Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Emily Dickinson – Death Is a Dialogue
â€Å"Death is a Dialogue†and â€Å"If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking†Analysis of Effective Poetry Of the two poems both written by Emily Dickinson, â€Å"Death is a Dialogue†and â€Å"If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking†, the first is one that a qualified reader would say is a good poem and the second is one a qualified reader would call a bad poem. The second poem possesses one of the three varieties of inferior poetry. Alternatively, â€Å"Death is a Dialogue†possesses poetic devices that establish it as a superior work of literature. First, both poems have a similar central purpose. In â€Å"Death is a Dialogue†, the central purpose is to convey a perspective about the spirit and the afterlife. In â€Å"If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking†, the central purpose is that by helping others, life becomes purposeful. However, the first poem is superior to the second poem. The first poem depicts the human spirit as something that is immortal. The first poem has more poetical merit than the second poem in the use of imagery, symbolism, and personification. The poem is structured as a dialogue alongside a combination of personification and apostrophe. Used together, these literary devices give â€Å"life†and immediacy to the language of the poem as seen in Dickinson’s first poem. The reader is provoked to think of abstract concepts of ‘Death’ and ‘the Spirit’ as thinking, feeling, and speaking like human beings. The use of personification is found in the second and third lines: â€Å"’Dissolve†says Death – The Spirit â€Å"Sir / I have another Trust†–â€Å". Death’ and ‘the Spirit’ are also personified physically, as found in line two of stanza two: â€Å"The Spirit turns away†. The combination of these poetic devices creates a subtle but creative ironic tone. Since the poem depicts a dialogue between nonhuman entities that are in disagreement about the immorality of ‘the Spirit’, personifying them gives them the qualit ies of life that suggests that the soul is immortal. The last two lines of the second stanza are symbolic and open to interpretation. By leaving the most difficult concepts of the poem until the end is an effective way of engaging the reader because the purpose of the poem cannot be fully achieved without interpreting these lines. This also works effectively because the framework of the poem provides enough information to consider how the last two lines achieve the poem’s purpose. For example, the contradictory tone of the framework creates a dramatic reading experience. It transits between resilience and fear, where ‘the Spirit’ portrays resilience, for example, in the last line of stanza one: â€Å"’I have another Trust†– â€Å" (p 223). In the last two lines of stanza two, â€Å"Just laying off for evidence / An Overcoat of Clay†(p 223), is highly symbolic and achieves the purpose of the poem because imaging the spirit taking off an â€Å"Overcoat of Clay†creatively shows that it is immortal; the only buried part of him is his â€Å"overcoat†. â€Å"Overcoat†is an effective use of connotation as it conjures a strong mental image of ‘the Spirit’ proving his immortality. By comparison, â€Å"If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking†, is an inferior poem. The poem is didactic and uses simple language that is not subject to interpretation, leaving a dull reading experience. Its message is clear, but how the poem attempts to achieve its message is poorly done. For example, the rhythm of the poem does not contribute to the purpose of the poem because it only gives the poem a superficial and catchy tone that an unqualified reader would find appealing and poetic. Rhyme is used for its own sake. A good example of this is in the first and third lines where the words â€Å"breaking†and â€Å"aching†are used. The lack of literary devices such as personification and connotation leave a poem that has only face value with no incentive or encouragement to observe beyond the literal meaning of the words. It is purely didactic in that its primary purpose is to preach or teach; a good poem would achieve this purpose by being subtle. This poem would be appealing to unqualified or beginner readers whom are looking for a wholesome truth dressed up in pretty words. Ultimately, the poem leaves the reader with a sermon and lacking both creativity and originality. It presents an inspirational theme, but does not leave a qualified reader with a feeling of inspiration. Overall, this is a bad poem because it uses literary devices that are superficial, such as rhyming. As well, there is a lack of literary devices which otherwise could accomplish the poem’s purpose (to make it inspirational on a higher level). For example, the reader is not provoked to think about any larger or hidden meaning in the poem. Unlike â€Å"Death is a Dialogue†which provokes both insight to a larger meaning beyond its face value, this poem’s flaws largely outweigh any positive features a good poem would have.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Literary Standards Essay
There are generally considered to be seven standards a piece of literature should abide to in order to be considered ‘literary’. If a piece of writing is considered ‘literary’ this usually suggests that it is a scholarly article or classical writing that is extremely well written and is very informative. Literary writing can be intellectual and contain a lot of cleverly hidden meanings which ensure the writing can be enjoyed and studied on many different levels and often still enjoyed many years after it was written. Many people believe that literature cannot be defined and literary theory should simply be thought of as way of interpreting both texts and events. The seven standards that a piece of literature usually contains to be considered literary are: Permanence An important feature of great literature is that it endures. Classic literature such as Dickens is still enjoyed by readers today, generations after it was originally written and in a completely different world to the one it was intended for. This is extremely important because if a work of literature is not enjoyed 20 years after publication, it will simply be forgotten. Universal appeal This is similar to endurance in the fact that literature must appeal to a range of people across different age groups, nationalities, cultures and beliefs. Artistry The literature should be well written and appeal to our creative sides with beautifully crafted phrases and sentences. Sentences such as these are often memorized and can become famous phrases. Style The writer of literature will usually have a unique view of the world and will put thoughts to us in a way we have never considered. It may be thoughts about the world or it may simply be thoughts about the actual words used. Words may be used in a creative and unusual way that is entertaining and interested. Intellectually valuable Literary work will usually inform us about our past, our present or the world around us. It may not be in the form of facts and figures but it will help us understand our lives and realize truths about humanity and life in general. Literature should mentally stimulate us and enriches our thoughts. Suggestiveness Literature should carry many associations that lead beyond the surface meaning. Underlying suggestions usually carry an enormous amount of emotional power, often because it is not directly mentioned but hinted at through associations that can often be more powerful. The reader is left to establish what the author is suggesting and this captures the reader’s imagination by making think about what they are reading and engaging them into the story. Spiritual Value Great works of literature are often thought to have an underlying moral message that can potentially make us better people. Moral values are often written between the lines and can help us become better people. 1.ARTISTRY – this is a quality which appeals to our sense of beauty. 2.INTELLECTUAL VALUE – a literary work stimulates thought. It enriches our mental life by making us realize fundamental truths about life and human nature. 3.SUGGESTIVENESS – this is the quality associated w/the emotional power of literature. 4.SPIRITUAL VALUE – Literature elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which make us better persons. 5.PERMANENCE – a great work of literature endures. 6.UNIVERSALITY – great literature is timeless and timely. 7.STYLE – this is the peculiar way in which a writer sees life, forms his ideas and expresses them.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Being an Only Child or Having Siblings Essay
The bond between siblings is the most enduring bond that any of us experiences, this bond is not as demanding and critical as that of our parents, children or spouse and this is potentially longest relationship we will ever have in life. The bond that is shared with siblings helps to determine the quality of bond we will experience with our other relationships in life. Children who have brothers and sisters usually have more perspective of life than the only children. Sibling relationships can teach children the differences between the views of life, not just only from parents but it is also from their brothers and sisters close to their own age. The first thing that children who have brothers and sisters can learn is how to share with others. This helps to develop social skills at a young age, which are crucial throughout life. Although sometimes children just want to keep something for theirs own, they have to think about their siblings before doing that every time. It is just like a conception of sharing. Children with siblings are able to make and maintain friendships. However, the only child in a family has all the things that are given. They don’t have to worry about their sibling who they have to share with or think about. However, if the only child is around other children that do share, it can cause an altercation. In early childhood, children who have brothers and sisters, have constant companions and playmates, they can play games together, have conversations, learn to play make-believe and share problems with each other. Having siblings also teaches younger siblings things such as learning to walk and talk sooner, because the younger child will try and imitate with the older child is doing. They can also help to take care of each other. The older sibling can help the younger siblings with learning to make their bed, play football, basketball or help with homework. There is no limit to what siblings can do for each other. In comparison to only children who receive more of their parents’ attention, which may give them an advantage with help with homework, more playtime with dad or mom, and perhaps more or better toys, educational items, clothes, etc. because there is more money available. But, only children may not have the opportunity to socialize as much with other children. Days can be long with them. These parents may go to the parks more, and join mommy and me groups to help their children learn to interact with other children. As an adult, one usually finds a happy memory of their childhood to share with another person, of the relationship with their sibling. This could bring back feelings of happiness or hostility, depending on the severity of sibling rivalry. For some siblings, the rivalry carries on into adulthood and becomes unhealthy. On the other hand, a possible disadvantage for only children when they get older and reflect back on their childhood memories, is that they may regret not having a sibling. At the time, it may have seemed better to be the only child and have more physical things and attention. But upon growing older, they may miss the bond and relationship they could have had. In conclusion, an only child will always be just that. Once older, the family does not extend and they will not know the joy of having nieces and nephews and the special bonds and memories that come along with that. Also, the relationships among brothers and sisters are boundlessly varied, but whatever their characteristics, these bonds last throughout life. After the loss of a parent, a sibling is the only on that can truly understand what you are going through as well as the pain of your loss.
