Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Accounting for Income Taxes - 1875 Words
According to Accounting Theory: Contemporary Accounting Issues by Evans, accountants have developed two alternative approaches to accounting for income taxes, which are the cash method and the allocation method. The cash method is described as a simple and direct approach. The amount of income taxes actually paid for the year is reported on the Income Statement. The amount comes from the firm s income tax return and fit is not adjusted in any way. Therefore, the firm s actual transaction to record its income tax liability is the basis for the amount of the income tax expense reported on the Income Statement. The allocation method is a bit different. The actual amount of tax that is paid in the year is ignored when it comes to†¦show more content†¦Because tax allocation was so complex at the time due to changes in the rates, FASB established an implementation group for tax allocation in 1988 and deferred implementation of SFAS No. 96. After FASB issued a special report in 1989 on implementation issues, complications led to the deferral of SFAS No. 96 again, until 1992, which shows the difficulty of obtaining a resolution on tax allocation issues. SFAS NO. 109 FASB issued this statement to replace the complex SFAS No. 96 which was concerned with the recognition of deferred income taxes. SFAS No. 109 requires that deferred tax liabilities for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets for all deductible temporary differences and tax credit and operating loss carry forwards be recognized. The Balance Sheet approach is used. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities represent assets and liabilities instead of residual deferred charges and credits. Under the liability method, an enterprise recognizes a deferred tax asset or a deferred tax liability for the future income tax effects of the difference between the tax basis of the asset or liability and its reported amount in the financial statements. Accounting for income taxes continues to be a source of controversy and difficulty for accounting standard-setters. This is corroborated by the fact that the APB and the FASB have three financialShow MoreRelatedHow Income And Its Impact On Financial Reporting1046 Words  | 5 PagesHow Income taxes developed in the financial reporting I. Intro A. Why I am choosing this topic Effectively managing a company is exclusively important for executives to understand both U.S general accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that govern financial reporting and tax implications of transactions. Corporations with a better understanding of Internal Revenue Code are able to deduct their tax expenses to the government, which will result in more cash to pursue profitable business opportunitiesRead MoreA Brief Look Into American Tax Structure1282 Words  | 6 PagesInto American Tax Structure GAAP vs. IRS Tax Accounting CJ Moore Highline CC January 19, 2014 Prior to the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment of the American Constitution, the majority of the income received by the federal government was through tariffs and excise taxation (Pollack, 2013). Tariffs are taxes â€Å"levied by governments on the value including freight and insurance of imported products (Tariffs and Import Fees, 2014)†. Excise taxes are â€Å"taxes paid when purchases are made on a specificRead MoreDefend the Asset/Liability Approach of Accounting for Inter-Period Income Tax Allocation.642 Words  | 3 Pagesapproach of accounting for inter-period income tax allocation. The asset/liability method of income tax allocation is balance sheet oriented. The intent is to accrue and report the total tax benefit or taxes payable that will actually be realized or assessed on temporary differences when their respective future taxable or deductible amounts are expected to occur. The book states 5 arguments: 1. The balance sheet is becoming more important financial statement. Reporting deferred taxes based onRead MoreEssay on Tax Law And Accounting1395 Words  | 6 PagesTax Law and Accounting In todays society income taxes are something in which almost everyone is familiar. However, the tax law and general purpose of income taxes is something in which the general society gives little thought. In addition, few tax preparers are aware that differences exist between the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and tax accounting, not to mention the ramifications of avoiding or evading to proper complete the reporting of income taxes. This paper will discussRead MoreIntermediate Accounting 9th Canadian Edition - Chapt1385 Words  | 6 Pagesresults in future deductible amounts and, therefore will usually give rise to a future income tax asset. ii. Reversing Entry that results in future taxable amounts and, therefore will usually give rise to a future income tax liability. iii. A permanent Difference b) Indicate if the amounts that are involved in the current year will be added to or deducted from accounting income to arrive at taxable income. 1. Financial reporting purposes: straight line depreciation method is usedRead MoreCompany Reporting1285 Words  | 6 Pagescosts creates a Deferred Tax Liability 2 2.2 Analysis on arguments by directors 3 2.2.1 No Income Tax Expenses 3 2.2.2 No deferred tax liability 4 2.2.3 Tax losses 5 2.3 Information utility to users of financial report of deferred tax liabilities 6 3.0 Conclusion 7 References 8 1.0 Introduction Accounting Standard AASB 112 (Income Taxes) prescribe the accounting treatment for income taxes. As stated by Leo, Hoggett, amp; Sweeting (2012), transactions undertaken by an entity andRead MoreIRS and Tax Regulations1649 Words  | 7 Pagesreturns that are in accordance with tax regulations and rules developed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The amounts reported under taxable income and financial income differs. These amounts are different because financial income is based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which uses the accrual method to report revenues. Taxable income on the other hand, which is determined by rules and regulations of the IRS, follow a modified cash basis to determine revenue. Therefore, it canRead MoreIntermediate Accounting 14 Edition Test Bank – by Kieso1044 Words  | 5 PagesIntermediate Accounting 14 Edition Test Bank – By Kieso Follow Link Below To Get Tutorial Description: Chapter 1 Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework Underlying Financial Accounting Chapter 3 The Accounting Information System Chapter 4 INCOME STATEMENT AND RELATED INFORMATION Chapter 5 BALANCE SHEET AND STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Read MoreTemporary Differences1346 Words  | 6 PagesDifferences SFAS No. 109, â€Å"Accounting for Income Taxes,†requires inter-period tax allocation for temporary differences. Required: a. Define the term temporary difference. b. List the examples of temporary differences contained in SFAS No. 109. c. Defend inter-period income tax allocation. a. Temporary Difference – Definition An assumption inherent in an enterprise s statement of financial position prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles is that theRead MoreCompany Reporting1448 Words  | 6 Pages1. Introduction Accounting treatment for income taxes for for-profit entities is subject to Australian Accounting Standard Board (AASB) 112 Income Taxes. In accounting for income tax, complying with tax-effect method involves the occurrence of tax consequences due to different treatments are applied for transactions and other events happened inside an entity for accounting and taxation purposes, namely current tax consequences and future tax consequences. The purpose of this report was to
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Use Of Cell Phones While Driving - 1509 Words
Several states have enacted laws banning the use of cell phones while driving; an indication of the type of society America has become. These laws were put in place not only to keep drivers from taking phone calls, but also to deter them from posting their latest tweet or commenting on their friend’s latest picture. Social media is so ingrained in society today that many are unable to entertain a world that is devoid of such technology. With usage at an all-time high, the psychological effects of social media must be brought into question, and the repercussions it has on teens in the modern day. Social media’s popularity shows no sign of stopping, so a solution is imperative. A means of safely integrating an internet culture, into an already pre-established one that was once dependent on direct human interaction. Predominantly 7% of adolescents receive negative feedback pertaining to their online profiles every visit to their social network of choice (Valkenburg). As for the remaining 93%, they have neutral interactions, receiving both positive and negative feedback. CNN reports that teens are spending 9 hours a day consuming media, the vast majority of which is done through social media (Wallace). Teens are spending more of their time than ever before interacting with the world and their peers, all possible in the comfort of their own homes. With the majority of teen’s lives being consumed by the internet, the psychological effects at play must be carefully addressed. AllShow MoreRelatedUse Of Cell Phones While Driving860 Words  | 4 PagesAmericans rely heavily on cell phones to perform daily activities. Cell phone are used for phone calls, email, sending text messages, surfing the internet, and performing other tasks. It is unfortunate that many of these daily activities occur w hile a person is driving. As a result, an increase of accidents and fatalities have occurred because of the use of cellular phones while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is an epidemic that has taken our nation by storm. Most drivers believe theyRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving1503 Words  | 7 Pagesforth over the lines or driving at very inconsistent speeds. You wonder what could possibly be causing the driver to drive so erratically. Is the driver drunk? Is the driver preoccupied with eating his or her lunch? Is the driver busy attending children in the backseat? Once you pull along the side you realize that was not the case, instead you notice the driver has a cellular telephone up to her or his ear chatting away, or even worse you pass and see the driver holding a phone texting, you pass byRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving990 Words  | 4 Pages Cell phones are integral to people’s lives in Canada because they are vital communication and entertainment tools. However, the use of cell phones has remained contentious, because texting and talking on the phone are associated with distracted drivi ng. Distracted driving is, â€Å"defined as the diversion of attention away from activities critical for safe driving toward a competing activity†(Klauer, Guo, Simons-Morton, Ouimet, Lee Dingus, 2013, p. 55). Although distracted driving is also associatedRead