergents these are 45 meters high they are close together and stop some light passing through the there is the main canopy at 30 meters this stops more light and then at 25 meters there is the under canopy this stops more light then there are the shrubs at 5 meters this stops more light, so there is not very much light at the floor. The trees in the tropical rainforest are deciduous but the forest remains evergreen. Why? There are constant high temperatures, this means that there are no seasons like winter when the tress lose there leaves, the tress lose their leaves at different times in the year so it looks like the forest is evergreen.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Free write 3 (E) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Free write 3 (E) - Essay Example Essay 1 makes it clear that the color contrast implies the time of the day when the farmer carried the described activity. Adding information such as the farm size can back up the thesis. The size of the farm is large, which implies the availability of land before population increase occurred in the present time. Thus, with all these detail, the constructed thesis in essay 1 is for sure strong. The draft of essay 1 entails a well representation of the key segments of the assignment, which encompasses the description, interpretation and meaning of the photo as recorded or staged. The draft meets the first section of the assignment by giving a vivid description of the photo. As described in the draft, the image is an illustration of the farming method in the erstwhile generations (Vachon 1). The second segment of the assignment seeks to unravel and interpret the underlying meaning of the photo. The contrasting white and black color tells of the period when Vachon drew the image. The photo is recorded since it captures a scene that appears
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Reflective writing baased on Full Body burden Essay
Reflective writing baased on Full Body burden - Essay Example Besides, Kristine gives readers her stint at the weaponry facility where she was employed to work for a short duration of time. In as much as several concepts are evident in the book, it is fundamental to explore the facts and fictions that came out through Karen’s narration of the Colorado plant. Fact is defined as a thing that is known and has been proven true while fiction is something that is not right and untrue. While growing up and working for Rocky Plants nuclear weapon, Kristine encountered a number of challenges and experiences; some are facts while others are fictions (Iversen 3). I find that Kristine’s narration balanced between facts and fictions that help readers share the same viewpoint. The author candidly reveals her personal life to readers in an open manner. The events that surrounded her personal life such as having an alcoholic father and working at the nuclear factory shaped her life and gave her the experiences she needed to write the book. I cons ider the revelation of these secrets important for the development of the story since they were factual (Iversen 31). According to Kristine, she received the information needed for the development of the book from the interviews she conducted on the people, both from the neighborhood and from the plant. This is fictitious because she does not tell us the methods she used for the interviews. Furthermore, she is at pains to illustrate how she corroborated the data. The illustrations are factual because they are based on experiences. This is because it is a first person narration. She was at the same place where events were taking place. I find it tricky to determine facts in a situation where the people to be interviewed have vague memories. Consequently, I believe that the author’s recollection of her family’s memories is false. This is attributable to the fact that she directly quoted some of the conversations she had with members of the family. She pointed out exactly what her sister was doing while on her date. This is fiction because the author fails to declare that she interviewed her sister. Ordinarily, this cannot be factual because the time duration cannot allow persons to recall the exact words said more than a decade ago. This is because she spent twelve years working on the book (Iversen 301). Kristine takes us through the bare facts concerning the plant while revealing the once hidden secrets about the nuclear plant. The government had initially lied to the citizens of Colorado about the dealings of the plant. However, when Kristine exposed the damages that the surrounding environment had undergone due to nuclear weapons disposal by the factory, it disclosed the shocking cover up by the US government. Besides, the radiations from the factory caused hurt not only to the environment but also to human health. This is because several people were diagnosed with cancer. The factory was closed because of these revelations. I find such kind of disclosure by the author factual. Otherwise, the factory would still be operating had the stories been fictitious. A crucial aspect of the book is portrayed in chapter sixteen. The author highlights the decline of a family. Kristine discloses the emotional disconnect that her family had with their alcoholic father. This alcoholism almost caused them their lives when her father was driving when intoxicated. Although the author’s father was a lawyer, he constantly faced trouble with the law due to
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Isms Related to the film Waking Life Assignment
Isms Related to the film Waking Life - Assignment Example An appreciation of the influences of surrealism, Dadaism, and expressionism as reflected in the film Waking Life should begin with an appreciation of the distinguishing features of the three isms. In general terms, films that embrace the aspect of surrealism will often tend to portray certain cinematographic techniques in unnatural, and bizarre, unrestrained, and nearly superfluous representations to capture the essence of the subconscious potential. This is usually meant to uncover the hidden truths and potentials that are naturally restrained by the conscious processes. The reliance on the subconscious to create new meaning and expand on old realities requires a determined shift from the usual order, which is synonymous with the conscious world. In this film, the film director employed multiple techniques to achieve the aspect of surrealism (Linklater 67). The visual and audio techniques of the film evoke a sense of strangeness that dislocates natural truths as known in the physica l world. By representing characters and situations in dreamlike worlds, the director achieves the purpose of aligning the aspects of reality in distorted forms. There seems to be no established order and the representation of the physical forms is generally distorted or, in some cases, altogether formless. The representation of these aspects of reality might be considered as one of the primary considerations of the director in his desire to engage the subconscious processes of the mind. The discussions that take place in this film are generally aimed at emphasizing on illusory realities, which are held as supreme and limitless. For instance, the protagonist eventually floats to oblivion at the end of the film. He is lifted by indescribable forces and appears to have finally transited into the dream world and woken up from the illusion of the physical world in line with the reflections that dominate the film. It might be necessary to regard this aspect of floating as the ultimate tri umph of the super-real over the real. Paranormal feelings and actions are brought out in the reflections and actions of the film to unleash the full potential of the subconscious processes. The use of light and colour also contributes to the development of the surrealistic features of the film. There is little balance in colour, which makes the representations to appear incongruous and altogether indescribable. In this manner, it makes sense to consider this film as the ultimate representation of alternative forms of existence that can be achieved by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. Dadaism has very close relationships with surrealism and is usually regarded as the parent idea from which surrealism emerged. Dada art usually seeks to unsettle aspects of reality in ways that does not make sense within the conventional systems. Both surrealism and Dadaism emerged in Europe after the periods of war as a rebellion by artists to the ways of thinking that culminated into the chaos (Elger 71). They were embraced as the antithesis to the dominant systems of thought. Dadaism would embrace mediocrity, nonsense, and outlandish qualities to expand on the various aspects of reality. It would be important to regard these forms of art as encompassing the entire