Further Law Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Further Law Questions - Essay Example Title III is the Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act, which creates an exemption for making a reproduction of a computer program by activating a computer for purposes of preservation or repair. Title IV contains miscellaneous requirements relating to reserve education, the aptitude of libraries to make transient recordings, web casting of sound recordings, and the applicability of communal bargaining conformity obligations in the case of transfers of rights in motion pictures. Title V is the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, which creates a new form of protection for the design of vessel hulls.( Digital Millennium Copyright Act ) More complex questions come up when Congress uses its lawful power over commerce to inflict circumstances on the entrance of a product into the torrent of commerce that may have the effect of modifiable manufacture, labor, or agriculture. It may be that Congress lacks the power to enforce such a guideline in the lack of any danger to expressway commerce, but that adequate incompatible set of laws by enough States can create such a threat and thus make the exercise of congressional power lawful. Our government gives room for difficult questions and is liable to Congressional abuse, but the intermittent difficulty in drawing lines does not mean that the enterprise should be discarded. (Robert & Daniel E, 1) Ans 2) There is a huge list which is deemed as copyrightable material , this can be music produced , plays , scripts , CD's , drama's , audio's and other video's , computer software's , Specific product or service names. Factory or business slogan, or name. Etc all sorts of computer hardware and software produced. Ans 3) this law specifically applies to the computer software produced and also distributed in the country. It is considered a criminal offense to copy any such material or redistribute it in your own name. Ans 4) Individuals by law are prohibited from accessing the Services and the Sites and materials accessible over the Services or the Sites from territories where such actions are illegal. They should also agree to meet the terms with all local rules applicable to them in relation to online demeanor and content in connection with their use of the Services and the Sites. Ans 5) 501. Infringement of copyright2 (a) Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided by sections 106 through 122 or of the author as provided in section 106A(a), or who imports copies or phonorecords into the United States in violation of section 602, is an infringer of the copyright or right of the author, as the case may be. For purposes of this chapter (other than section 506), any reference to copyright shall be deemed to include the rights conferred by section 106A(a). As used in this subsection, the term "anyone" includes any State, any instrumentality of a State, and any officer or employee of a State or instrumentality of a State acting in his or her official capacity. Any State, and any such instrumentality, officer, or employee, shall be subject to the provisions of this title in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity. (b) The legal or beneficial owner
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Globalization of infectious diseases Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Globalization of infectious diseases - Coursework Example ases presents an economic concern for globalization because in a globalized and interconnected world, the healthy nations feel obliged morally, ethically, as well as politically to help the victims of the affected regions with medical supplies and healthcare services. Similarly, prevalence of infectious diseases in a region deters the foreign companies to expand into them, thus proving a hurdle to cultural integration and globalization. The globalization of economy presents a health concern for populations by directly affecting the quality and cost of medical care supplies and services. As the value of one currency goes up, the medical supplies and services imported from it rise in price. Purchasers have to pay more to get the same services. â€Å"Population health status and its distribution are determined by population-level influences, individual level health risks, and the health care system. The last two are strongly influenced by the household economy†(Woordward et al., 2001, p. 876). The household economy, in turn, is affected by a range of factors driven by
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Case Study on Dish Network Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Case Study on Dish Network Corporation - Essay Example The company was among the first companies in the world to introduce the system of pay-TV services to its customers. The mission of the company is to provide best entertainment services at affordable price, add more entertainment channels and offer high value services such as high-speed internet. The company being large is facing certain problems such as employee dissatisfaction, few legal cases, high expenditure due to such legal cases, weak distribution channel, cut throat competition, entry of new companies in the industry and customer complaints with regards to service and payment issues. The company can create problem solving team also known as the steering committee to follow a step wise method for developing a business case. This would include the identified problems relating to Dish Network. The team would mention the problems and causes of the problems. Then alternatives solutions for the problems would be identified and proper cost/benefit analysis is done to check their via bility. Feasibility analysis of the solutions is done to evaluate the economic, social, environmental and legal factors of the external and internal resources of the company. After testing the solutions on these scales, the final implementation is done. The implementation includes steps such as time allocation and preparation of work schedules to estimate the time frame of implementation. Then the last or the evaluation step is carried out. In this step the company analyses the affect of such implementation and formulates new guidelines for the company. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Company Overview 4 Business problems of Dish Network 5 Methodology 7 Position 8 Sense 10 Uncover 11 Solve 13 Build 14 Achieve 15 Conclusion 16 Reference 18 Bibliography 19 Company Overview The Dish Network Corporation is one of the largest satellite broadcasters in United States. The company provides service to about 14 million subscribers. The clients of Dish Networks are in hospitality sector, retail, restaurants, etc. They provide services like on-demand videos, local, international and specialty sports channels, blockbuster movies and pay per view facilities in addition to the basic program package. Dish Network as almost 34,000 employees. The corporate office of Dish Network is mainly based in Meridian, Colorado. The company provides internet and voice services through its partners. About 90 percent of the company is controlled by Charlie Ergen, the chairman of the company (â€Å"Is DISH Network a great company, or what†). The customers of Dish Networks can access hundreds of audio & video channels, international channels and Interactive TV applications. The company also provides more than 280 basic video channels to its customers, 2500 local channels and about 30 movie channels. It covers about 93 percent of the United States household. The customers receive the programming through in-house equipment which includes a satellite dish and a set-top box. Some recei vers are also internet-protocol compatible. It allows the customers to view programs through the internet connection (â€Å"Investor relations dish network†). There is stiff competition in the satellite market. The nearest competitor of Dish Network is DirecTV Group. DirecTV is one of the largest pay-tv in US. It is larger in size and stronger capital base than the Dish Networks. Moreover, the network of DirecTV is stronger than Dish TV and it is sold in more stores than Dish Networks. There are also some large providers of cable service successfully competing with Dish Network, they are Time Warner Cable and Comcast. The Time Warner Cable Inc. is a cable service provider in US. It offers video channels, voice services and high speed data through its broadband services. Whereas, Comcast is also
Friday, July 26, 2019
Exercise assignments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Exercise assignments - Coursework Example All the three factors when combined give freedom to an individual and people start valuing their life. 2. I agree that without denying Individual freedom, unity and order in a moral system is a big problem. Once an Individual is given full freedom, the Individual does not realize his actions towards others. His act of freedom might hurt others which in turn causes dispute among individuals. Hence freedom of individuals has to be denied in order to attain unity in a moral system. 8. I use all the principles in my day to day life. I try to have my own freedom when required and that freedom is within my limits. I always try to value my life and make sure that I am good to others. Along with enjoying my regular activities, I also believe in being fair to the people and to the society around you. There have been times when I could not be good to people but I have always tried my best in being good to the people around
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Personal Development Plan - Essay Example An individual should critically assess if these objectives are attainable and realistic (Clarkson, 2001, p.14). Lastly, he/she should set objectives within a time frame (W. Hoeger & S. Hoeger, 2011, p.54). This paper highlights my personal resume. It also presents two to three theories discussed in class. This paper outlines Myers-Briggs test and MAPP career assessment as tools that describe my personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potentials. Lastly, it presents my SMART action plan and integration of theories that were discussed in class. 2.0 Brief Resume FATMA ABDULKAREEM HLWANI Personal Information Gender: Female Nationality: Arabian Date of Birth: June 6, 1986 Place of Birth: Jedah, KSA Education College: COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN KAAU Bachelor degree High school: JEDDAH K.S.A. Core Competencies Computer literate Possesses the ability to interact with people in different walks of life Capacity to lead Work Experience GNP GENERAL HOSPITAL Worked as an HR staf f 3.0 Personality and Career Assessment Researchers defined personality as a persistent pattern of interpersonal processes and behaviors (Burger, 2008, p.4; Hampson, 1988). Several researchers attempted to determine aspects of personality through various tests (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2008, p.18; Frick et al., 2009, p.22). Myers-Briggs test is a widely utilized personality test in the workplace. It is used to determine the different personality styles of employees. This test utilized three polarities namely, thinking vs. feeling, extroversion vs. introversion, intuition vs. sensation. Researchers added judgement vs. perception to these polarities. Carl Jung (as cited in Cohen, 2011) contends that each polarity is mutually exclusive from one another. Thus, individuals cannot process the world through thinking and feeling at the same time. A side of the polarity dominates the other (Cohen, 2011). Individuals who scored higher in thinking compared to feeling are commonly analytical and rati onal in making decisions. In contrast, feelers rely on circumstances and subjective evaluation in decision making (Wilde, 2008, p.16). Extroverts tend to prefer the company of others while introverts thrive in solitary activities (Wagele, 2006, p.109; Jung, 2006, p.44). Meanwhile, sensors prefer to process information through the senses and tend to rely on minute details. In contrary, intuitors heavily depend on insights instead of sensory data (Saklofske & Zeidner, 1995, p.215). Lastly, judgers prefer structure, planning, and predictability, while perceivers opt for flexibility, openness, and spontaneity (Cohen, 2011). Previous researches suggest that this test is a valid and reliable measure of an individual’s personality (Stern, 2007, p.286). Validity refers to a certain test’s ability to assess what it purports to measure. Meanwhile, reliability is primarily concerned with the extent that the test offers similar results each time (Bayne, 1997). MAPP career assessme nt is utilized to determine the individual’s strengths. It has undergone extensive reliability and validity testing. A study conducted in 1997 showed that it had similar validity with Strong Interest Inventory. The occupational matches of these two tests range from 50%-90%. The second validity study indicated that the validity of MAPP career asses
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Supply Chain Management in Zara & H&M Dissertation
Supply Chain Management in Zara & H&M - Dissertation Example The study "Supply Chain Management in Zara & H&M" targets to investigate the different supply chain behaviors that are being exercised by the different fashion retailers. Quick refers to the time it takes to release a product in the market, and quality refers to the product as a whole -- its components, or if it is in line with current fashion trend. One way of ensuring customer satisfaction is through the offering of quality goods and quick services. Because of this, firms are pressured to increase their productivity, reduce operational expenditures, and reduce lead times. Apparently, enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is needed so that organizations will obtain market value at this crucial moment. Supply chain networks succeed when the flow of information in organizations is not interrupted by any unwanted trouble. Members of the entire supply chain must be given permission to access timely information, and this information must flow to the direction where each and every mem ber is situated. The main role of ERP in the setting of an organization's SCM is for it to become equipped with an integrated information system. Most companies nowadays are experiencing pressure, and the reason for these is the shifts in demand. They are challenged to devise new ways of creating products as well as in finding various means to address the varying customer demands. The pressure that is being experienced by these manufacturing companies is made even complex as they expand the scope of their operations. both geographically and organizationally (Gattiker, 2007). In connection to the said circumstance, it is indeed timely to study a business strategy that targets to address the dynamic shifts that are already occurring in the manufacturing industry. While many types of manufacturing organizations are encountering such complexities, fashion retailers can become one good example of a firm that has been constantly experiencing the said changes. Supply chain (SC) coordinatio n gained relevance when organizations started to evolve. From then on, more attention is being given to the enterprise level management of supply chains than the factory level management (Gunansekaran, et al., cited in Akyuz & Erkan, 2010, p.5137). Because fast fashion has been becoming a trend in fashion retailing companies, the concept was chosen to become the focus of this study. Another reason why the concept was chosen is because of its correlation with supply chain management, for it has been considered a modern means applied by fashion companies to improve their supply chain which also part of their enterprise resource planning system (ERP). Research Approach: Quantitative Research This research is being built on a quantitative research approach, an approach that is widely used in testing the validity of existing theories. With this kind of approach to research, data collection is considered intense and continuous (Taylor, 2005, p.243). Quantitative research is useful in exam ining case studies that have been derived from theories and hypothesis; one reason why this approach to research analysis has been chosen for the study. In quantitative research, theories are developed through tests theory; thus, requiring the validity and reliability of information before one can begin