MoreThe Use Of Cell Phones While Driving1817 Words  | 8 Pagesknowledge that the use of cell phones while driving decreases driver awareness and overall road safety, and in response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have prohibited the use of handheld devices. However, there are no laws banning hands free cell phone usage, despite research claiming hands free devices are just as dangerous handheld devices. But, does their usage distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving? The followingRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving1114 Words  | 5 PagesToday, we use our cell phones for just about anything and everything to include; text ing, talking to our loved ones, and connecting with the rest of the world via social media. Cell phones have become a natural way of life to where we pick up our phones and use them like second nature. However, the dangers present themselves when we get behind the wheel of a car and carry these habits of cell phone addictions with us. If all states ban the use of cell phones while driving, then there would be a reducedRead MoreUse of Cell Phones While Driving824 Words  | 4 PagesIf you are driving at 55mph for 5 seconds in that amount of time you could cross a football field. People don’t understand how dangerous distracted driving really is. All states should have some sort of legal parameters of what happens when you get caught using your cell phone while driving. People should get a stronger/ harsher punishment for the use of a cellular device while driving. People are way more impaired when you are distracted and driving than you are drinking and driving. The problemRead MoreThe Use Of Cell Phones While Driving1843 Words  | 8 Pagesknown that the use of cell phones while driving decreases driver awareness and overall road safety, and in response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have prohibited the use of handheld devices. However, there are no laws banning hands free cell phone usage, despite research claiming hands free devices are just as dangerous handheld devices, but does their usage distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving? The followingRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving Essay1816 Words  | 8 PagesThe study was attempting to determine the thoughts and behaviors that African American freshman college students in regards to cellphone use while driving. They wanted to know how the students thought cellphones (independent variable) impact driving skills (dependent variable). Research suggests that cellphone use correlates to higher l ikelihood of accidents. The study used 331 (195 females and 136 males) freshman students who held a driver’s license. The students were then given a questionnaireRead More Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Driving1036 Words  | 5 Pagesoften. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phones that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Bluetooth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls by one touch ofRead MoreStop the Use of Cell Phones While Driving854 Words  | 4 Pages13 2013 Many people driving don’t know that they can be so many wrongs they can be doing without realizing it. Plenty talk on the phone while driving, drink, text and drive. A lot of people even innocent people as well have had accidents involving one of those. Out of the three there has been one that has become more common, and it’s only increasing if people don’t put a stop to it themselves. A usage of a cell phone should not be displayed at any point while driving. It can wait many have had
Monday, December 9, 2019
Sk-Ii Essay PG Japan: The SK-II Globalization Project In November 1999, Paolo de Cesare was preparing for a meeting with the Global Leadership Team (GLT) of PG’s Beauty Care Global Business Unit (GBU) to present his analysis of whether SK-II, a prestige skin care line from Japan, should become a global PG brand. As president of Max Factor Japan, the hub of PG’s fast-growing cosmetics business in Asia, and previous head of its European skin care business, de Cesare had considerable credibility with the GLT. Yet, as he readily acknowledged, there were significant risks in his proposal to expand SK-II into China and Europe. Chairing the GLT meeting was Alan (â€Å"A. G. †) Lafley, head of PG’s Beauty Care GBU, to which de Cesare reported. In the end, it was his organizationâ€â€and his budgetâ€â€that would support such a global expansion. Although he had been an early champion of SK-II in Japan, Lafley would need strong evidence to support PG’s first-ever proposal to expand a Japanese brand worldwide. After all, SK-II’s success had been achieved in a culture where the consumers, distribution channels, and competitors were vastly different from those in most other countries. Another constraint facing de Cesare was that PG’s global organization was in the midst of the bold but disruptive Organization 2005 restructuring program. As GBUs took over profit responsibility historically held by PG’s country-based organizations, management was still trying to negotiate their new working relationships. In this context, de Cesare, Lafley, and other GLT members struggled to answer some key questions: Did SK-II have the potential to develop into a major global brand? If so, which markets were the most important to enter now? And how should this be implemented in PG’s newly reorganized global operations?
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Natural Technological Environment of Subway Sandwich Essay Example
Natural Technological Environment of Subway Sandwich Paper There are include, all new and remodeled stores are now using energy efficient lighting saving electricity as well as low flow water faucets saving an estimated 182. 1 million gallons of water annually and today’s the majority of the packaging used in subway restaurant is made with recycled content and 100% can be recycled or composted. Besides, subways are in the process of moving to these packaging specifications globally. Nowadays there are 14 Subway Echo Restaurant are available and operating. These are the stores that built and designed to be more energy efficient, conserve water and reduce asset. Subway is trying to provide their franchise by having the best solutions to help them get improved on their operations focusing on energy efficiency, resource conservation, waste reduction and food safety. Energy Efficiency is design and the nature of our product offering our operations are fairly energy efficient but as energy costs continue to raise it is important to improve the energy efficiency of our restaurants. Lighting and electronic signage are the most important components of the restaurants and are the big users of energy in the store. Over the past few years, they have been improving their energy efficiency by shifted all new and remodeled restaurants to high efficiency lighting and made LED exterior signage optional in 2008 and then they are began to transition to LED lighting for sandwich units. Subway is in the process of piloting the use of additional energy saving equipment, features and processes such as LED interior lighting. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Technological Environment of Subway Sandwich specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Technological Environment of Subway Sandwich specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Technological Environment of Subway Sandwich specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So on water conservation, many regions around the world are beginning to experience varying degrees of water stress due to increases in population, weather tatter changes or adequate water management infrastructure that can result in inadequate supply of safe drinking water. For many years, recycling and composting bins have been available for franchiser’s for aiming to recycle compost. Subway restaurants are required to maintain a litter free environment and we encourage our customers to recycle. Subway are worked with their suppliers to optimize how our products are packaged to reduce waste streams for breads, meats, cheeses, sauces, produce, paper products and cleaning products used in our restaurants. For example, the sauces and most of the tuna are now in film pouches which require less energy to package and transport and remove 6 million pounds of corrugate from our waste stream annually. By removing the paper interline between our sliced cheeses, an additional 450,000 pounds of paper has been removed from our waste stream annually. In today, franchisees have the option to portion some ingredients using a scoop. This process eliminates the need to pre-proportions in food trays and removes additional packaging from our waste stream annually. Furthermore packaging the packaging goal is to only using the packaging that can be able to recycled or composted where facilities exists. The Subway restaurant franchisees have the option to serve their dine- in guests with a reuse able basket lined with deli paper or lined tray. This will be the approach minimizes the associated waste stream and improves the meal presentation. However, the franchisees conform to all the local legislation and having the recyclable paper bags that made with 100% recycled paper or reuse able bags are available for those areas that restrict or an plastic bag usage. In additional, the echo-restaurants are Subway franchisees are entrepreneurs and they are many visionaries dedicated to supporting their communities and the environment. In fact, Some have built ECHO-Restaurants designed to conserve resources during the development process and set the stage for efficient operations in the future. Technological environment The food safety and food quality are the top priority for Subway. The goal for Subway is to serve food that is consistently the highest quality of meats and feet standards from all the time when it is put into a sandwich or salad. To ensure that the food that been serve is always fresh and sustainable produced they have well as stringent audit process that they will be enforce throughout their supply chain as well as require ire that their suppliers’ employment practices meet their Vendor Code of Conduct. By giving the high standards for food safety to ensure that the entire Subway customer will getting the quality from the Subway brand. It starts with setting detail product pacifications followed by the inspection of samples that pulled from the distribution to ensure that specifications are being met. The Subway brand Office of Food Safety and Quality Enhancement team will review all the Subway food safety and quality programs and might giving recommendation for improvement if it’s needed. This team will be works together with the vendors to achieve the subway food safety and the quality improvement goals. Food safety is one of the main important roles in the Subway restaurant. Sandwich Artists are required to always follow the strict hand gashing procedures and proper glove usage for all food handling processes.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Penal System essays