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Power electornic lab 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Power electornic lab 4 - Essay Example Two types of power inverters are used according to the applications; voltage source inverters (VSI) and current source inverters (CSI) (Sen, 1997). A voltage source inverter (VSI) converts a DC voltage into an AC voltage, which has a distinctive square wave formation. In the similar manner, a CSI converts the DC into AC with a distinctive square wave formation. In the experiment, a further discussion, calculation and results are discussed to evaluate the functional characteristics of the voltage source inverter. The waveform generated by the voltage source inverter in given below. UPS (Uninterruptible power supply) make utilization of the DC/AC inverter with batteries as the DC source. UPS is mostly utilized as the emergency backup power to maintain the data in computer data systems, maintain undisturbed communication channel, emergency power for homes and offices and selective machines at industries in case of primary power source loss. Ups are also used to correct the condition of under voltage and over voltage in electrical systems. The safety function is used in computer data systems, medical instruments and systems UPS is also referred to reduce harmonic distortion. In this experiment, UPS is tested with different kinds of resistive and inductive loads. UPS is evaluated according to the dissimilar load circumstances in the experiment. In this experiment, both simulation UPS investigation software as well as the real physical investigation in inverter systems is carried to evaluate the performance characteristics of the UPS. The two tests will then be compared to evaluate the operation of the UPS. It is quite clear from the above results that as the load increase the output voltage of the UPS drops. On the other hand, with similar inductive and resistive loads, the voltage drop is more with inductive load that is about 6.64
Monday, September 9, 2019
Fuel Price Increase in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fuel Price Increase in US - Essay Example The thrust at accomplishing set goals in pursuing the 'green world' philosophy and theory much based on the need to curtail the towering global climate upheavals has seen the emphasised shift in policy in various industry and agriculture fronts. The soaring fuel prices owing to the volatility of the oil prices have spurred government and energy as well as food industry stakeholders to consider alternative means of curtailing the predicament of escalating fuel prices. President George W. Bush has had the production of corn-based ethanol as part of the core of his energy policy. Hayashi Fumio (2007) notes, "This has brought in some merits on board. The resonating perspective is based on that the emphasis on corn based ethanol production has acute implications on the success of the attempts at throwing a holistic approach to the whole global 'green world' initiative". The scholar further notes that the emphasis of green solution even to the fuel predicament has thus put America society back in the lead in the efforts of making the world a better place. Despite the impact on the entirety of the national and international agriculture sectors the production of corn-based ethanol which has also been the part of the roo... Hayashi, Fumio (2008) notes that, '"This is a welcome policy reorientation given that this year alone over a million jobs were lost. The move will precipitate in the expansion of employment base for the American society". It is notable that the pressure from escalating fuel prices has necessitated the invention of feasible means of striking the balance between demand and consumption for fuel. Fig. 1 Ethanol Production Projections Source: national Agricultural Statistical Service [] Fig 2 Corn Price Trends Source: Shurson G.C. (2008) It is evident from the two direct-relationship graphs that the growth of the ethanol production industry has a direct impact on the price of corn. What is particularly notable from the statistics is that during the 2002-2005 periods when 4 billon gallons of corn-based ethanol were produced the price of corn was peaking from below $2 a bushel to about $3. Although the price took a lunge in the 2004-2006 phases the rise afterwards has been significant with corn price escalating from just about $2 a bushel to over $5. This is the period when corn-based ethanol production capacity was at an average over 5 billion gallons. Statistical interferences drawn from the trends and patterns illustrated on the graph show that holding everything equal, the production of corn-based ethanol will hit phenomenal figures of over 11 billion gallons by the end of the 2009 which may propel the price of corn way over $9 a bushel. "The growth of corn-based ethanol industry in tandem with demand in the US wil l lead to the expansion of the export GDP and thus help boost the strained US economy
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Creative Brief Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Creative Brief - Case Study Example The target market is the city of Zurich in Switzerland and the specific target group is the youths and adolescents who form a large part of the city’s entire population. The city has a total of about half a million of which a half is made up of the youthful population. The youths in the city are known to be taking part in several sporting activities which requires a lot of energy boost. The drink which is attributed to increase in performance in sporting events is expected to increase its sales in the city which is full of energy demanding activities. The fact that it exist in large varieties makes it more appealing to the younger generation who are keen on variety and specialized products. The city is attracts large number of tourists who come for leisure and recreation activities hence a huge demand for energy drinks which will be met by Redbull. The city is closely located to the headquarters of the product which is located in Vienna. The proximity will help increase pace at which the product is supplied hence meeting the expected huge demand of the product. The city has a large number of immigrants and tourist who will be in a better position to market the product in their respective countries hence increasing the market base for the product as well as expanding the market globally. The city has a large number of international hotels and other retail outlets that will allow quick distribution of the product thus increasing its accessibility to the larger population. Another key factor that makes the target market the best is the high level of information among the youths in the city. They are very much aware of the role that caffeine which is contained in the drink does for their bodies and the right level of the product that they need to consume. As result they are able to contain all the effects and reactions that take place in their bodies as
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