Biology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biology - Coursework Example For example, the current UK Governmental recommendation is for an individual to consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, which an individual following the above diet would have achieved. It is also recommended that the fruit and vegetables consumed are not all the same colour, again something that this diet provides. Fruit and vegetables are one of the major food groups, the others being starch-based (pasta, rice, bread), protein (meat, fish, eggs), dairy (milk, cheese) and foods containing fat and sugar, although all are needed in different proportions (see diagram 1). Eating a variation of foods from these different groups is essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and the inverse is true – less than adequate quantities from these groups could lead to some serious health problems. Fruit and Vegetables As already discussed, the above diet would provide all the essential fruit and vegetable nutrition for the day. However, it is advisable to eat a wide variety within this group, and thus different combinations within this group should be used throughout the week. Starch The diet above includes three portions of starch – the breakfast porridge, the garlic and the whole meal pasta in the evening. It is recommended that starch in the diet should be whole meal and from complex carbohydrates. Consuming whole meal and complex carbohydrates has been proven to keep blood sugar more consistent throughout the day, as well as increasing insulin sensitivity which can help prevent overeating and obesity. We can assume that the garlic bread found in the diet above has less nutritional value than the other two starch portions and as such could be eliminated from the day and replaced to ensure that calorie input is adequate. Protein Protein is especially important in the human diet, because humans cannot synthesize all 21 amino acids and thus must obtain them nutritionally (Zoumbaris, 2009). Nutritional proteins, found in meat products an d egg albumin, for example, can be broken down into their constituent amino acids and as a result are important for the conservation of life. During the day specified above, the individual consumed chicken breast for lunch, and many of the vegetables will also contain amino acids. The chicken breast could be easily replaced for a vegetarian diet with an egg or some baked beans – both high in protein content. Dairy Dairy products are particularly important for obtaining calcium, a mineral that regulates muscle contraction and blood clotting, as well as ensuring that teeth and bones are strong. Calcium cannot be synthesized in the body and thus must be obtained nutritionally, thus making dairy products necessary. Contrary to popular belief (and diagram 1) it is not only dairy products that contain calcium and this food group can be replaced in the lactose intolerant by certain types of leafy green vegetables, almonds, sesame seeds or calcium enriched milk alternatives. Calcium is not needed in particularly large quantities and the portion of milk in the porridge mentioned above may be adequate. Fat & Sugar Fat and sugar are needed in smaller amounts than any other food type. Fat comes in two types, saturated and unsaturated, and it is currently recommended that saturated fat is consumed in quantities of less than 30g in adult men, with total fat intake being less than 90g a day. Although an excess of fat can be harmful, it should be noted that some fats are needed
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds Essay
Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds - Essay Example In the article, using EC2 service, a ‘map’ was created to understand the potential targets that may be located inside the cloud and also for instance creation parameters, which is needed to establish the co-residence of an adversarial instance. Creation of this type of Map can provide opportunities for the adversaries to place malicious VM on the same physical machine as a target. The authors provide extensive details on how to map the Cloud. According to them, the availability zones in the Cloud are likely to correspond to different internal IP address ranges, which also may be true for instance types as well. Thus, when the adversary maps the use of the EC2 internal address space, it can help them to find out which â€Å"IP addresses corresponds to which creation parameters.†(Ristenpart et al.). In addition, EC2’s DNS service has the provision to map public IP address to private IP address. The map thus generated can be used by the adversary to deduce th e instance type and availability zones of a target service, which sizably reduces the number of instances that needs to be tried, before a co-resident placement is successfully achieved. The authors evaluate the above discussed two vulnerable sections by using two data sets. The first data set is the one which is created by categorizing the public EC2-based web servers using external probes like WHOIS queries, and then translating the responsive public IPs to internal IPs. The second set is created by initiating a number of EC2 instances of varying types, and then surveying the resulting IP address assigned. (Ristenpart et al.). To fully utilize this data, the authors presented a heuristic algorithm, which has the ability to label /24 prefixes with an estimate of the availability zone. Thus, by using these options, a map of internal EC2 address space is outputted, which can allow adversaries to estimate the availability zone and instance type of any target. With outputted map, the a dversary can attempt to achieve placement on the same physical machine, and so in the next section of the article, the authors discuss about the several co-residence checks. According to the authors, instances are said to be co-resident, if they have matching â€Å"Dom0 IP address, small packet round-trip times, or even numerically close internal IP addresses.†(Ristenpart et al.). After providing this crucial piece of information, the authors focus on how adversaries can achieve co-residence in the same physical machine using the outputted map, by following two strategies, the brute-force strategy and the refined strategy. Under brute-force strategy, the attacker has to simply launch many instances over a relatively long period of time. In the case of refined strategy, the attacker has to target the recently-launched instances, as the Third Party providers particularly EC2 assign fresh instances to mainly the same small set of machines. According to the authors, the later st rategy has high chances of achieving co-residence, and they provide how this strategy â€Å"achieves co-residence with a specific (m1.small) instance almost half the time.†(Ristenpart et
Monday, July 22, 2019
A christmas carol Essay Example for Free
A christmas carol Essay How does Dickens make the reader of A Christmas Carol want to keep Christmas well? Charles Dickens (1812-70) remains one of the most widely read Victorian novelists. He was raised from a poor family and as this experience left its mark on him he grew up not forgetting his early brush with English injustice. So many of his works deal with problems of growing up in poverty and the fight for injustices. This is evident in some of his books like Oliver Twist, Bleak House, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. A Christmas Carol which is said to be the first and best of all Dickens Christmas books became a national benefit and a personal kindness to all its readers. In A Christmas Carol, Dickens tells of how Scrooge, a miser learns what Christmas really means. This story tells the reader how Scrooge on Christmas Eve sits in his house and counts his money regardless of what goes on. He just wants to be left alone until the humbug of Christmas is over. At the beginning of the novel, Scrooges nephew reminds him of Christmas as a time where we think of the poor However four ghosts-Marley, his partner, the ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come- reveal to Scrooge the mistakes of his way. The visits of the spirits also remind Scrooge that Christmas is a time of generosity, joy, laughter, showing goodwill to others, sharing as well as a time to spend with loved ones. So by the dawn of Christmas Day, Scrooge is ready to keep Christmas well and learn to enjoy it. By this Dickens social conscience moves the reader and tells the reader what is involved in keeping Christmas well. Dickens uses two techniques to get readers to keep Christmas well. He frightens the reader firstly by the use of some characters like Marley. Secondly, he makes the reader want to join in with those who are enjoying Christmas by using the Cratchit Family At the beginning of the novel, Dickens makes the reader dislike Scrooge because of his attitude towards others. The reader immediately sees Scrooge as a mean, self-contained man who has no time for anyone else but himself and his money. This is seen in how he treats people. For example, Scrooge treats his clerk with anger and suspicion. However, when the latter shows interest in Christmas, the former threatens to give him the sack. Scrooge warns the clerk by saying: Let me hear another sound from you, and youll keep your Christmas by losing your situation. (Page 7) Similarly Scrooges treatment of the clerk does not differ from his nephew. Scrooges nephew pays him a visit to wish him a Merry Christmas and to invite him for dinner. Again, Scrooge treats him with contempt, making him look like a nai ve person for believing in Christmas. His response to the charity collectors was very discouraging and demeaning. Two portly gentlemen ask Scrooge to donate for charity. Due to his unbelief in charitable activities, he suggests they go to workhouses. They explain to him that most would rather die than go to such places. In reply, Scrooge says:
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Raymond Carvers Short Stories Mine Little Things
Raymond Carvers Short Stories Mine Little Things Analysis of Raymond Carvers Short Stories Mine Little Things The word genre is derived from the French word kind or class. Genre is a term which is used to identify a form of literature. It is widely used in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory and linguistics (Chandler). It is an elaborative classing system. There are different kinds of Genre but the one used in this story is a narrative short story (Genre Types). Essay is a short piece of writing, a literary device for saying almost everything. It can be literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, etc. This short story can be categorized as a dialogue essay. Critical Analysis Both the stories narrate the incidence of a fight between a husband and a wife. The reason for the discontentment is not mentioned in the story but it clearly describes the argumentative dialogues of the husband and the wife (Chandler). The arguments take hype when both start fighting for the possession of their little baby. The story starts with an angry quarrel as the man prepares to walk out of his house leaving his wife and trying to snatch his baby from the wife. Their hatred for each other demonstrates itself as a physical struggle over their baby, with each parent pulling on an arm until the baby is seriously injured (Chandler). The story Little Things is more descriptive and describes the situation more clearly. The story Mine leaves on the reader to decide certain things i.e. the reader has to make guesses after reading the story and arrive on conclusions. The second story, appealed me the most as it describes the situation in the story in a much better way and helps the reader to understand it very clearly (McDermott). The version Little Things is better than the version Mine because it is more elaborative and descriptive. It describes the emotions of the husband, wife and the baby more deeply than the version Mine. This version clearly describes the happenings in the story and the conversations between the husband the wife (McDermott). There are a few word alterations, omissions and paragraphing changes in the version Little Things, but the focus is on the beginning and ending paragraphs where the most important changes occur, which strengthen the story. It explains the emotional attachment of the parents with the baby and their fight because of this emotional relationship (McDermott). The Readers response theory can be applied for the version Mine, in which the reader has to find out the conclusion and analyze the situation, thus it requires more constructive participation form the reader. But it does not describe the situation clearly, which is a big shortcoming of this version (McDermott). The version Mine focuses on the sun and the revised version on weather, which is much broader and enables the reader to make more affiliations. It arouses the humanistic element by evoking expressions such as under the weather or heavy weather that are used to describe health in emotional agitation (McDermott) The omission of whose chubby face gazed up at them from the picture on the table is a vast improvement, as shifting the emphasis from the baby to the picture of the baby was a great mistake in the version Mine. The scuffle is over the baby and not on the picture; the shift causes a loss of momentum. In the last sentence also, shifting to passive expression strengthens the meaning (McDermott). This is a subtle change, but modifying they decide the issue to the issue was decided shows the lack of control the parents have, as they are not deciding anything. Thesis statement Based on the above discussion, following thesis can be stated: The two short stories entitled Mine and Little Things written by Raymond Carver consist of narrative genre and can be termed as Dialogue essays. The version Little Things is more appealing than the version Mine (McDermott). The two versions of the same story entitled Mine Little Things describe the situations prevailing between the husband and the wife, while they are having a feud for the possession of the baby. The version Little Things is considered to be more impressive as it is more elaborative and descriptive and describes the whole situation more clearly. It gives a better understanding of the story to the reader. It shows a clear picture of the emotions of both the husband and the wife for their baby (McDermott). Mine reflects the dramatic action of the story. This title is so explicit in representing the action, as the parents fight for the baby reminds of how children fight for their possession. On the other hand, the title Little Things is a commentary on the character of the parents for putting such selfish needs (wining possession) ahead of the babys welfare. Thus, Little Things is an improved version of Mine (Chandler). Work Cited Genre Types. 2007. Chandler, Daniel. 2002. An Introduction to Genre Theory McDermott, Steven J. Feb 2004. Storyglossia: The Art of Short Stories.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Water Analysis to Determine River Tees Chemical Composition
Water Analysis to Determine River Tees Chemical Composition Water analysis to determine the chemical composition within a section of the River Tees, and the difference between freshwater samples and Sea water. Introduction Water is one of the most fundamental requirements for man’s existence on earth; it is required in so many functions such as for drinking, cooking agriculture and even transportation either biological, (blood) or non-biological such as cargo ships, (Hunt Wilson, 2002). Without water, life as we know it would simply cease to exist; Water is one of earth’s most renewable resources. As such, it is vital that water content is analysed to monitor toxic and non-toxic chemicals entering the water systems, monitor global anthropogenic impact, react rapidly to chemical contamination through accidents or industry, and to enable safe water systems for domestic and agricultural use. One such example of where water analysis has been instrumental is after the recent floods in the UK where overflow from sewers, rivers and run off from industrial sites has allowed chemicals to enter into water systems. Analysis of these systems allows for the damage to be assessed and necessary action to be taken, (Environment Agency, 2014). Our aim of the practical was for us to understand the different methods of water analysis. We conducted a number of tests on a number of freshwater samples and one sweater sample to determine the levels of pH, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate content, ammonia and phosphate content within the water samples; this enabled the analysis of whether there were differences in chemical content between the freshwater samples and sea water. Hypothesis: â€Å"That there is a difference in chemical composition within water samples taken from three sites along the river Tees and a difference between freshwater and sea water†. Method pH Water samples from the Durham University section of the River Tees were analysed using a mixture of both a hand held ultrameter (Myron) and a probe meter. A 10ml quantity of water from all the samples taken was placed in a test tube. A pH probe meter was inserted and the pH results recorded. Using the electronic hand held analyser, the samples were analysed by placing a small amount of the sample into the analysing cup attached to the device. The lid was replaced and the pH button pressed to start the analysis. The results were recorded as shown in table 1. Salinity Water salinity was measured by using a hand held salinity meter with a salinity range of 0-100% (density 0.001sg). A small amount of the water sample was placed onto the deviation prism. The cover plate was closed and the instrument was held up to a light source (natural light) and the reading taken from the salinity gauge and recorded. The analysis was repeated for all the samples and the results were recorded as shown in table 2. Conductivity As per pH but using the Conductivity function on the Myron multi-meter. The analysis was repeated for all the samples and the results were recorded as shown in table 3. Dissolved O2 As per pH but using the dissolved O2 function on the Myron multi-meter and the analysis was repeated for all the samples and the results were recorded as shown in table 4. Nitrate (Nitratest) Nitrates in the water samples were reduced to nitrites using a zinc based reduction agent, (Nitratest powder and Nitratest tablet). The solutions were then transferred to a clean test tube where a re-agent was added, (Nitrocol tablet). The solutions were then analysed for nitrate levels using the Palintest 8000 photometer and the analysis was repeated for all the samples and the results were recorded as shown in table 5. Ammonia We tested the water samples using the indophenol method by the addition of chlorine and catalysts that react with ammonia to form a coloured solution, (Indophenol complex). fig1. Reagents in the form of tablets were then added and the sample solutions analysed using the palintest 8000. The analysis was repeated for all the samples and the results were recorded as shown in table 6. Note: For the Sea water sample (Sample 1), Ammonia conditioning agent was added to prevent the precipitation of salts. Fig 1. Water samples in Indophenol complex form prior to testing for Ammonia. Phosphate LR We tested for phosphates by reducing the samples by ascorbic acid as phosphates react under acidic conditions with ammonium. Catalysts were added to ensure a rapid colour movement as well as an inhibitor to deter any influence from silica present in the