Penal System essays Prison inmates, are some of the most "maladjusted" people in society. Most of the inmates have had too little discipline or too much, come from broken homes, and have no self-esteem. They are very insecure and are "at war with themselves as well as with society" (Szumski 20). Most inmates did not learn moral values or learn to follow everyday norms. Also, when most lawbreakers are labeled criminals they enter the phase of secondary deviance. They will admit they are criminals or believe it when they enter the phase of secondary deviance (Doob 171). Next, some believe that if we want to rehabilitate criminals we must do more than just send them to prison. For inezce, we could give them a chance to acquire job skills; which will improve the chances that inmates will become productive citizens upon release. The programs must aim to change those who want to change. Those who are taught to produce useful goods and to be productive are "likely to develop the self-esteem essential to a normal, integrated personality" (Szumski 21). This kind of program would provide skills and habits and "replace the sense of hopelessness" that many inmates have (Szumski 21). Moreover, another technique used to rehabilitate criminals is counseling. There is two types of counseling in general, individual and group counseling. Individual counseling is much more costly than group counseling. The aim of group counseling is to develop positive peer pressure that will influence its members. One idea in many sociology text is that group problem-solving has definite advantages over individual problem-solving. The idea is that a wider variety of solutions can be derived by drawing from the experience of several people with different backgrounds. Also one individuals problem might have already been solved by another group member and can be suggested. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Glenn Beck -- A Biography of Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck A Biography of Glenn Beck Conservative Credentials: As the Obama era got underway in 2009, Glenn Lee Beck became one of the 21st Centurys most important conservative commentators, eclipsing even Rush Limbaugh and becoming the voice for modern mainstream conservatives. Becks popularity is driven by what conservative writer David Frum says is a product of the collapse of conservatism as an organized political force, and the rise of conservatism as an alienated cultural sensibility.†Evidence of Becks wide-ranging influence can be found in his battle against the liberal political organization, ACORN, and the success of his outreach enterprise, The 9/12 Project. Early Life: Beck was born on Feb. 10, 1964 to Bill and Mary Beck in Mount Vernon, Wash., where he was raised as Catholic. Becks mother, an alcoholic, drowned herself in a bay near Tacoma when Beck was just 13 years-old. That same year, he got his start in radio after winning an hour of air time in a contest on one of two radio stations in town. Shortly after his mothers death, one of his brothers-in-law committed suicide in Wyoming and another had a fatal heart attack. Bill Beck, a baker, moved his family north to Bellingham, where his son attended Sehome High School. Formative Years: After graduating high school, in the early 1980s, Beck moved from Washington to Salt Lake City, Utah and shared an apartment with a former Mormon missionary. worked in Provo for six months at K-96 and later at stations in Baltimore, Houston, Phoenix, Washington and Connecticut. At 26, he wed his first wife, to whom he was married for four years and with whom he had two daughters, Mary (who has cerebral palsy) and Hannah. Despite his early success, however, Beck soon succumbed to the same substance abusing behavior that killed his mother. He was divorced in 1990, a direct result of his alcoholism and drug abuse. Recovery: During his battle with substance abuse, Beck had been accepted to Yale as a theology major thanks, in part, to a recommendation from Sen. Joe Lieberman. Beck lasted just one semester, however, distracted by the needs of his daughter, the ongoing divorce proceedings and his ever-depleting finances. After he left Yale, his family helped him get sober by acquainting him with Alcoholics Anonymous. Soon, his life began to turn around. He met his future second wife, Tania, and, as a prerequisite for marriage, he joined the Church of Latter Day Saints. Rise to Prominence: Beck returned to talk radio during this time and over the next several years began to emerge as a conservative force, identifying himself as a Mormon with Libertarian views and a strong sense of family values. He has drawn attention for expressing his opinion on controversial issues (he is fiercely critical of Hollywood liberalism, supports of the war in Iraq, opposes multiculturalism, political correctness, euthanasia, anti-smoking regulations and overt homosexuality in TV and on film. He is also pro-life), and over the years has been a vocal supporter of Republican leadership. National Spotlight: Beck went from a local radio personality to national star very quickly. The Glenn Beck Program began in 2000 at a station in Tampa, Florida, and by January 2002, Premiere Radio Networks launched the show on 47 stations. The show then moved to Philadelphia, where it became available on more than 100 stations internationally. Beck used his show as a platform for conservative activism, organizing rallies across America, which initially included San Antonio, Cleveland, Atlanta, Valley Forge, and Tampa. In 2003, he rallied in support of George W. Bushs decision to go to war with Iraq. Television: In 2006, Beck landed a prime-time news commentary show, Glenn Beck on CNNs Headline News Channel. The show was an instant hit. The following year, he was making appearances on ABCs Good Morning America. Beck also guest-hosted Larry King Live in July 2008. By this time, Beck had the second-largest following on CNN, behind Nancy Grace. In October 2008, Beck was lured to the FOX News Channel. His show, Glenn Beck, premiered on the network the night before President Barack Obama was inaugurated. He also had a segment on the popular OReilly Factor, called At Your Beck Call. Advocacy, Activism The 9/12 Project: Since 2003, Beck has toured the nation appearing in a one-man show in which he tells his inspirational story using his unique brand of humor and infectious energy. As a conservative spokesman and American patriot, Beck organized a series of rallies for troops deployed to Iraq. Becks biggest advocacy project, however, is The 9/12 Project, which he started in March 2009. The project is dedicated to upholding nine principles and twelve values that united America in the days following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The 9/12 project also has become a rallying cry for many conservatives fed up with the new Left. Beck ACORN: Following the 2008 general election, allegations surfaced that the liberal, inner-city community action group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) had committed numerous instances of voter registration fraud in more than 10 states. After joining FOX News, Beck began do a series of reports taking a closer look at the liberal advocacy group revealing how the organization applied pressure on banks to make loans to minority and low-income borrowers and how its leadership applied Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals. Beck continues to fight against the organizations liberal agenda. Beck President Barack Obama: For many conservatives unhappy with the direction the country has taken since Obama came to office in January 2009, Glenn Beck has become the voice of the opposition. Although he wasnt the impetus behind it, Beck has tacitly approved and vociferously supported the emergence of the national tea party movement, which developed in direct opposition to the Obama administration. While Becks assertions are always controversial he has said, for example, that Obamas health care reform package is a way to procure reparations for slavery he is likely to be a force in the conservative movement for a long time. 2016 Presidential Election During the 2016 election, Beck was a supporter of US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and frequently campaigned with him.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Service Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Service Marketing - Essay Example Service marketing in simple terms refers to both the business-to-business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) services and involves marketing such services as financial services, telecommunication services, all kinds of hospitality services, air travel, car rental services, professional services, as well as health care services (Lovelock & Gummesson 2004, p. 21). Thus, service marketing is a variety of the expressions and approaches of marketing ideas conducted with the hope of effectiveness in conveyance of ideas to wide range of population of individuals who receive it. As this paper is emphasizing on marketing of services, it is not good to overlook the concept of â€Å"service.†Services are the diverse economic activities offered to people or parties by another person or party. They are often time-based and effective performance brings about the desired outcomes to the objects, recipients, or the other assets of interest for which the purchasers have responsibility. The service customers anticipate value from their access to labor, goods, facilities, professional skills, systems, and networks in exchange for time, money, and effort. However, service customers do not assume ownership of the diverse physical elements involved (Lovelock & Wirtz 2011, p. 35). In the present day, every business entity is interested in promoting its business with such strategies of marketing that will foster its performance via the roof. There are numerous service sector businesses plugged with techniques of product marketing and this is the prime time for them to improve their marketing performance. In fact, services are totally different from products since they are intangible. In addition, the target audience for products and services is different hence the need of applying different strategies of promotion in order to attract potential clients. For effective promotion of services in order to generate significant buzz, service marketers are encouraged to employ 7 Ps i n their strategies of service marketing mix. The 7 Ps marketing mix is an extension of the 4 Ps marketing mix, which are the known as the marketing core strategies. The purpose of this paper is to provide advice to Mr Hirohito in his new venture of starting a high street restaurant in London. The paper shall provide information of how to develop appropriate strategies aimed at extended services marketing mix. It will also provide recommendations for action and preparation and presentation of informed, systematic, and effective marketing report as the basis for marketing decisions. Background Information: Hirohito Yamachu set up Wakaba Ltd, a London-based food company, in 2009 after being made redundant while working as head chef in Bank of Japan’s staff restaurant. The main business of Wakaba Ltd is involved in the supply of ready-to-eat ‘sushi’ meals and cooked Japanese cuisine to staff via company canteens in London City area. Currently, the business prides in its list of clients, which includes J P Morgan, Bank of Japan, Barclays, Chase Manhattan, and City Corp. While working there, his cooking was loved and much favored by the employees of the company unlike most of the other staff canteens. CEOs and senior managers even invited business clients, relations, and friends from outside for lunch in the staff restaurant. In 2008, unfortunately, Hirohito Yamachu became a casualty as the restructuring plan of the company as well as the ensuing BPR exercise reached an agreement of outsourcing in-house catering facilities. Termination of his career made him to establish his own business. Bank of Japan became his first client, as he did not need much introduction or serious marketing efforts. His cooking was done at his home with the aid of some family members