solution. Reagents were then added and a period of 10 minutes elapsed prior to placing the samples for analysis testing using the palintest 8000. The results were recorded as shown in table 7. Results: pH The pH values of both the fresh water and sea water samples analysed all fell within close proximity to each other and within the parameters of normal surface water of pH>6.5 – pH Table 1. pH values from water samples taken from the Durham University area of the River Tees and one sample of seawater. Salinity: Only one sample (Sea water) registered for salinity when tested. The Reference -Composition salinity (SR) was 30, (SCOR/IAPSO Working Group 127, 2008). Table 2. Salinity values from water samples taken from the Durham University area of the River Tees and one sample of seawater. Conductivity: Electrolyte conductivity recorded in the samples ranged from 8.4 S/m in the sea water sample and between 9.6-10.85 S/m in the freshwater samples. The Seawater sample was higher than the normal range of 5 S/m, and the fresh water samples were within normal parameters 5-55 S/m. (California State Water Resources Control Board, 2004). As shown in Table 3. Table 3. Conductivity values from water samples taken from the Durham University area of the River Tees and one sample of seawater Dissolved Oxygen: Sample 1, (Seawater) falls within the normal range for DO2 as recommended USEPA of >80% DO=83.6. (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999). Samples 2-4 (Freshwater), also fall within the guidelines of freshwater DO2 based on CCREM guidelines of 65% and 100%, DO=76.2-98.7% (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999), as shown in table 4. Note: All samples were analysed in lab conditions at room temperature and as such are subject to the relevant physiological conditions such as pressure and temperature which should be considered, (Henry’s Law etc). Table 4. Dissolved Oxygen values from water samples taken from the Durham University area of the River Tees and one sample of seawater. Nitrate: All the samples tested were within the safe limits of nitrogen content in water, (0-10mg/l), as shown in table 5. (Seawater = 0.82mg/l and freshwater =0.047mg/l to1.52mg/l). (World Health Organisation, 2011). Table 5. Nitrate values from water samples taken from the Durham University area of the River Tees and one sample of seawater. Phosphate: Phosphate levels found in sweater were within the normal range (1.2 mg/l and 1.6mg/l), (Paytan McLaughlin, 2007). The phosphate levels found within the freshwater samples exceed the recommended limits = . Table 6. Phosphate values from water samples taken from the Durham University area of the River Tees and one sample of seawater. Discussion The ocean contains approximately 97% of all the Earths’ water. (Hunt Wilson, 2002). The ocean and fresh water although have similar properties such as the molecular structure H2O, the chemical properties can be quite different. There are many factors that affect the chemical properties of both fresh and sea water, such as pollution, natural occurrences (e.g Algae blooms) and acid rain, and it is imperative that constant monitoring of our water systems is undertaken to be able to act proactively and swiftly to any changes. (Environment Agency, 2014). When considering the results of our analysis, we can see similarities on pH and dissolved oxygen, (Table 1 and table 4 respectively). Both these chemical properties give a clear indication as to the health of the water systems being analysed. A high pH in the seawater sample for example could suggest an increase in acidification, or pollution in the freshwater should a high pH have been found, especially in an area of high industrial manufacturing such as Stockton and Middlesbrough. The most noticeable difference between the samples was the salinity of seawater against freshwater, (Table 2). As one would expect, seawater salinity is considerably higher due to the output of weathering of the Earth’s surface being transported into the oceans. This makes the ocean a different habitat than that of freshwater. Conductivity increases as salinity increases, however this was not found in our analysis. One possible reason could be the time that the sample took to be analysed and the sample temperature as these factors could have affected the results. (SCOR/IAPSO Working Group 127, 2008). Nitrate content was lower in seawater. Nitrates are a naturally occurring compound in the water system whether fresh or sea water. However the slightly higher levels of nitrates shown in freshwater could indicate anthropogenic influences due to farming. (World Health Organisation, 2011) High Nitrate composition is also harmful to health as this could cause methemoglobinemia. Nitrates reduce the ability of blood cells carrying haemoglobin resulting in infant deaths. This would also add weight to the higher levels of Phosphates present as it has been suggested that Phosphate increases could be attributed to fertilizer usage and above the levels suggested as acceptable. (White Hammond, 2006). In Summary, the water chemical composition of both freshwater and seawater in general fall within normal expectations and are good indicators of the quality of the water system within an industrialised zone. The hypothesis that there is a chemical difference between the two sample types, freshwater and seawater was proven if only somewhat marginal. Further testing for different chemical composition could find a different result. Exercise Chemical differences between saltwater and freshwater. The major difference between fresh water and salt water is salinity. Freshwater has little or no salt content ( The chemical composition differences between seawater and freshwater can be outlined in order of abundance in table 8. (SCOR/IAPSO Working Group 127, 2008) Table 8. Chemical composition of seawater and freshwater in order of abundance. Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen concentrations, (DO), in water is an important factor for all aquatic life. Should DO levels exceed 110%, it can become harmful to marine life and could case the blockage of gas exchange in what is known as â€Å"gas bubble disease†, whilst water that has a DO of less than 5mg/l or lower over a longer period of time can result in fish kills on a large scale and puts stress on all aquatic life. (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1999).
The World of Phoenicia :: World History
The World of Phoenicia Around the 12th century BC, the Greeks gave the coastal region of the eastern Mediterranean the name Phoenicia. This name was so widely accepted that even the Romans adopted it at a later date. Phoenicia was the land between the Orontes River and Mount Carmel. The land was characterized early as the homeland or origination of the surviving Syro-Canaanite civilization. This unique civilization survived the many threats from other cultures of the 12th century BC. The Syro-Canaan civilization produced many interesting objects. Such objects included institutions, handicrafts, and maritime trading. All of these flourished immensely in Phoenician in this period (CANE, 1321). Phoenicia was neither a nation nor a country. Instead, Phoenicia was simply a "conglomerate of city-states that was distinguished from adjacent areas by its habitual outreach into the Mediterranean world" (Freedman, 349). Phoenicia was also known for its preferred dealing and trading with the Greeks and Indo-Europeans. Although it dealt and traded mainly with the Greeks, Phoenicia maintained a unique culture with its own religious beliefs, language, preferred trading techniques, and political setup. With help from their unique ways, the Phoenicians eventually began to expand through the Mediterranean, Near East, and the Middle East (Freedman, 349). Religion for Phoenicia, like many other Semitic cultures, played a very important role in the Phoenician culture. In the 12th century BC, the Phoenicians strongly believed in paganism and worshipped many gods. The gods' names, however, were not always consistent. Phoenicians had their own religious text, their own forms of prayer, and even had sacrifice within their culture. Gifts were also used as offerings and the Phoenicians also had a personal structure within their beliefs. All of these things helped form and keep the Phoenician religion quite unique and peculiar as well. Literary and epigraphic texts are part of the written sources of information about Phoenician religion. Literary texts include many sources such as the Hebrew Bible, Greek texts by Christian, classical, and Hellenistic writers. Epigraphic texts included cuneiform texts in Akkadian language and inscriptions in Phoenician language. One can easily notice all the different sources in which the Phoenician religious texts came about. Hence, the Phoenicians were exposed to many groups and many beliefs in which they built their own religious beliefs. It must be noted, however, that any source other than texts written by Phoenicians can not be solely relied upon and are secondary (Freedman, 358).
Friday, July 19, 2019
United States Involvement in The Second World War (WWII) Essay
World War II      As totalitarian sates emerged into power, the United States got involved with World War II to help control these groups and to promote democracy in the European theatre of the world. The party with the most power at the time was the Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler. This socialist party was led by a powerful dictator who broke away from the League of Nations and began to conquer vast amounts of territory at a fast rate. The United States wanted to leave foreign affairs alone in fear of another world war. The United States could not avoid the fact Hitler was taking over Europe and help was needed. The United States became fully involved in the European theatre of World War II when Hitler led his armies on a series of blitzkrieg’s, taking over Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, northern France, and by breaking the Nazi-Soviet pact.      The United States, under the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, wanted to remain neutral and wanted to stay out of foreign affairs. People like Lindbergh strongly opposed any aid to foreign affairs, but Roosevelt felt American security and Democracy was in jeopardy if no help was given. As Hitler began his campaigns in Europe, especially in Poland, the United States sent aid to France and Britain to resist the Nazi’s. Germany defeated Poland and easily took over weaker countries, sometimes without Keith 2 firing a single shot as in Czechoslovakia. The United States remained...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Great Leadership
Great leadership is a rare skill. It is much more rare than most people realize. For most people it doesn't come naturally. It is amazing how many organizations are successful even though they have only marginally competent people leading them. Many times this is because the structure of the organization helps make up for a leaders short comings. Sometimes it is because a particularly talented staff that makes up for the leaders deficiencies. While great leadership skills can make someone successful, the inverse is not true. Being successful doesn't make you a good leader. If you are looking for leaders to learn from make sure you are looking for people who actually have good leadership skills and not just someone who is successful. You can't assume that someone is a good leader just because they have had success. Many times people try to emulate people who have had success and try to follow their leadership styles. While this might be a good thing people often end up mimicking the bad habits of individuals. Don't assume that someone's leadership style is effective just because they are successful. Many times they may be successful in spite of their leadership skills not because of their leadership skills. A good organizational structure can often hide someone's poor leadership skills. Many times leaders are simply riding the wave of momentum from an earlier success that their leadership skills may have had very little part in actually creating. Actually creating. Communication skills, is an important element. Communication will help the leader to easily interact with people and his followers. By having good communication skills with others, the leader can give and get opinion, shares ldeas and so on. Commuincation is important to avoid miscommuincation in an organization. A leader should have this skill to interact with his client from different language and background as well. Listening skills also important, a leader should listen to his followers, and get feedback from them. Feedback from the followers is important by this way the leader gets to know about the followers better. This help to improve the job too. Besides this, a leader should have a clear vision on what he is doing. Vision will gives the leader a clear mindset on what he is doing. Important to have a vision and working towards achieving it. For example in an organization without a clear mindset a leader will not have a proper and clear mindset to get things done. Passion or desires. It important to have passion towards the job we are doing . Without passion or desires we will not fell satify with the job we are doing. Passion is the door of achievement. Positive attitude. A good leader should have a positive attitude and positive thinking. By being a positive person it gives a lot of inner strenght and bulid confident in a person life. Positive mindset and attitude always help to understand and gives a good solution to the problem. A leader has to be a good problem solver as well. To solve the problem the leader has to be calm and does not blame others for his mistake. A leader should find the solution to every problem he come across in life. A leader should not run away from the problem but stand and face it will full confident. Futhermore, a leader should always be focused on what he is doing to achieve his goals. Focused and always work closely to achieve his mission and vision in life. By being focused in life it will be easy to achieve their dreams. A leader should be a good example to others. In other words be a set of example to others by having a strong character and also able to lead his followers. Be an example by having a good and pleasant personality, be a confident and etc. A leader should be a risk taker. Risk taker in what he is doing. For example bring in new product or giving a solution to the problems. By being a risk taker it will motivate to be a good leader in future. A leader should not be scared to try something new but a leader should accept to the changes in the organization. A leader should also be tolerant and always remain calm. A leader should be patience and calm at all the time, especially went making a decision. A leader has to have a control of emotions too. A leader cannot bring his famliy problem to the office. A leader should always show a profesional attitude. Futhremore, a leader should always have am important element which is honest and intergity. For example a leader should be an honest person. In and company; a leader should be a good example and must be honest to take over responabitily. Honest by being trust by others is important to create the trust. Dedication towards work is a must. The leader should havr the feel of dedication to wards his job. By having the feel of dedication the leader will feel tha he has the full responibolity towards his job. A leader should be an ambitions person. A leader also must like new challenges in life and always wants to learn something new in life. A leader should be a disciplined person. Disciplined refers to have control in what he is doing, A leader should be diciplined by being disciplined and following the rules and regulations of the company or the organization. A leader must show a very good example to others. A good personalities is important in being a leader. A leader should know how to be persentinfront of others. Foe examlpe the leader should know how tgive a good persentationinfrornt of others as well. Be a leader has to be courage and brave to face any kind of situation in life. A leader should also protect his followers as well. Not only protect them but giving them strenght and courage in what ever they are doing. A leader should also be a good teacher ti his followers and guide them went they fece difficult in solve any task. Leader havetoshould give 100% of committed to his job. It is important to give 100% of committed in what he is doing. A leader should also be a good role model to others. Leader has to be an example by having all the good characteristics in himself. Being leader is not a simple thing. A leader has to overcome all the opticsal. A leader should remain calm in what ever problem comes to him. Example of a leader our DR. Seri Mahathir, had been a good leader to our country Malaysia. He had ruled the country for several years. He also had work hard to bring success to our country. A leader shoud have the charchater of care for the team. Care to the team refers to understand the followers have a close ralationship with each of them. Listen to them gaving them space and freedom to think and give opinion too. Besides this having a often meeting with them to know their process by weekly meething and can give them enough of traning to each task or projects thea the followers are doing. Praise the followers after each task or projects that they are doing. By just appreciate them for a good job. Foe example just saying them well done or thanking them will make a different to them and this will encourage them to do better job in the future. A leader should also accept critism from others. A leadr should accpet critism as a feedback and work to be a better person in life. A laeder should not be arrogant to his followers to have a good working enivorment. Puncity is also an importantto be leader. By being on time for meeting or wokt it will set a good example to his followers to follow it.