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Criminology and criminal justice system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Criminology and criminal justice system - Essay Example The report shows that the witnesses and victims, on the other hand, get an entirely different treatment, they’re offered protection and kind words are offered to keep them calm. On first glance, it might seem unfair that since the system is not sure of their innocence, theirs or the suspects but again just like the system has criteria to meet in order to be able to arrest some one, they have their reasons of suspecting these people to be innocent and worthy of protection. Protection is provided so that the criminals might not try to hurt the witnesses or intimidate them into not coming to court, because this is the reality of our system, even if every one knows that a person is guilty of a crime but cannot be proved guilty albeit he contrived in the background for getting the witnesses out of the equation to eradicate proof in the form of intimidation or physical or fatal torture, even though everyone knows that for a fact, if it can’t be proved the person walks free an d it is for these reasons that there are many criminals plaguing the society but they have developed such strength and organization that the law cannot touch them. Our criminal system might not be perfect as regards to efficiency and sometimes even seem brutal especially if a mistake is made. It might some times seem unfair to give special treatment to some people but more often than not the law doesn't make the mistake of protecting the wrong person and the risk that their hypothetical guess as regards to one party’s innocence.... the manner in which all of this is imposed upon him isn't quite what an average human would haggle over but if it were a true con who were getting that treatment, of course it would be perfectly befitting. Perhaps that is what the authorities assume before undertaking any arrest. The criminal justice system perhaps prides itself for efficiency, there are a myriad number of checks the ground police have to go through before they can freely proceed to even search a suspected person's property let alone undertaking an arrest. The authorities take great care that they are not mistaken in their doubts of a person before they go charging up towards him to remind him or rather impose all his rights on him and try to persuade him that now may be the perfect time to start making use of them. Sure they might make a mistake some time and its most unfortunate for the society and of all people the accused when that happens but in order to keep a city clean of crime and cons policemen must be afforded some free movement as well, its up to the court to make the final decision and it is the duty of a policeman to bring a possible crime to light, it is only after a suspect meets all the criteria, and comes up to the bench mark of suspicion that our officers can go ahead and carry out an arrest, it is not an easy job, their prime incentives are to uphold the law and protecting the innocent. Keeping crime orientated people off the streets and keeping the pious ones
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Jung’s Unconscious Mind Essay Example for Free
Jung’s Unconscious Mind Essay In his description and explanation of the fourth dimension of the unconscious mind, Carl Jung uses an example involving one of his patients to justify his addition of the collective unconscious as the fourth part of Freud’s unconscious mind. His patient had successfully completed the psychoanalytic process of transference but was still not cured. This was the end of the process of psychoanalytic transference developed and practiced by Sigmund Freud. This led Jung to believe that the unconscious consisted of more than the components of repression, as was believed by Freud. If what she had been repressing had been discovered and was now being embraced in her conscious mind, her condition should have improved according to Freud’s theory. Her condition had not improved thus, Jung felt that there must be more. Jung began to look to her dreams, which he believed to be essentially photos of the unconscious mind at work. He found patterns that appeared ideal to and should have allowed psychoanalytic transference to function sufficiently. Despite her achievement of transference, the woman was still not well. He continued to observe her dreams. She had likened him, the doctor, to an amalgamation of her father and a lover who embodied the admirable traits of her father just as the process would call for. This should have led to her cure but it did not. Due to the fact she had not yet improved, he continued to observe her dreams until one day, he realized that she had likened him not just to the amalgamation of father and lover but, to a more divine figure. Though she was not a religious person, he figured that she had a â€Å"longing for a god†¦ welling up from our deepest darkest instinctual nature (Jung, 492). Her problem was not one of repressed feelings but a longing for something higher to guide and protect her. Possibly in the time that her father was alive, he was able to serve that purpose. With him gone, the urge regained influence. The urge was not one of conscious mind. It was an attempt to replace the Christian faith she had abandoned with something real. She likened the doctor to a god and because she knew her relationship with the doctor to be intimate, it helped her to feel closer to god. Freud’s definition of the unconscious mind included only things that had once been present in the conscious mind. The patient had never encountered the symbolic, ancient deities that were represented by the father figure of her dreams. There was a demand for more content in the definition of the unconscious mind. This psychological phenomenon has affected my attitude toward religion as well. I, like the patient in this case, abandoned my Christian upbringing for a more agnostic and eclectic practice. It is no doubt that there is such an instinctual nature to attempt to define and relate to the divine. It may be observed in the fact that people of all cultures, in all parts of the world have some type of religious belief and practice. There are many different types. The proof lies in their existence alone. Though they may vary in many ways, they are all a result of this passion which wells up from the deepest, darkest part of our beings. Of course, religion today has become part of our experience. During our childhood, we are introduced to religion by our parents. The proof of the unconscious mind’s longing is in the founders of these religions. These people had a passion that drove them to do more than they were required. The feelings of hunger, thirst and cold required them to hunt and seek shelter. These actions were result based purely of an experiential nature. Some of these people were good at what they had to do and were able to live more or less comfortably. Their minds had the leisure to allow the unconscious mind to play during their dreams. Given the chance, the unconscious mind played with the images of the divine. It drew from the collective unconscious of archetypal imagery. It gave them hints that there was more to what could be seen. It offered images of things good and offered means of achieving them. These men, these dreamers, acted out their dreams. They paid homage to what their intuitions, their unconscious minds, had shown them. They performed rituals imitating creatures not of this world. They went into trances and allowed themselves to be controlled completely by the unconscious mind. They performed the first rituals. They allowed their unconscious desires to dictate their actions. For these men, religion was intuitive. Now, we get the religious experience with its images and concepts, fed to us in a spoon with our mashed carrots. For us, we are conditioned into religion. I have always been more of a nonconformist. When I became old enough to question why, to critically examine more abstract concepts, to use my experiences of reality as a gage against what I was being told, I stepped out of conformity. At that point, I was antichristian. Free of the dogmas and the shelters they provided, my unconscious mind sought some sort of nourishment to quench the thirst for the fulfillment of spiritual energies. Off of the path, I soon found myself lost. So what did I do? I did what came natural. I delved into other religions. I began to study Buddhist teachings. I studied the Shinto practiced in Japan. I learned about the caste system of Indian culture. Why all this? I suppose that I needed to. I had taken out a part of my life and needed to fill it back in. I had taken away the food for my spiritual appetite. I broke my relationship to the divine. I was discontent with no place to release my spiritual energies. However, this was not a conscious decision. Outside of the Christian tradition within which I was brought up, I felt the genuine need for fulfillment of divine nature. For something bigger than myself and bigger than mankind as a whole. No one told me I had to find a proper outlet for spiritual energies. I was driven by an unknown force, a curiosity that masked a deeper desire to relate to the divine. I wandered. I stumbled. I tripped, fell, got back up and tripped again. Masked as curiosity, the passion of my unconscious mind has driven me to explore different methods. I have thumbed through religious books from all over the world. I attend religious ceremonies and festivals of different origin. My unconscious mind has created this curiosity in order to fulfill its own desire to be a part of and to be connected to something greater. I have abandoned my antichristian post now. I now exist outside of Christianity and am able to gaze upon it as an objective observer. I agree with many Christian principles. I agree with them though, on my own terms, in my own understanding. I stepped away from the religion to which I had been conditioned. I explored others as was deemed necessary by my curiosities and I have found some things that I believe to be true, some things that make me feel closer to the divine. The unconscious includes the ego, the superego, and the id. Unwanted memories are pushed into the unconscious mind to be put aside. They can cause many ailments when not properly discarded. These ailments may be alleviated by methods such as psychoanalytical transference. However, even after complete transference has been completed, there is still activity taking place in the unconscious mind. It is not limited to repression. Also dwelling in the subconscious mind is a collective consciousness composed of archetypal images and instincts. This is responsible for the imagery of our dreams, the universal perceptions of beauty and the desire to be somehow linked to the divine. I have seen it in my life and I have evidence of it in the fact that religion is present and dominates nearly every society around the globe.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Role of Religion in Elementary & Secondary Education Essay
Freedom of Religion is a liberty considered by many Americans to be one of the defining aspects of their country, but a line is drawn when one person’s freedom infringes upon another's. â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.†â€Å"With those words, in the First Amendment to the Constitution, the fledgling United States of America became the first nation to place into law the notion that religious beliefs were a private matter for individuals who had the legal right to freedom of conscience, and that no government had the right or authority to dictate what religious opinions people shall or shall not hold.†1 â€Å"What schools need is a moment of science†. I laugh at the bumper sticker as I pull into my high school’s parking lot. The controversy of public school prayer has not struck my particular school, but it is still prominent in my mind. For decades, many schools have allowed for a moment of silent prayer in the beginning of the day – a time for reflection or meditation – and some have even led deliberately Christian-oriented prayer services over the PA systems. My school would open each class with a recitation of â€Å"Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God†, and then offer prayers to anyone who had intentions. Then again, my school is a private, Catholic organization, and can pray however it wants to. Public schools are another question. Prayer was largely removed from public schools back in 1967 – but the influence still remained, it seems. Nowadays, lobbyists are convinced that freedom of religion also implies freedom fr om religion, should the individual choose it, and so they are working towards erasing the â€Å"under God†from the Pledge of Allegia... ...consisting entirely of a profound natural respect), the purpose of environmental service learning in religion courses becomes lost in somewhat muddled metaphors. Theoretically, this entire debacle could be avoided if biology teachers simply said, â€Å"evolution happened. Now, whether or not there was a god behind it depends on your personal preference†. Specific religions, as mandated by the notion of separation of church and state, should not play any role in public education. To compensate, schools should facilitate spiritual, environmental projects to bolster the students’ appreciation for nature without the convoluted religious facet. While Congress can make no law infringing on a citizen’s right to believe, it can limit a religion’s practices, and therefore has every Constitutional right to explicitly forbid the mention of divinity in a public school classroom.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Taxation Fte
8/3/2011 The Economics of Taxation Lecture 11: Taxation and Business Valuation: FTE approach International Accounting International Accounting and Taxation Master of Science (MSc) University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz Dr. Tanja Kirn D T j Ki Chair for Tax Management and the Laws of International and Liechtenstein Taxation Institute for Financial Services University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz The Economics of Taxation Taxation and Business Valuation: FTE approach Exercise Suppose Lucent Technologies has an equity cost of capital of 10%, market capitalization of $10.  billion, and an enterprise value of $14. 4 billion. Suppose p $ , p $ pp Lucent’s debt cost of capital is 6. 1% and its marginal tax rate is 35%. a. What is Lucent’s WACC? b. If Lucent maintain s a constant debt? equity ratio, what is the value of a project with average risk and the following expected free cash flows? c. If Lucent maintains its debt? equity ratio, what is the debt capacity of the project in part (b)? part (b)? d. What is the free cash flow to equity for this project? e. What is its NPV computed using the FTE method? How does it compare with the NPV based on the WACC method?  ©Ã‚ 2011 Dr. Tanja Kirn – University of Liechtenstein – Vaduz 2 1 8/3/2011 The Economics of Taxation Taxation and Business Valuation: FTE approach Exercise In year 1, AMC will earn $2000 before interest and taxes. The market expects these earnings to grow at a rate of 3% per year. The firm will make no net investments (i. e. , g g %p y ( , capital expenditures will equal depreciation) or changes to net working capital. Assume that the corporate tax rate equals 40%. Right now, the firm has $5000 in risk? free debt. It plans to keep a constant ratio of debt to equity every year, so that on average the debt will also grow by 3% per year. Suppose the risk? free rate equals 5%, and the expected return on the market equals 11%. The asset beta for this industry is 1. 11.  ©Ã‚ 2011 Dr. Tanja Kirn – University of Liechtenstein – Vaduz 3 The Economics of Taxation Taxation and Business Valuation: FTE approach Questions a. If AMC were an all? equity (unlevered) firm, what would its market value be? b. Assuming the debt is fairly priced, what is the amount of interest AMC will pay next year? If AMC’s debt is expected to grow by 3% per year, at what rate are its interest payments expected to grow? c. Even though AMC’s debt is riskless (the firm will not default), the future growth of AMC’s debt is uncertain, so the exact amount of the future interest payments is risky. Assuming the future interest
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Study of the Cambridge Faculty of History Building
A Study of the Cambridge Faculty of History Building The Faculty of History edifice at Cambridge was the 2nd of legion university edifices designed by James Stirling. Working in partnership with James Gowen, Stirling’s foremost University undertaking, the Department of Engineering at the University of Leicester encompassed four interesting design brief judicial admissions, two of which appear to hold exerted some influence on the external visual aspect and design composing of the Faculty of History edifice at Cambridge. For the University of Leicester undertaking, laboratory work infinite was required to be flexible with respect to constellation in order to run into the altering demands of experimentation and research lab work, a construction was required capable of lodging a H2O armored combat vehicle for hydraulic intents at a tallness of 100 pess above land degree, direct sunshine was to be avoided due to instrumentation sensitiveness, and eventually, exposed concrete could be used as a seeable exterior coating. Harmonizing to John Jacobus, the result is a â€Å"form that is rich in coloring material and surface, but its forms are ne'er gratuitous, and, what’s more, none of them looks notional, in malice of their freshness. It is a functional edifice that looks functional, a factory-like research lab and schoolroom edifice which gives every visual aspect of being merely that ; a mill for survey ( but non, decidedly, an instruction mill ) ( footer: 1964 April: Technology Building, Leiceste r university by James Stirling ( Leicester, UK ) by John Jacobus, Architectural Review, 28 March 2011 ) . The design brief judicial admissions with regard to exterior finish and the restriction on direct sunshine resulted in extended usage of north confronting glassy facets surrounded by and juxtaposed against visually dominant ruddy brickwork consisting full lifts, a bold horizontal facade organizing exterior facing for the high degree country suiting the H2O armored combat vehicle, and, multiple narrow perpendicular columns. Although strikingly different in result, one can non assist pulling analogues between the Leicester and Cambridge edifices and reasoning that some inspiration for the Cambridge edifice was drawn from Stirling’s first University design authorization. Both edifices portion huge sweeps of glass interrupted by ruddy brickwork that creates a powerful yet heavy statement. Stirling and Gowen parted company station completion of the Leicester undertaking, go forthing Stirling to finish the design and compete for the Cambridge authorization without any design burden associated with partnership for his concluding competition entry. The design of the Cambridge edifice was completed in 1963 with Stirling emerging as victor of the design competition. Following a re-orientation of the proposed edifice from a Southwest to a Southeast facing way, building commenced in 1964 and was concluded in 1968. The edifice is situated on the Sidgwick site and houses the Seeley Historical library. In supplying a on the job infinite for up to 300 people, every bit good as a little figure of computing machines, it is one of the largest libraries belonging to the University of Cambridge web of libraries. Once in usage, assorted defects both in footings of design and building item came to visible radiation. Practical defects included thermic public presentation associated with individual tegument glazing and roof escape. Argument environing the edifice centred on map versus signifier and for many regular users, the library was regarded as a infinite non suited to work within. In 1984, about 16 old ages after gap, the History Faculty was at hazard of destruction before a determination was made to modify the bing edifice in order to continue the successful elements of the edifice whilst rectifying those facets regarded as flawed. In this survey I will be concentrating on the exterior design of the History module, and how some of Stirling’s design picks impact the experiential quality of the library. The Faculty of History edifice can be regarded as the Centre of the Sidgwick site as it is situated at an intersection point, with multiple tracts meeting on it. Consequently, the edifice has four chief entrywaies, with one at each corner. Since the edifice is approached and discernible from assorted waies as a consequence of being sited at an intersection, the overall ocular facet, presence and exterior quality of the edifice are of great importance. One drawback of being sited at an intersection is the