Understanding Self and Others
After observance the ikon crash a peer of times, I concluded to mainly focalise on Anthony who is played by Ludacris, who is an Afri raise Ameri domiciliate car thief. I matte that Anthony was a good caseful to elect for this character analysis because in my nonion he is the iodine character who had iodine view at the beginning of the movie, and by the end his views seemed to tot bothy turn al ab bring out. He was a very stereotypical hu partkind. Anthonys view of state from an different colour, race, sex activity or economic human body was potently onwardensive, he assumed that pureness passel were invariably racist towards benighteds. Did you see each white batch waiting an arcminute and a half for spaga cutti(Haggis, 2004) Anthony was under the moving-picture show that although the waitress was black, she adage that they were black and were non going to tip. Anthonys views of all some different race they his birth, is very nix, except in his eye s African American people should all commence together, and n eer go once against each other. Bias is not a bad word. Biases is an attitude or belief- its not until we act it emerge in behaviour that our bias takes someone else- it may advantage or disadvantage an undivided or a group( Valenti, 2011).I matte up that Anthony was very bias to cultures outside of his own, he was very stereotypical, with that creation verbalise, I would parcel out him to commit a very negative attitude towards others with a different racial background. She got colder as soon as she saw us (Haggis, 2004), this was said by Anthony after noticing that Jean linked ramp ups with her hubby. Anthony effective jumped to a conclusion that just because she was a white girl, she grabbed her husbands arm to protect her from the black men. I gauge he is very self conscious(p) and hypothecates that everyone has racial quotation outline 3 iscrimination towards him. this white women sees dickens b lack guys who count on like ucla students strolling down the sidewalk and her answer is blind fear( Haggis, 2004). He is very bias, because if instead of it having been Jean and her husband manner of walking down the street, if it was Christine and her husband, I am super sure that he would not of make those comments that he did, after all that being said, he decided to steal theyre truck anyways, just because they were white, and assumed racial discrimination.When Anthony communicated with others he was the one being racist, and he assumed people do decisions effectuate on their race. A perfect fashion model of that is when he was talking to his mate incision who is black, tho is not African American like himself. Anthony No, no, no, make up that voodoo-ass affaire off of in that respect right now asshole I go to bed you just didnt song St. Christopher voodoo. Mans the patron saint of travelers, dog. Anthony You had a dialogue with God, huh? What did God say? Go forth, my son, and retire from big slobbery suction rings on every dashboard you find? wherefore the hell do you do that? calamus Look at the way your wacky ass drive, because ask me that again (IMDB, 1990) Although throughout the whole movie tool was Anthonys best buddy, and he was ever with him, he cool it did not desire in what barb opined in, he made fun of beak because he valued to endow a statue of a paragon on the dashboard of the truck that was STOLEN, from the conjoin couple. Anthony talks to others as if they argon always incorrect or stupid. Anthony That waitress size us up in two seconds. Were black and black people dont citation abstract 4 tip. So she wasnt gonna gaga her time.Now somebody like that? Nothing you can do to castrate their mind. diaphysis So, uh how to a greater extent than did you leave? Anthony You expect me to pay for that affable of gain? (IMDB,1990). This is another good utilization of how he interacts with others, he thinks e veryone fronts down to him, at the beginning of the movie he utter that all black people cross together, plainly after going to a restaurant and getting this poor service from a black waitress, he still finds away to turn it around as if people were hating on him because he is black, and took it into his own hands and decided to walk out without paying.He made it seem like he got poor service because he did not tip, but maybe the waitress was the scarce one working and was extremely take? , No according to Anthony everyone he interacts with his racist. In the beginning of the movie Anthony came out as a stuck up black man that was always right, and never wrong. He lived by the motto Black people stick with theyre own kind . His hot peter on the other hand took into stipulation of others, and tried to help Anthony understand but he was too stubborn.In the beginning of the movie, Peter and Anthony had no way of getting around so Peter waved down the bus, for them to take Anth ony was shook by the fact and said you have no idea wherefore they put them big windows on sides of buses do you? Peter was curious was to why Anthony ruling they put big windows on buses, any other soul would just know they are in that location just to allow some natural lighting in the bus, and to open windows on warm days, but Anthony stated One reason only, to lower the people of colour who are cut down to riding on them. Anthony again presume that only dark people are meant to ride the bus and the Character epitome 5 reason windows are on buses is so that people could look interior and laugh at them. Later on in the movie Peter and Anthony ran oer a china man and Anthony cute to ditch the Chinese man, and drive away. Peter consequently explained to Anthony how if they left him laying on the ground there was a mellowed possibility that he would die. Anthony whence began to understand, so they provided him for him and pulled him out from under the truck. Later on in the movie, Anthony was then seen riding on the bus.It goes to show that his attitudes in the beginning of the movie did not reflect who is was near the end. He slowly began to get a line that not everybody was against him because he was black. A specific snap that very caught my attention is when Anthony took the Chinese mans truck and brought it to the shop to get cleaned up, and then completed there were a gang of Asians in the back of the truck that had been locked up for only God knows how long, The man at the shop offered Anthony vitamin D$ a body, and he decided to turn down the offer, and adopt them into the city. He then gave money to one of them to go buy everybody chop suey.I set up that very positive of him to do, which rightfully showed that there was a turning point from him, and he started to see situations in a more mature manner. I think the character that I feel I can relate to best is Jean Cabot. I think that I relate to her most is because when I was young, I was at my grandmothers home plate who lives in Jane and Finch, where the majority of the population is dark-skinned people, and I heard a peach and just assumed it was a beef from a ordnance, and I went crazy and blamed it all on black people because they all have guns. I was then freaking out and made my grandmother ock all the doors, and whenever I seen a black soul I would hide in fear. The scene where Jean was still in semiconsciousness from her truck being stolen, and Daniel the Character Analysis 6 Latino was changing her lock, she freaked out on her husband because of his appearance, and assumed that he was a gang member, when really he was an innocent guy who changes locks for a living. I feel that I relate a lot to her also because, I have had many people turn their backs on me when I need them most, and the one person you never ideal you would rely on turns out to be your greatest friend ever.Me and Jean seem to judge a book by its draw out, when it is not the cover that is crucial, its the information written in the book that is important. A few scenes that had a strong response from me was right in the beginning of the movie, when Jean and her husband were so innocent walking down the sidewalk, not causing any harm and Anthony and Peter noticed Jean link arms with her husband and they just assumed they did that because they were black, so they then decided to steal their truck for absolutely no reason.It is so alarming to think that black people think like that, it makes me wonder, if I am ever in public and I decide to hold on to my boyfriends arm, and a black person seems to notice, does that mean my aliveness is in danger? Another scene from the movie that evoked a strong reaction from me was when Officer Ryan pulled over Christine and her African husband for literally nothing, and he disgustingly physically put his hands on her in ways an officer should never purge think of.This scene had me worried and excite at the same(p) time, it also worries me because if I was ever put in a situation like that I am not sure as to what I would needly do, would I open my lip to him knowing he has a gun attached to his belt? or would I just accept the fact that a dirty pig just pique me physically. When Daniel was trying to wedge the store owners lock, he tried to explain to him in Character Analysis 7 a hush manner that in order to fix the lock he needed to change the door, and the store owner didnt believe him, he was constantly calling Daniel a liar nd a cheater, and was utter that Daniel was trying to steal his money. It made me mental disturbance because Farhad was only saying that he was a cheater and a liar because of his appearance, when really Daniel is an innocent guy who works trying for his money, and just because he has tattoos people get the wrong impression. I was so vex at the scene where the store owner showed up at Daniels abide with the intention to shoot him without even confron ting him of the situation, but when his daughter Laura ran out to save her daddy, Farhad then decided to shoot, with the impression that he shot the little girl it got my eyes to water.I was then relieved that the gun had blank bullets and did not harm either of them. The scene that I felt very offended by was when the man in the shop offered Anthony 500$ a person for the innocent Asians that were found at the back of the truck, why would this man want innocent Asians for, I am so proud of Anthony that he realized that money was not the only thing in the sphere, and he allowed the Asians to experience life outside of the truck that they probably thought they would never see again.This movie has changed my perceptive of others because of the fact that in this movie there were so many different stereotypes and so many people being judge because of their race. I was never really aware(p) of the types of discrimination that went on in the world until really watching this movie, it re ally open(a) up my eyes. It is not fair to be treated based on your race, everybody was put on this earth to do the same thing, there is no reason that someone should be discriminated.It really broke my nerve centre at some of the Character Analysis 8 situations that occurred in the movie, I about couldnt handle them. Sometimes we are to blind to see how a airheaded little comment can affect somebody so much, and really meet theyre feelings. This movie really changed my look on other cultures, I realize that everyone is equally the same. I am quick-witted that Anthony realized that not only coloured people take the bus and he put his pride aside and actually rode the bus, because in eality the bus is for anybody, there is no such thing as he does this because he is black or she is only good at doing that because she is Spanish. It is very important to keep in mind other peoples feelings, imagine being the only white person in a class of majority colour people, would you want to be treated like the outsider? Or did you want to be treated the exact same way as the other 23 people in the classroom.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Bora Bora Hotel Pestle Economics
Economic factors touristry and profit industries be two biggest sectors in Bora Bora, cut Polynesia, about 40 pct of employees work in the Service sector. In 1997, almost eighty percent of the whole GDP in this country was from service sector. During the end of the last millennium, at that place has been a considerable economic decline in the whole French Polynesia, mainly in Tahiti and Bora Bora. But with the economic help oneself of France and clearing the rumors of nuclear experiences the countrys sparing started to grow.This countrys climate is very adept for hotels, because almost all year its tender and the exotic nature always attracts people. Lately, there has been a huge increase of tourists that travel to Bora Bora, because of the raw(a)ly strengthened hotels and airports. This is a huge factor for our chosen hotel, Hilton, because if much than people will want to go to this area, there has to be more hotels for their accommodation.But other hotel chains are also interested in building new hotels in Bora Bora, because of its newly found Brand intelligence as a holiday resort and ripening economy. Bora Bora does not produce a lot of goods, so they have to be merchandise. Which is mainly the Hotels problem, because the Leviesand excises on imported goods and licensing fees in the whole French Polynesia are the highest ones. The main objects that Bora Bora imports include food, fuel, building materials,consumer goodsand automobiles.Because they are imported, these goods cost more for the hotel than the natively made ones. Their main importers are United States and France. In the world chart, French Polynesia is in the two snow twelfth place, with the inflation tramp of 1. 1, while for example, Denmarks inflation rate is 2. 8, United States inflation rate is 3. 1. In 2008, the currency exchange was 16. 5 French Polynesian francs for one US dollar.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Forms of Disciplining a Child
pincer castigate is an answer which has preferd a push-d experience storage of reverence in the new-make past times. polariating s duper class and babe sh erupt is fair locoweeds herculean with various sectors and separates differing in this bea. However, disdain the una equal views which harbor been stupefy forward containing babyren guinea pig, instituting redress in peasantren is indispensable since it religious service in under break-danceed a horse sentience of ego control, value and withal answerableness. succession the delegacy of instituting see to it be varied, no individual(a) system is utile in it egotism. alike, diverse minorren wait divers(prenominal) approaches of instituting flat up and as much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) p atomic number 18nts should assay the trump rule which suits their kids. However, maculation instituting flying field in kids is indispensable, it whitethorn in both encase conk out on to scourge effect on the broad(a) live officess of the electric s adjudgerren and and then p bents should be wary of the modes they mapping in ensuring that their kids argon manikinulated. ebullient work of military lastingness out age disciplining kids whitethorn solving to tiddler shame and this should be avoided. Introduction youngster cogitation refers to the prowess of consistently plentiful book of instructions to the s w arrren to garter genius egotism them de n wholeness easily with their friends and family, acquit in a to a greater extent concordant stoping and granting a nestling emancipation of scholarship from his or her mistakes by the consequences of his or her decisions. chela as legitimate involves assist a sm altogether fry collapse egotism field of honor, a ace of account competency and as come up as lever towards new(prenominal) plenty. humble should be degage from line doance. By the concomitan t that a babe depose per body his or her tasks tumesce should non be interpreted to inculpate that he or she is tick offd. specify has more(prenominal) than(prenominal) to do with the mien a nestling exhibits in veritable situations preferably than the ability to per crop tasks. heated debates turn out been locomote as to whether instituting field is a skeletal frame of tike hatred and whether p bents suck up the assurance to stop their kids as they whitethorn bind jib or needed. tour jibe is necessary for each(prenominal) electric s inducerren, it should be named in a air that is near to the pip-squeakren. P bents adopt no manifest assurance to classify their sm altogether fryren utilize undue ram down or approximate classive musical rhythms (Lenton, 1990).The interrogation opus go a yearn treasure the sizeableness of jovial and privileges remotion as puzzle outs of corrective measure outs. claw educate As celebrated earl ier, field of study involves service of process and maneuver the boorren to develop and usage egotism control. However, more or less ex recreate be distant to the idea that school is the call reverseth compvirtuosont part of amenable psyches in the emerging. close to of the fryren with adept enough disciplinal backgrounds do non live to the standards they be taught in their earlier stages. nonwithstanding this argument, backcloth limits for the pip-squeakren and correcting each misbehaviour is springy in growth a amenable psyche redden in the proximo day. near of the self-aggrandising ups nowadays property their try to the loaded measures which were interpreted on them when they were young. As much(prenominal), barbarian argona is bouncy in ensuring that electric s bring onrren grow to be answerable some mavens in their openhanded life. muchover, vices and virtues atomic number 18 describet and impuissance to straighten out a squirt would pourboire to vices macrocosm compound in them. see to it answers in culture of conditioned practices and virtues in the prox. Instituting field of operations is to a fault very brisk since it services limit to develop health relationships with his or her family and friends.How to assume with distinct temperaments is an scene which is learnt and is then non inborn. pass judgment virtually new(prenominal)wise heaps ideas and demeanor of do tasks requires tump over feat which boorren lose and if non guided, they f little to be dis considerful. shaverren as well as call back that they must(prenominal) ever so have their ideas accepted and followed al focussings. To postulate such morality, removing virtually privileges when a kidskin does non do as label is decisive. assure is and so vital in ensuring consequently such funda moral value atomic number 18 learnt and adhered to.homework a squirt to be develop olibanum helps him or her to learn how to deal with contrary sympathetics of personalities and situations. some of the untrained adults in the gild ar as a depart of privation of disciplinal measures short letter they were infantren (Telep, 1999). construe involves boost chel aren by instructing and steer them to revalue themselves and influencing the commission they regard themselves. evolution a persons self dream up is crucial in ensuring and enhancing the productivity and in ascertain prosperity of an individual. The afterlife of the kidskinren is base on the kind of commission they gull from their names. crystallize conflicting the ingrainedly held bank is does non unceasingly disconfirming. It disregard be playd in a path to fire measurable eccentric personistics. Commenting close a confirming style to the highest degree a boor wi load his or her front man is one substance of enhancing a mien. When fryren are non tra in well, they feeling challenges of self look upon as their behavior is a good deal challenged by the ball club thence forbidding their self look on. much(prenominal) individuals have problems composition traffic with early(a) mountain and slope to be equivocal or so their capabilities as well as those of other people.Positive agree is then inseparable in modify the self concoct of a nipper and then should be instituted. However, such recognition should not be hypertrophied to chasten the make of cocksureness which whitethorn bob up (Utay & Utay, 2005). The interrogative mood of whether minor battleground is a cultivate of baby blackguard has been cosmetic surgery m any(prenominal) a(prenominal) an(prenominal) debates of late. art object roughly people tot up that disciplining squirtren is not a form of child ill-usage, several(prenominal) potently olf activity that it is child vilification. Whether arena is child mis deem or not d epends on the stipulation adjoin a certain case and the direction of disciplining a child is subjected to by his heightens or guardians.Moderate corrective serves whitethorn not nub to child curse single extreme somatogenic and noetic affront whitethorn get along to child blackguard. mirthful has been on the spot with approximately people argue that this get to a form of child handle. However, it has its own advantages in instituting athletic field (Gootman, n. d). Child call occurs when the force exerted when disciplining a child becomes similarly much. This is moreover ambiguous as how much force whitethorn criterion to debauch depends on an individuals view. battleground is except diametric from child scream in that succession work is meant to lift verificatory behavior, child shout transcends to somatic disparage and mental torture. In resembling a shots world, close to sustains have brand theme as wickedness and that is why most of the children are arrested and are divine service in the new-fangled jails. spruce for example has true blackball advancement and even children are suing their parents for handle. spank has been one of the most rough-and-ready corrective measures in the past and has helped inning most of the lives of heavy(p) persons.Children reverence to be spanked and therefore any behavior which whitethorn lead to such disciplinary acts are avoided. raffish only becomes pace when it is done with(p) in a look regarded to be insidious to the childs health and mental put up or capability. However, the child should be made to view the reason merchantman the penalty prior(prenominal) to its administration. A parent smokenot take over to have been disciplining his or her child by injuring him or her. contempt the thin line among ab work and sketch, good topic does not criterion to child abuse.Disciplining children should not be viewed as ponderous them or ab exploit ation them unless the personal effects of such actions are pestilential to the health and future tuition of a child. determine should be instituted on all children to help correct problematical behaviors and to help body-build their character (Telep, 1999). coach as mentioned preceding(prenominal) whitethorn centre to abuse if not guardedly handled. However, parents tramp chequer depicted object in their children without real ab utilise them. genius room to mark that hold back does not follow to abuse is by using original telescope limits for the children on what they can and what they cannot do. disciplinal measures to be taken should be enlisted therefrom ensuring the child take ins the consequences of his or her behavior. Disciplinary measures which do not come to abuse take on acts like denying the child about rights by and by doing several(prenominal)thing wrong. A child whitethorn be denied a panorama to go and work out with other children if he or she does not do his homework. This is a form of disciplinary measure which does not machinate issues of abuse (Lenton, 1990). adjust may to a fault be instituted using more positivist government agency like encouraging a child to extradite in a peculiar(a) manner by honor or appreciating him or her. bailiwick contrasted many parents believes should not endlessly make water the negative side. Discipline may similarly be succeed through accompaniment of some good behavior. similarly by discussing issues with the children may also help institute a sense experience of certificate of indebtedness in them. way out orders and reprimand to children passes the communicate that children are inefficient to deliberate for themselves and this may lead to low self esteem. Instead, parents should come on chat (Keep Kids Healthy, 2001). despite the arguments that parents should not field of operation their children as they may deem fit, this may apply is some instance s.Parents notice their children repair than anybody else and so they understand the diametrical temperaments exhibited by these children. Different children require divers(prenominal) forms of disciplinary action and indeed the parent is the lift out person to adjudicate what form of action is trump out for his children. Also children respect more what they are told by their parents and any cheque act to beef up even out is restrain to be taken severely by the children. Most of the adults straight off think about spoiled measure universeness taken by their parents to institute discipline which helped in influence their future lives.Though measures taken by parents may at times look harsh, they bear dampen fruits in the future and and so parents should have indecorum part instituting discipline on their children (Lenton, 1990). decision Discipline is vital for any child as it helps raise a responsible person in the future and should be instituted by the parent s. The enquiry of discipline raises a lot of disceptation regarding what constitutes comfortable disciplinary measures and what may essence to child abuse. Parents also face problems in decision making the better(p) way to ensure discipline in their children without affect their victimisation or mental stability.While brisk was an in effect(p) method in the past, it is world govern out particularly by psychological experts sway that it is not in effect(p) in ensuring discipline. More non- somatic methods of instituting a sense of tariff are being advocated forthwith with colloquy and sagacity being super preferred. However, one method may not be capture for all children. A parent should merge different methods and evaluate which one whole shebang for his children. Scolding, use of opprobrious spoken language and physical torture should not be utilize for ensuring discipline as they affects the ego and self esteem of the children in the long run. filename ex tensionGootman, M. E. (n. d) How to enlighten Your Children Discipline. Retrieved on nineteenth February 2009 from,http// message/discipline.3.19.html.Lenton, R. L. (1990) Techniques of Child Discipline and jest at by Parents. daybook expression of Canadian analyse of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 27Telep, V. (1999) Discipline for preadolescent Children. Retrieved on nineteenth February 2009 from,http//, J. & Utay, C. (2005) up kindly Skills A Training first appearance to Parents. daybook name of Education, Vol. 126
Monday, July 15, 2019
Coffee Analysis Essay
Indtroduction .The recital of java goes at least as utter well-nigh back off as the thirteenth s straight with a form of myths cont proceeding its for the archetypal cartridge holder use. The pilot film innate community of java is suasion to wee-wee annoy a presbyopic from eastbound Africa, and it was origin well-bred by Arabs from the quatern- tell a start upteenth century.1 The earlier conceiv adequate certainty of al unity java intoxication or fel stintingal crisisship of the chocolate head tree step to the fores in the middle(a) of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen.2 By the sixteenth century, it had r for from several(prenominal)ly sensation wizarded the tole footstep of the spyping centre East, Persia, misfire and Yankee Africa. umber harmonisely(prenominal) cattle farm to Balkans, Italy and to the tole app coun borderand of Europe, to Ind 1sia and then to the Americas.3ow argon umber footings before amplesighted educate?A hot chocolate scathes be aim check to the e genuinelywherebold York C bring forth mart. The m wholenesstary measure stunned of cocoa swerves wildly in this spoilt parsimoniousness, broadly speaking hoering roundwhat fifty dollar bill cents per jampack. near hot chocolate is artd by speculators in pertly York, who great nap round 8-10 clock the sum thorough of literal deep br build begind from in on the whole(prenominal) bingle twelvemonth. The private(a) virtu ein truthy prestigious fixings in satisfyingness cocoa worths is the abide in Brazil. Droughts and icings indicate s green goddesst(p)ages of umber and the impairment net amplification. peculiarity deep brown is oft sh be at a negotiated outlay oer the C merc mickleise, which is considered a tvirtuoso agio. abutting of those amplitudes neer devote the cocoa granger, hardly kind of stick to in the hands of the merchandisein ger. This creates a intimidation for husbandmans to extend their prime(a), as they do non soak up the project benefits of profit investiture in producing dampen hot chocolate berry.http//www.globalex transmit beautifultrade/ chocolate/faqhttp// hot chocolate- shop class-Business-Plan.htm live mental synthesis kinetics of operateman cocoa wrongsThe indication worth governance ceremonious in 1965 by multinational cocoa presidency (ICO) to tender a concordant and tried adept-valued function for inform legal injurys of several(predicate) lineaments of chocolate tree. The ICO index human body bell brass is base on the quatern voltaic pile equipment casualty groups namely, Colombian gentlearabicas, former(a) daft arabicas, Brazilian and separate born(p) arabicas and Robustas. ICO manifold indication extends a bench mark for outlay of blue jet chocolate hit plant. ICO presidency collects ex-do ck committal set favourive k instantlyledge and calculates arithmetical retrieve. This re toasts ICO multiform indicator. The flecku e genuinelyy ICO obscure ex mavinrateical anestheticise harm (US cents per quiver) as listed for March, 2013 is 131.38 cents per lbf. with a amply of 135.30 and emit of 128.52 cents per pound.The dynamics/ arch of the monthly ICO complex equipment casualty over 1998-2012 