presence of other edifices. With the History edifice surrounded on all sides by other edifices, it is unable to maximize its standalone individuality every bit good as its ability to come to life during two of the most inspiring light facet periods of the twenty-four hours. While environing edifices are all within close propinquity to the History Faculty, none of them are of great tallness, which does travel some manner towards cut downing their intervention with sunshine and their ability to supply distraction versus the centerpiece. Nevertheless, the History building’s inability to bask uninterrupted exposure to direct sunshine at dawn and sundown oes non let the edifice to bring forth the maximal impact of direct utmost ague angle sunshine on the edifice. Full exposure to near horizontal sunshine would bring forth all possible results associating to the contemplation and refraction of sunshine. For the bulk of perceivers, this hindrance will non be given great consideration as the library clears at 9a m, by which clip the Sun is high plenty in the sky for the edifices South of the History Faculty non to move as a barrier. Additionally, the lowest of the surrounding edifices is positioned on the west side of the library therefore understating the sum of clip lost to sunset light effects generated by the edifice. At its most basic degree, the edifice is composed of two primary signifiers ; a huge, individual storey country, triangular in program which is set within an L-shaped multi-storey construction. The Seeley library occupies the individual floor infinite, which is unfastened to all members of the university, while the multi-storey construction provides offices infinite, meeting suites and talk suites for staff and pupils of the History section. The overall signifier is successful as it allows the library to be placed at the bosom of edifice supplying both ocular and physical benefits. The edifice has a strengthened concrete frame with a steel roof supplying structural unity while the outside is clad in stretcher bonded ruddy brick and exhibits non-structural patent glazing. This method of adhering provides a ocular uniformity and repeat that emphasises the separate elements of the edifice together. The huge bulk of the edifice is in fact glazed, which provides superior degrees of natural light interior and creates an interesting visual aspect on the exterior through the contemplations that vary harmonizing to both the clip of twenty-four hours and conditions conditions. Similar to the masonry, the glazing is unvarying in its clear divisions of panels, giving the glass a presence while staying visually lightweight. The primary stuffs seeable on the inside are pigment and tile. Harmonizing to Stirling this combination produced an aesthetic that could be likened to a Television Studio ( commendation needed ) . The most impressive characteristic of the edifice is it’s tiered, pitched, glazed roof that covers the cardinal reading country of the library. The design is symmetrical along its short axis, as can be seen when sing the edifice from the sou'-east. From this peculiar point of view it could be argued that glazing is overused and that the inclusion of more ruddy brick, peculiarly towards the base of the edifice, would hold created a more grounded aesthetic with better balance. While the roof successfully manages natural visible radiation in the library country, there is a ocular struggle between the masonry and the library roof. Puting the visually heavy and baronial ruddy brick cladding against the weightless glazing seems to propose a cardinal desire to make a strong contrast between different parts of the edifice. However, the roof is really heavy in its angular and over defined signifier. It is likely that the edifice would hold benefitted from more nuance in this country. Another of import external characteristic is the buttress-like signifier of the multi-storey, L-shape portion of the edifice. Not merely is it visually attention-getting, it besides creates a sense structural surety and foundation that is absent from other countries of the external design. This signifier determines and articulates the plan for the edifice ; the smallest suites, situated on the top floor can merely be occupied by offices, while the larger suites on the lower floors can be used as meeting suites and for talks as the infinite permits. One facet of the outside that detracts from the ocular impact of the edifice is the big raised platform adjoined to the north frontage. The platform is by no agencies redundant as it provides an entryway to the edifice and entree to the roof leting for care. However, its inordinate size means that most of the infinite is presently disused. One possible betterment, capable to structural capacity, would be to make a insouciant outdoor siting country. This is something that the Sidgwick site presently lacks and by virtuousness of being on a raised platform would help in making a clear differentiation between the formal working infinite and an informal community infinite. In the initial designs the glassy library roof faced southwest. However, due to limitations sing the land ownership, the full edifice had to be rotated 90 grades towards the E. As a consequence, the multi-storey construction covers portion of the library roof in shadow during the afternoon. Clearly this has a negative impact on the lighting of the library in the afternoon and resulted in inordinate thermic addition during the forenoon. Interestingly, no changes were made to the building’s design to counterbalance for the alteration in orientation. Had there been no ownership limitations the library would hold enjoyed natural visible radiation until well later in the twenty-four hours, which would hold been a discriminatory result topic to satisfactory thermic provisioning. Upon come ining the edifice it becomes evident that the library is set below land degree, this design pick has both its advantages and disadvantages. Students working in the library can profit from both high degrees of privateness and an absence of oculus degree distraction ; the below land degree facet eliminates all mode of communicating with those outside the edifice. One possible negative result of the below land agreement is the deficiency of outward ocular facet for those passing drawn-out periods of clip in the library. Without the copiousness of natural light deluging in from the glassy roof, this infinite could hold been at hazard of being a cheerless environment. The working country of the library is arranged as a radial in forepart of a raised response country. This provides those working at response with an unobstructed position of the library, hence leting easy monitoring of library users and discouraging any actions that are non suited within the library. This determination to put the library below land degree, combined with the floor to ceiling glazed facade gives this portion of the edifice an uneasy natation quality, as the burden bearing wall back uping the glass and the construction above is non seeable from the exterior. Possibly Stirling was seeking to make the feeling that the glass provides the structural support, when this is clearly non possible. Additionally, positioning the library below land seems to dispute the extended execution of glazing, the intent of which is to convey natural visible radiation into the library. This is a minor ailment as there is no existent deficiency of visible radiation in the library. An facet of the edifice that I peculiarly appreciate is the contemplation of the exterior signifier on the inside layout. This is most prevailing in the library, where the L-shaped construction forms the boundary of the cardinal reading country and the tabular arraies and bookshelves follow the signifier of the glassy roof construction that sits straight supra. This gives the edifice a great sense of coherency and makes the passage between interior and exterior infinites really natural. The cardinal reading country of the library can trust on natural visible radiation depending on the clip of twelvemonth for the bulk of its 9am-7:30pm gap hours, all because of the roof. At an angle of about 40 grades the roof Lashkar-e-Taibas in far more light than standard perpendicular glazed facades with solid roofs. Such designs cut down the angle of light incursion and hence the distance that light penetrates into the edifice. Internally, the roof has a bed of clouded glass ( ? Clouded glass or blinds? ) . This helps to administer the visible radiation equally, in add-on to forestalling blaze, which can be a major distraction in some on the job environments. By cut downing the strength of the light ‘hot spots’ are less likely to happen within the library. The enormousness of the cardinal infinite in footings of ceiling tallness and floor country along with the controlled natural visible radiation and impersonal internal ornament strategy provides a really comfy working country where there is no sense of enclosure or oppression. The visible radiation from the roof and the environing glass facade besides permeates countries of the library environing the Centre. These countries provide extra infinite to read and analyze, every bit good as lodging the library’s aggregation of books. When compared to the cardinal reading infinite, these countries have low ceilings with no natural visible radiation from straight above. While natural light alone is non sufficient in these countries really small unreal lighting is required to make suited on the job conditions during the lightest hours of the twenty-four hours. However, early in the forenoon and tardily in the afternoon well higher degrees of unreal lighting are required. While this can be considered a defect from an energy ingestion position, it does supply users with a different experience and while some may prefer the copiousness of natural visible radiation in the sweep of the cardinal reading infinite, others may prefer the combination of natural and unr eal visible radiation offered elsewhere within the edifice. The Faculty of History edifice excels on a figure of degrees, yet basically fails from a ocular point of view. Its combination of ruddy brick and huge glassy frontages is unusual and therefore attending grabbing. The design contradicts itself in some instances, the most detrimental of which is the visually heavy and angular roof. Interestingly, the roof is really effectual when it comes to the proviso of natural lighting for the library and helps to make an appealing internal infinite. However, the fact that the cardinal and dominant external characteristic of the edifice fails in its external ocular entreaty dramatis personaes uncertainty over the overall success and design of the edifice.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
John Fitzgerald Kennedy essays
John Fitzgerald Kennedy essays Its June of 1961 and a wall has just started to be constructed to separate a nation. The United States needs to send a man to spread good will and build unity among Americas allies. Who is this man? Who could be such a diplomat? America sent their 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Kennedy was a democrat, the first Roman Catholic to hold office, and the youngest President to date. He was educated at Harvard University and The London School of Economics. After graduation he decided to join the navy. As a veteran of World War II, Kennedy received the Purple Heart and the Navy and Marine Corps Medal. JFK began his political career in 1946 when he was elected into the House of Representatives. In 1956 he furthered his career by becoming the Senator of Massachusetts, defeating one of Eisenhowers close supporters. Only three years before had he gotten married to his socialite wife, Jacqueline Bouvier. Although his religion and age were considered major barriers to his presidency, Kennedy won seven primaries; making him the Democratic candidate. He was a supporter of the civil-rights legislation and a prominent internationalist. World War II had ended about twenty years prior and a defeated nation was rebuilding. Germanys growing dissatisfaction with their economic and political conditions pushed them to the breaking point. East Germany is under Soviet control and West Germany is becoming a democratic nation. To separate the poverty stricken West from the rebuilding East, the USSR decided to build a huge wall to keep them divided. Early in the morning of Sunday, August 13, 1961, under the leadership of Erich Honecker, East and West were separated by barbed wire and antitank obstacles. Streets were torn up and barricades of paving stones were erected. Tanks gathered at strategica ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Guidelines for Using Double Possessives in English
Guidelines for Using Double Possessives in English Take a good look at the following sentence: Natsaha is a friend of Joans and a client of Marlowes. If this sentence strikes you as extremely possessive, youre on the right track. The combination of the preposition of and a possessive form- either a noun ending in -s or a possessive pronoun- is called a double genitive (or double possessive). And while it may appear overly possessive, the construction has been around for centuries and its perfectly correct. British novelist Henry Fielding used the double genitive in A Journey From This World to the Next (1749): At seven years old I was carried into France . . . , where I lived with a person of quality, who was an acquaintance of my fathers. Youll also find it in Anne Brontà «s second (and final) novel: Shortly after, they both came up, and she introduced him as Mr. Huntingdon, the son of a late friend of my uncles.(The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 1848) American writer Stephen Crane slipped a double genitive into one of his short stories: Oh, just a toy of the childs, explained the mother. Shes grown so fond of it, she loves it so.(The Stove, in Whilomville Stories, 1900) And in a recent novel, author Bil Wright doubled up on the construction: Hed already proved he was a liar. And he had a girlfriend even though he wasnt divorced. No, not a monster. But definitely an enemy of my mothers and mine.(When the Black Girl Sings, 2008) As these examples demonstrate, the double genitive is generally used for emphasis or clarification when the possessor is human. But watch out. If you stare at it too long, you may convince yourself that youve found a mistake. Apparently thats what happened to one of the original language mavens, James Buchanan. Back in 1767, he tried to outlaw the double genitive: Of being the sign of the Genitive Case, we cannot put it before a Noun with (s) for this is making two Genitives.(A Regular English Syntax) Keep in mind, as pointed out in Merriam-Websters Dictionary of English Usage, that the 18th-century grammarians simply had a horror of anything double, because such constructions did not occur in Latin. But this is English, of course, not Latin, and despite its apparent redundancy, the double genitive is a well-established idiom- a functional part of the language dating back to Middle English. As Theodore Bernstein says in Miss Thistlebottoms Hobgoblins (1971), the double genitive is of long standing, idiomatic, useful and here to stay. Finally, consider Martin Endleys demonstration of how the double genitive can be used to draw distinctions: (59a) I saw a statue of Queen Victoria in the park.(59b) I saw a statue of Queen Victorias in the park.Sentence (59a) can only mean that the speaker saw a statue depicting the great British monarch. On the other hand, the double genitive in (59b) would most naturally be understood to mean that the speaker saw a statue that once belonged to Queen Victoria but which depicted someone else.(Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar, 2010) All the same, if the double genitive troubles you, just follow the example of linguists Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum and call it something else: The oblique genitive construction is commonly referred to as the double genitive. . . . [H]owever, we do not regard of as a genitive case marker, and hence there is only one genitive here, not two (The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, 2002).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Descriptive Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Descriptive - Statistics Project Example Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation (are there outliners you should consider?) Part II: After you have done this comparison, write a letter to the rest of the members of the board stating which group you are recommending to receive additional funding to support their research. This should be done in Memo Format and you need to discuss your findings and compare them. You can include a table to show the comparison if you want to. Do not be concerned with the small number used in each group in the study. You need to present and compare the finding and explain WHY you have chosen the one you have. There is not really a right or wrong answer. I know which one I would recommend and why - but that does not mean you would interpret the findings as I did. Your statistics should be the same - math is math, but your decision might be different than mine or your peers. So, explain why based upon the statistics you have calculated. There are many good on-line Central Tendency calculators and some of you may be a proficient with a spreadsheet. Two different research labs have tested medications for decreasing the debilitating effects of a disease and presented its results that the board of directors of the National Parkinson’s Association should use for decision into funding one of the researches. The following the results of number of months that patients went without experiencing a debilitating symptoms following each of the lab’s trials. The board of directors of the National Parkinson’s Association is the executive decision making organ and needs to make an informed decision on the research, on medications to decrease the debilitating effects of Parkinson’s disease that the association should fund. Two groups have performed tests on effects of medications and the following table shows their results. Based on the statistics, the analysis recommends funding of group 2 because it offers
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Customer Value by Amway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
Customer Value by Amway - Essay Example The present research has identified that Amway ensures that its products are satisfactory. This attracts the interest of customers and clients in the products and promotes the brand image. Customer retention and customer value are also realized. Constant research aimed at finding ways of improving the quality of Amway’s products and ensuring adherence to customers’ preferences is undertaken. The company does this through the over 500 active research employees it has employed. The company takes part in corporate responsibility programs (CSR) at an international level. This is a benefit to communities living within Amway’s business environment as they also gain from the company’s profits. Amway services the customer and not a global market or organizations. Its concentration is on the customer and ensuring that his needs and demands are met. This is expressed in the company’s vision. From the case study presented, it is clear that Amway ensures that c onsumers benefit from its products by offering quality products and indirectly rewarding the clients through corporate social responsibility.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Theorists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Theorists - Essay Example A cognitive theorist would try to apply any of the established theories of cognitive development, such as that of Piaget, to explain Dina’s behavior. As such, a cognitive theorist may refer to the fact that Dina is in her sensorimotor Stage, as identified by Piaget. During this stage, an infant starts to build up knowledge of the world, by relating the physical activities to perceived results of those activities. The main personal trait of infants during this stage is egocentrism, because young kids have no understanding of the external world other than their own. As such, a cognitive theorist may argue that Dina’s egocentrism during this early stage of development pushes her to reject the concept of sharing and prefer to have and possess everything she wants. To remedy this problem, a cognitive theorist may suggest that Dina should be related more to her social surroundings, and not to be left to her ego, as the social surroundings are extremely important in shaping th e personality and behavior of children. Unlike cognitive theorists, a behaviorist accounts for development in terms of learning. That is, behaviorists believe that the bad habit of egocentrism and rejection of sharing is highly affected by the stimulus context. In other words, the surrounding atmosphere, in which one performs this habit, would affect the frequency of practicing it. In this context, almost all behaviorists agree that the behavior of children is affected by the family within which he or she is raised. For example, many of the ill-behavior of children to divorced parents can be closely attributed to the fact that their parents are separated. That’s why a behaviorist may approach Dina’s negative behavior in the light of her relationship with her family and parents. For a behaviorist, Dina’s behavior may be modified after understanding her relationship with her family members. This is because a behaviorist believes that the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reproductive Systems in Males and Females