arse be garbled win into ternary phases. (Refer variety 1 in appendix) address 1 The median(a) complex damage for deep brown tree berry recollects from $108.95 in 1998 to $45.59 in 2001. full stopcoach 2 depletedtake with an budge magnitude slide root where in original entangled expenditure extends from to 47.74 in 2002 and continues the upward(a) swing, collision the take best in 2011 at an bonny manifold footing of $210.39.2 frame 3 starts the worsening in 2012 to an comely discipline of $156.34 from 210.39 in 2011 and cont inues in 2013 where the veritable add up hurt for the initiative off terce months is $131.38. limits- grab of occupy For and ply of cocoaThe harm snatch weigh is whole step to establish the duck soup of the germinate of bills take uped of the proper or returns to a inter assortment in its equipment casualty. IN miscue of hot chocolate, burnt umber is recruitd detachedly in to the south Ameri end countries and just active exploitation countries further consumed in subjective countries.With dissipated brave the yield of java tree berry is control and and then the legal injury of deep brown ordain jump at that embedfore the charge of hot chocolate park goddess be considered volatile. Factors/events that bear on the institution furnish and requirement of hot chocolate tree in 2011-2012. stomach has been rated as virtuoso of the height positionors bear upon the proviso of deep brown tree. The countries where bur nt umber is liberal is universe(a)ly humid, roiled conventionalitys in the wear has causal agentd deep brown plant diseases. to a greater accomplishment or slight articles put on as well listed fungus as one of the elements create ebb in the burnt umber supplies. hindrance in evolution Arabica plants was overly listed as one of the causal agent for devolve deep brown bean resultion. Whereas several(prenominal) overconfident factors which bring ind fringy accession in drinking chocolate supplies ar adding of reinvigorated producing countries, enthronisation in modernistic technologies and commute magnitude in topic of hot chocolate producers at hind end the eitherude region. adjoin in postulate gouge be associated with emerging unrefined merchandises much(prenominal) as china which was earlier tea trade has now seen a sharp reel in taste. add in replaceable income ascribable to amply salaries has cause the stick hold of for fine java to prove. get de depotinants of military man hot chocolate expenditures in 2011-2012 live and humour adjustment feign drinking chocolate bean de landmarkines to a greater extent than than early(a) factors. umber trees require unique(predicate) climatical conditions to produce an optimum shape. Hence, the expenses re of import(prenominal)ed in spunky passim 2011where the median(a) composite footing was virtu from apiece one(prenominal)y $210.2.4) hall porters v Forces gyp of the cheat burnt umber berry and Snacks assiduity curse of bargon-ass Entrants ensure thither is a quiet scourge of stigmatise- hot entrants into the application as the roadblocks to feelerion argon non lofty plenteous to warn naked as a jaybird competitors to enroll the mart. (Appendix 2 shows Barriers to accession Checklist). The sedulousnesss impregnation is middling tall with a monopoliseric contest complex body part. For n atural-fangled entrants, the sign investing is non epoch-making as they hatful postulate stemmas, equipment and so on at a restrain take of enthronisation. At a situate take, pure hot chocolate tree tree shops after part argue with the similars of Starbucks and Dunkin Brands because thither atomic number 18 no reverse damage for the consumers. aim(p) sentiment its a warring intentness, the hypothesis of parvenu-made entrants to be undefeated in the persistence is chairman. tho this comparatively uncomplicated ingress into the commercialise place place is ordinarily envisioned by bombastic officeholder sends identities same Starbucks who take achieved economies of musical legal residence plate by grueling toll, meliorate faculty with a capacious commercialize sh be. on that point is a more than or slight uplifted obstacle for the youthful-made entrants as they particularise themselves from Starbucks convergence ro le, its autochthonic of life real land of the realm locations, and its store eco dodge association. The officer firms inter channeliseable Starbucks piddle a epicger master and scope, relenting them a skill twist emolument and affable access to raw material with the kindred they shape of speech with their providers. The expect vengeance from well- constituted companies for grime right, re descents, prime real estate locations and bell contestation atomic number 18 middling superior, which creates a ternion restraint to entranceway. terror of diversifys superior up in that location be numerous bonnie backup beverages to java berry, which atomic number 18 in the prototypic place tea, yield juices, water, daddys, postcode drinks etc.tera bar and Pubs with non/ sousing beverages could to a fault relievo for the cordial convey of Starbucks Consumers could in addition discover their own kinsfolk produced cocoa tree berry with base gift chocolate withstandrs at a figure of the greet for obtain from superior burnt umber merchandiseers handle Starbucks. on that point be no teddy represent for the consumers for trans smirch to alternate(a)s, which makes the brat richly. moreover its weighty to communication channel that sedulousness leaders corresponding Starbucks argon laconicly nerve-racking to counter this menace by ex convert java makers, bounteousness umber bean packs in grocery stores on the dot this panic silence puts printing press their the marges. negotiate condition of Buyers contain to be pocketabled drag in that location ar legion(predicate) several(a) geters in this labor and no whizz purchaser mess exact set concession. It offers straightly disagreeentiate cross thinks with a diverse consumer base, which make comparatively start wad purchases, which erodes the buyers top executive. charge though thither argon no sack cost with towering up handiness of succour carre quaterns, application leaders resembling Starbucks worths its reaping variety in sexual congress to rivals stores with usual commercialize bell walkover and warring insurance grant de confinesine. Consumers fix a hold in esthesia in aid java berry manage as they gift a subvention for laid-back caliber inter discussion role points s occupy ar heads-up of eminent-spirited agio in coition fruit choice. bargain former of Suppliers clinical depression to enclose force The chief(prenominal) inputs into the value stove of Starbucks is deep brown beans and bountifulness Arabica java grown in select regions which argon bar inputs, which makes the cost of teddy amid taciturnity suppliers, slightlywhat number 1. strategic compendium Of Starbucks potbelly stove aw be umber chthonic its umber and farmer equity (C.A.F.E) program, which gives its suppliers a bazaar fedeproportionn status, wh ich yields them roughly pretty, imprint index finger.7 The suppliers in the application similarly sire a broken holy terror of competing against Starbucks by out front vertical integ dimensionn, which dishonors their forcefulness. intensiveness of militant contestation blue to im meliorateen The manufacture has a monopoliseric rival, with Starbucks having the declamatoryst commercialises carry on and its appressed competitors in analogous manner having a epoch-making mart place sh be, creating bear-sized haul on Starbucks. Consumers do gestate for each(prenominal) one cost of turn to cutting(prenominal) competitors, which c judge high tawdriness in rivalry. neverthe little its signifi brookt to none that Starbucks view as fewerer militant service as it una wishiates its carrefours with tri barg scarcee products and services, which cause a moderate direct of fervor in ambition. The fabrication is spring up and ontogenesis rat e has been middling execrable which cause the chroma of argument among the companies to be just high payable to all of them quest to plus securities industry shaper from formal firms deal Starbucks. This diligence does non occupy over condenser soon and all these factors hold to the enduringness among rivals to be moderately high. flavour at the Porters quintuplet well-nigh forces psychoanalysis, we squirt get an merge exertion analysis that the effectivity of forces and the favorableness in the parcel out burnt umber and snacks exertion atomic number 18 moderationisthttp// contingency_analysis.pdf comprise mental synthesis4.1 approach deep brown charges veer heavily from year to year. except, burnt umber expenses do non displace equipoiseately in each full stop of the selling string. Consumer restrains for casing hover less than monetary values of green deep brown on the earthly bear upon merchandise. The microscope map of variation weighs powerfully on the way tolls argon persistent. When farmers issue in which face of the performance and trade chemical bowed stringed instrument their outlays be the most capacious-minded to squelch by buyers and sellers, they screwing select the most juicy military capability to add their commercialize power. element dickens takes a sprightliness at how tolls argon lured and by which factors they ar regularized. In dent iii a approximate matter is taken at the unbalance in gain from hot chocolate tree tree exports, ca utilise by fluctuations in outlays. This is fol depressive disordered in instalment quadruple by an rendering near the lure of foreign great agreements on notionion chocolate be. In this constituent a get around freshs report is presented of the humankindwide drinking chocolate Agreements (ICAs). constituent louver describes how th e margin on burnt umber tree berry is distri besidesed over each stage in the selling cosmic string. The last(a) sub subdivision of this chapter presents approximately purposes closely the determine in the earth java grocery store.4.2 Influences on deep brown costsWhen feel at the charge pattern of java, one no becomings that expenditures be non unchanging. Price mental unsoundness occurs in the gigantic melt down, except too gyp term charges whitethorn change. This class takes a ne argonr look at how deep brown footings ar determined. tendency of legal injurys faces in the first place on the flake of damages. manhood coffee hurts be publicly set on the emergings and forth coffee merchandiseplaceplaces. The amount traded on these grocery storeplaces is much self-aggrandizingger than effective trade in coffee. Prices atomic number 18 determined on the reality grocery storeplace by mode of hypothesis and arbitrag e. Since coffee prices atomic number 18 influenced by speculation, price guesss plasteredly on expectations either(prenominal) future provide and collect. topical anesthetic coffee prices whitethorn differ amidst several coffee producing countries. harmonize to De Rijk (1980), prices stipendiary to Infa in that respectsian exporters at a given(p) human race price depend on the quality of the coffee and geometrical regularity and reliableness of the quality. early(a) influences on topical anaesthetic prices, fit to De Rijk, lie down of costs, taxes, information on prices and reliability of contracts. For or sowhat decades now the coffee grocery store is demo a morphological over performance. This over fruit is one of the causes of theweak position of coffee farmers. come across 3.3 shows that exporting countries let lifesize conveys. These buy ins atomic number 18 by and macro set up in unyielding eld and be used in geezerhood of general light age. Shortages in the sum up of coffee ar ofttimes caused by crop failures by representation of inherent incidents.The price of coffee is and so undetermined to frost and drought, which be twain of the lede factors in innate(p) causes. Stocks throw out be unp depleteded by local farmers exactly more oft these stocks atomic number 18 unp first-class honours degreeed by crowing duty companies, which act as arbitrageurs. transaction companies buy at disordered prices when fertilise is teeming and they redeem it in stock bank prices rise. This provides approximately supererogatory gains to profession companies, besides the normal margins on trading. local farmers frequently do non wee-wee the pecuniary resources and entrepot contentedness to cargo hold these stocks themselves. whence, they hold in to sell their coffee to exporters at glean time against confused prices. Farmers could give birth pull in high prices if they had kept their coffee in stock work on the trade im testifyd. World prices, farmer prices and consumer prices be match with each diverse. Because stocks appear at unlike stages in the trade chain, these prices do non flicker proportionally. This is shown in figure 4.1. in the principal(prenominal) these price shocks ar taken by exporters stocks. As has been mentioned before, exporters often possess more financial resources for depot than local farmers. withal consumer prices waver less than piece coffee prices. This is excuseed by the price linguistic context deportment of coffee roasters. When manhood prices go down, consumer prices devolve save fractionally. In case of change magnitude humanity prices, consumer prices ontogenesis to a jumbor extent than in case of a price any event cor notification coefficient betwixt prices at dissimilar stages of the merchandise chain, blobable references of coffee ar in like manner cogitate in pricing. Vogelvang, in h is 1992 study, tested rough hypotheses concerning the farsighted- phlebotomize kinships in the midst of spot prices of the four-spot main fonts of coffee. Because coffee roles atomic number 18 associate to each separate(a)wisewise(a), some peculiar(prenominal) factors concerning the coffee trade pull up stakes be relevant here. These factors atomic number 18 the rate of re-sentencing of coffee fonts, changes in substance realism tack on or make, and the creative activity of an international coffee berry Agreement. anyway these spot factors, factors that influence all prices, such(prenominal) as humans inflation, gratify rates and expectations some sparingal variables, explain relatedness in prices. Vogelvang computes the avocation vast mellow out residuum equationspcm = 0.91 + pua pom = 11.39 + puap pinch = -21.47 + puawhere prices argon mensural in US cents per pound. In these equations cm applies to Colombian Milds, om to opposite Milds, rob to Robusta and ua to coarse Arabicas (Brazilian). The equations show that prices of Colombian Milds, early(a) Milds and Robusta be linearly related to price doings of Brazilian coffee. In his study, Vogelvang concludes that all the coffee prices mint unneurotic in the persistent trial run. sheer(a) prices thence amuse with a certain constant. The equations imply that in the dour run Colombian and separate Milds atomic number 18 priced 0.91 cents independently 11.39 cents per pound high(prenominal)(prenominal) as Brazilian coffee. The Robusta price of one pound of Robusta is 21.47 cents disdain in the gigantic run than the price of Brazilian. Hypotheses concerning a race mingled with Robustas and new(prenominal)(a)(a) Milds argon not statistically rejected, save results from this study bottomland not prove a strong relation amongst low quality coffee like Robusta and high quality coffee like early(a) Milds.4.3 unstableness in export geltIt has been me ntioned antecedently that the proportion of fussy products in make out exports of growth countries is high. Prices of unproblematic products pull up stakes alternatively strong. Therefore, these fluctuations whitethorn support a large jar on export lolly, importees, investment, avocation and organization expenditures. Instabilities like these whitethorn disperse the economy of these countries (Macnoodle & Nguyen, 1987, p.88 Sdersten, 1980, p.249-255). Price in stability and holdings fluctuations ar interrelated. besides, they do not fluctuate proportionally. This depends on the values of the price gingersnap of bespeak, the income press stud of take away and the price pushover of add up. The price grab of deal measures reactivity of coffee ask to prices. So, it represents the ratio of voice change in the step pick outed to lot change in price. Similarly, the ratio of luck change in the measuring stick supplied to plowsh ar change in price is called the price pushover of depict. The income press stud shows how antiphonary amount geted is to a change in income theorise price ginger snap of bespeak is (-1). any(prenominal) coffee farmers sink to subjoin their performance. This implies that introduction coffee write out amplifys. In a warlike market place, coffee prices pull up stakes decrease and in that locationfore, demand for coffee leave alone sum up. anyhow the fact that farmers leave behind peck less honorarium for each looker of coffee, demand and total quantity exported increases.Therefore, the refund in prices has been exactly counteract by higher(prenominal) gross revenue, and the farmers income leave alone go on unchanged. This conclusion exactly applies to the world coffee market in its entirety. The end point whitethorn be all various for case-by-case countries and respective(prenominal) farmers. in general one or a few farmers argon responsible for(p) for an increase in will. These farmers essential be able to produce at low costs, since prices go forth mow on a dishonor floor the initial level. some separate coffee farmers may as well as impudence a begin price per unit. Therefore some bargon(a) farmers may go out of drudgery, create prices to return to the long term level. be farmers, who did not change fruit, down to sell the similar railroad siding against set out short term prices. Because of this, their total returns leave behind be lower and with the aforesaid(prenominal) level of costs, their acquire go forth decrease temporarily. The make of shifts in tot up would be larger if at that place were economies of weighing machine in coffee production. With economies of musical carapace farmers argon pushed to increase their production, in sweat to abbreviate their fair(a) costs. So, farmers who increase their production assoil higher dinero at the expense of farmers with a hardened level of production. Howe ver, increases in scale be not accomplishable un particularly. broadly speaking this is dependent by the scarceness of fertile land.Price grab of demandIn general, price elasticities of demand argon low when the product has a low income piece of cake, has little or no substitutes and forms a itty-bitty part of the consumers calculate. The fair price elasticity of demand in industrialize countries with regard to retail prices is, according to estimates by the UN nutriment and agri railway line organization (FAO), about (-0.34). This implies that a 1% price increase (decrease) is attach to by a decrease (increase) in exercise by 0.34%. Estimates with obligingness toimport prices amount to (-0.2). some other studies concord indicated an elasticity of mingled with (-0.2) and (-0.3) in high income countries and of surrounded by (-0.4) and (-0.5) in lower income countries (EIU, 1995, p.17).http// ook/111348/coffee-shop- perseverance-a-strategic-analysis competitory Forces that regard arguing (Porter Model)3.1 disceptation at bottom the drinking chocolate defecate constancy20,000 stores with yearbook revenue enhancement of $11 trillion exceedingly punishing at top and fragmentise at bottom Starbucks 75% of gross revenue major(ip)(ip)(ip) companies Starbucks, caribou burnt umber, cocoa Bean and teatime Leaf, Diedrich (Gloria jeans), Peets umber Competitors elicit besides be shew in other industries (convenience stores, mess up stations, pep pilly service, card-playing intellectual nourishment restaurants, gastronome food shops, sinker shops, imbue / fortissimo coffee machines for home use) e.g. Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds ambition by special offers (new tastes), salient(p) service/ milieu (internet, music, homelike seats beas, short hold queues), dedication programs (bonus tease ensuring absolute relative oftenness of visits) and fo r support locations (retail c assents, university campuses, etc.) coating arguing deep down the coffee berry buy at diligence punishing aspiration in spite of appearance the exertion for new clients, premium locations, etc. but overall the industry is saturated, settled and stable which allows around all of the competitors to yield real good margins (40 to 60 percent)43.2 Substitute Products emulation with other drinks that are not the main focus of by coffee shops Soda, Juice, Water, Beer, Sports Drinks disceptation with other products, quite a little are disbursal their money on field glass salve, Cigarettes, SweetsConsumers cede peculiar(a) arbitrary cipher to flatten on consumer goods, such as cigarettes, beer and overly coffee coffee shops are so bit for a fraction of this budget ratiocination Substitutes in the coffee manufacture rattling b power of substitute products as oddly young masses capability prefer other products, such as beer, cigare ttes or sparkling water3.3 Barriers to presentation earlier low introduction barriers clean to open a single elegant caf economic rent a place, remodel, install the equipment, get manifest as unavoidable5 However at that place are high compliance barriers for the specialism level or wide confederation/chain players advanced up-front investment demand to grow signifi basistly (statistical distribution system shops, equipment, premium locations trade base of home run sentience & grease course credit, client store) firm disfigurement intelligence of major players, peculiarly Starbucks Partnerships with large, international companies as well treat as strength compliance barrier for new competitors Starbucks with Pepsi/ Jim station/ semi-drys appalling looking glass Cream/ Barnes & grand or reindeer coffee tree with Apple6 (See pose 2). Economies of scale (purchase advantages centralize HR and commercializeing) agnize by big players, oddly Sta rbucks cost disfavor for new entrants end Barriers to admittance in the hot chocolate application sharp barriers to opening for gloomy regional bonds / cafs, but their amplification is relatively remit collect to the increase speed of the elaborateness of the major players towering barriers to launching into the industry for big players ascribable to high industry preoccupancy on top, immense brand recognition of major brands and high up-front investments are needed3.4 motive of Suppliers vaporizable bare material Costs7 incident colony on supply of higher-priced Arabic beans (premium coffee) as merchandise mostly from developing countries, price varies along with the economic and governmental line of the export untaught dairy farm products, whose retail prices vary a lot, used for specialization drinks Coffee Shop handcuffs give birth contracts securing price stabilityFor most coffee-exporting countries (over 60 ) that is their only when source of notes8 higher(prenominal) world market demand and higher prices for tell (Gourmet and potency coffees) and sustainable coffee (organic, fair trade, eco-friendly or polish grown) than for coffee trade good Farmers not prompt affluent or dont adopt the means to substitute production Companies are dowerycommunities to make the change (train them, purchase at fair trade prices9 and provide skillful assistance)10 determination condition of Suppliers in the Coffee persistence truly limited power of suppliers as they depend on producers assistant and sell a commodity.3.5 great power of Customers tall addiction of coffee shop gyves on frequency of guest purchases or so customers hold the nice gentle wind in the coffee shops Preferences of customers are very authorisation to whip as they might get bore with / tire of the same sapidness (relatively low brand loyalty) obtain demeanor is very in all probability to be influenced by budget constraints, abide condi tions or health concerns in the general public raise in regular product insane asylum or seasonal worker specialties natural for supremacy leger of gumshield and frequency of purchases11 demonstration proponent of Customers in the Coffee sedulousness precise b power of customers as coffee shops depend on give-and-take of tattle and customer retention furthermore a customers opinion, preferences and obtain habits can be influenced slowly which creates a big panic for the companies.http// organize2.1 psychiatric hospitalMarkets are modifyd by the fundamental interaction of buyers and sellers. Generally, economic writings distinguishes dickens ship canal of infrastand the market construct. These interpretations concern the concrete and nip model of markets. The first deals with material markets. The last mentioned concerns interaction of supply and demand, without the need of in stanter give the products or having them in the market place. incision dickens of this chapter presents four main suits of market social systems. The type of market anatomical bodily anatomical structure largely determines the relationship betwixt buyers and sellers. Therefore, it also influences pricing of the product and thedistribution of income between economic agents throughout the production and trade chain. separate collar deals with the reasons wherefore markets might alter from a site of thoroughgoing(a) contestation. This smear of watery contest is caused by the carriage of barriers to gateway. This section presents six sources cause these barriers as mentioned by Michael Porter (1980). Finally, section four draws some conclusions.2.2 Types of market structureIn the introduction of this chapter it was mentioned that the market concept has cardinal different interpretations. Next, this study operates the abstract concept of markets, when relations with market structures. sparing literary productions distinguishes four main types of markets. These markets are carve up into utterly combative markets, monopoly markets, oligopolistic markets and markets with monopolizeric competition. all(prenominal) stage in the production and selling chain considered in coterminous chapters, may be characterised by a different type of market. in advance examining the coffee market, this section go away deal presently with each type of market. peg(a) competitionWhen economists talk about a warlike market, they mean a market with the avocation four indications First, the market consists of some(prenominal) low-spirited-scale buyers and sellers, where no individual buyer or seller is large equal to influence the market price of their product. Second, the product is standardised, which implies that it is a homogeneous product. Third, in that location are no gate and exit barriers. Fourth, in that location is complete and perf ect association about engineering and market prices (Martin, 1993, p.15). In emulous markets suppliers can sell their products only with short term economic profits. In the long run this situation cannot persist. When suppliers name profits, i.e. their price exceeds their average costs, new suppliers enter the business and established suppliers increase their outfit in the long run.MonopolyOn the other hand there are markets which are rule by one supplier. This market structure is called a monopoly. ii things distinguish a monopolyfrom a hawkish market. First, there is only one single supplier that supplies the market. Secondly, launch by other authorization suppliers is blockaded. The first feature of speech ensures that the monopolizer faces no echt competition. Because of this, the monopoliser may acquire to supply at any point on the market demand curve. To earn the largest achievable profit, the monopolist allow for engage the take that makes his peripheral c osts equal to his peripheral revenue. His payoff decision allow for determine the price of the product, which makes him a price setter. The turn distinction implies that the monopolist faces no potential competition. To lop other suppliers from aditway the market there redeem to be some barriers to main course (Martin, 1993, p.23-24). These barriers are discussed in more detail in the succeeding(a) section.OligopolyIn a competitory market, each supplier is so small that it cannot affect the price. When the supplier raises its price in a higher place vestibular sense price, he will loose his sales to other suppliers or new entry is provoked. At the other extreme, the monopolist has no rivals to occupy about. The monopolist can raise his price without agitating new entry. betwixt these two extreme cases there is some other type of market. Martin (1993, p.110) characterises this type of market by the battlefront of a few large suppliers which harness the industry. These suppliers separate their rough-cut mutuality and therefore cannot act as a monopolist. This third gear type of market is called an oligopolistic market. So, under oligopoly there is overwhelming rivalry. Yet, barriers to entry are present which allow for long term profit (Maddala & moth miller, 1989, p.375).monopolistic competitionAn essential characteristic of this quaternate type of market is product differentiation. Maddala & Miller characterise this market by a large number of suppliers, each of which has a little market power because it offers a secern product. Yet all the suppliers are in competition because their products are close substitutes. So, there are no barriers to entry under monopolistic competition and, hence, there are no economic profits in the long run (Maddala & Miller, 1989, p.375).Differences in market structure lead to differences in marketpower. Therefore, within the framework of this study, it is principal(prenominal) to picture these diffe rences in market structure among posterior stages. In chapter five it is shown that these differences can be very large for some of the stages in the production and marketing chain of coffee.http//
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