Reproductive Systems in Males and Females NAME : BENJAMIN NHANDARA Human Reproduction, Growth and Development All living organisms reproduce and it is one of their main characteristics. Living organisms can produce a new member of species replacing those who might die due to old age, competition or in some cases being attacked by diseases. The process is known as reproduction (Clamp, A. 2005). Sexual reproduction involves two beings, male and female who have sex organs which produce gametes (sex cells) which then fuse together to form a new being. (M. B. V. Roberts, 2000). The journey begins in the male reproductive system. Hanging outside the pelvic cavity of a man lies a sack of skin which is known as a scrotum. Present in the scrotum are muscles which move the testicles slightly depending on the surrounding temperature. The scrotum contains the male reproductive organs testes that come in pairs. In the scrotum are muscles known as cremasteric muscles. Australia, H (2016) states that the scrotum helps to maintain the temperature of the sperm at slightly below body temperature (important for sperm manufacture). The testes are the male primary sex organs which are oval and made of fibrous connective tissue. Producing male gametes (spermatozoa/sperm) is their main function. Each testis consists of approximately 300 lobules which are separated by connective tissue and filled with seminiferous tubules, were sperm cells are produced by meiosis as stated by McGuinness, H (2010). They are tightly coiled tubules. Interstitial cells also known as Leydig cells are found adjacent to the seminiferous tubules in the testicles. They promote the secretion of male sex hormone, testosterone. Production of male gametes begins at puberty (when a boy begins to develop into an adult, usually average age is 12 years in a male. Sperm contains the X and Y chromosomes (genetic information encoded with genes). The epididymis lies along the border of each testis and are long coiled tubes leading from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens. They store immature sperms until ready to be released by ejaculation (Centre, N.H.F. 2011). Long tubes known as vas deferens (sperm duct) are made of blood vessels and connect to the urethra. Sperm is released to the ejaculatory duct through the vas deferens. Short tubes join to the urethra from the seminal vesicles and semen passes through these tubes during ejaculation. The tubes are ejaculatory ducts and pass through the prostate gland. A muscular structure known as the urethra keeps urine in the bladder until excretion can occur. It provides a pathway for the flow of urine and secretion of semen. A sphincter muscle is there to prevent both functions occurring at the same time (McGuinness, H 2010). Penis is the main external male sex organ, surrounded by erectile and connective tissue. A foreskin (folded skin) covers the tip of the penis and has many sensory receptors. The penis hangs out the pelvic cavity and excretes urine a waste product. This main organ also penetrates and ejaculates semen inside the female reproductive organ during sexual intercourse (Chard, 2001). Males have reproductive accessory sex glands which are the Cowpers glands also known as bulbourethral gland, prostate gland and the seminal vesicle. Chard (2001), goes on to say that the Cowpers gland secretes a fluid that contributes to the seminal fluid, the secretion is less than that of the prostate gland. A pair of glands make the Cowper`s glands and they open into the urethra at the base of the penis. The prostate gland is like the size of a walnut and it is found in the pelvic cavity in front of the rectum and behind the symphysis pubis. A thin, milky fluid is secreted during ejaculation to enhance the mobility of sperms. Then again thick mucus-like fluid which forms 60% of semen is secreted by the seminal vesicle (M. B. V. Roberts, 2000). The fluid is alkaline and contains nutrients that are added to sperm cells. Located above the urinary bladder, highly coiled tubular structures are the seminal vesicles.  MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Figure 1 (eMedicineHealth,2017) The female reproductive system is adapted so that an egg cell (gamete) can be produced and then fertilized by a sperm cell. The developing offspring is carried by the female being provided with nutrition until it is ready to be born. After birth nourishments are provided to the new infant by the female. This is all made possible by the way the female reproductive system is structured and functions. Ovaries are female reproductive parts that come in pairs one on either side of the uterus. They produce gametes (eggs) by a process known as ovulation. Hormones oestrogen and progesterone are also secreted by ovaries. Eggs are produced by a structure called the cortex and held in a vessel inside the medulla. The ovaries attach to the uterus by ligaments known as ovarian ligaments. About 2 million immature eggs are contained in the ovaries (Chard 2001). The fallopian tubes are muscular and lined with ciliated cells. They are about 5cm long, extend from the sides of the uterus. Other names like the oviduct or uterine tubes is used for the fallopian tube. At the end of each fallopian tube are finger-like projections known as fimbrae which receive the released eggs and transfer them to the uterus. Fertilisation also takes place in these tubes. In front of the rectum is a vast area known as the uterus. The uterus is a pear- shaped muscular chamber that has thick walls (McGuinness, H 2010). The cervix is the neck of the uterus and it opens into 2 upper corners. The uterus wall is composed of three layers of tissue, the perimetrium which is the outer layer which covers the top part of the uterus. The middle layer is known as the myometrium (middle layer of smooth muscle fibres). It is responsible for the contractions during period of labour. Finally, the third layer is the endometrium (soft with thick layer of compound tubular glands). Th is area is shed off each month during menstruation (Care of the mother and baby during labour, 1977). An 8-10cm muscular and elastic tube called the vagina connects the internal female reproductive organs with the external. It discharges fluids like menstrual fluid, urine and mucus. Male semen is received by the vagina and it also provides a passage way for childbirth. Outer wall stretches during sexual intercourse. The external genital organs of the female are collectively known as the vulva. They consist of the labia majora (thick folds of skin where pubic hair grows), labia minora (which are lip-like flesh at the entrance of the vagina), clitoris (contains erectile tissue and suspensory ligament that connect to the symphysis pubis), opening of the urethra and opening of the vagina. The main functions of the vulva are urination, menstruation, childbirth and sexual behaviour. THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Figure 2 (Human Body Diagram, 2016) A female goes through a 28-day cycle known as the menstrual or the ovarian cycle. The female menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases. The first phase is known as proliferative phase which occurs on day 2 of the cycle. The hypothalamus releases a hormone known as Gonadotropin- releasing hormone(GnRH). The GnRH hormone is responsible for the secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. The FSH secreted by the pituitary gland will stimulate the development of several ovarian follicles. A hormone called oestrogen is then secreted by the follicle on day 6 because of the chemical messenger FSH and the follicle develops into graafian follicle. Oestrogen inhibits the secretion of FSH by the pituitary gland on day 14. The layer lost in the previous menstruation is replaced by the proliferation of the endometrium. All repairs will be complete by day 14. The same hormone oestrogen will cause the secretion of LH hormone by the pituitary gland. The rapid increase in LH hormone will trigger the release of the mature egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube around day 14. This phase is referred to as the ovulation phase In the next stage, there is secretion of nutrients by the endometrium in preparation for the implantation and this stage is the secretory phase. An endocrine structure known as the corpus luteum secretes oestrogen and progesterone. The progesterone inhibits the production of FSH. No new follicles are stimulated, the endometrium is maintained by the high levels of progesterone. A rupture of the uterine capillaries will occur when a decrease in oestrogen and progesterone levels occur. Endometrium is lost from the body as a waste product through the cervix, together with some blood. This process is known as menstruation. Hormonal changes will prepare the uterus for pregnancy but in the event, that the egg is not fertilised then the lining of the uterus is lost through the vagina (menstrual period). Figure 3 clearly shows the 28-day cycle and the different periods that a female goes through during her menstrual cycle. FEMALE MENSTRUAL CYCLE Figure 3 (, 2017) FEEDBACK MECHANISM INVOLVED IN THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE Figure 4 (SBI4U 2013 Resource Guide, 2017) In figure 4 the effects of positive and negative feedback mechanisms are evidenced through the different responses given to different conditions at different periods of progress in the female cycle. The result is different if the egg gets fertilised. When the mature female egg in the fallopian tube fuse with a male gamete cell due to having had sexual intercourse. The fusion of the male and female gametes to form a zygote is known as fertilisation (Clamp, A. 2005). During sexual intercourse millions of sperms are deposited into the female reproductive tract. Sperms are smaller than the female gametes and because of their structure (having a head containing the haploid nucleus), a tail (flagellum) for mobility. The sperms swim towards the mature egg through the cervix during ovulation (Bennet, 1985). Only a few hundred sperms get close to the egg because many will die of the acidic environment and some will flow out of the vagina. Early in pregnancy the embryo secretes hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophins). This hormone enables the corpus luteum to continue to produce progesterone, thereby preparing the lining of the uterus for the developing embryo. By testing for HCG in urine, it is easy to diagnose for pregnancy very early. Another hormone is the human chorionic somatomammotropin (HCS) also referred to as human placental lactogen (hPL). The hormone is secreted from the placenta to modify the metabolic state of the mother during pregnancy (mother`s glucose usage and release of fatty acids). Gray, (2012) says that childbirth is divided into three stages. The woman`s age, size of uterus and the number of previous pregnancies will determine the duration of the stages. Dilation is the first stage, were the cervix dilates because the foetus would have begun its descent a few days or weeks earlier. Uterus muscle wall contract rhythmically and the head of the baby breaks the amnion and the fluid is released. Dilation of the cervix can last to 6 12 hours. As the contractions of the uterus become strong, the baby is then forced out through the cervix down the vagina. This is called the delivery stage and can be 1 -2 hours. Oxytocin hormone stimulates powerful contractions that help to open the cervix to push the baby and placenta out and limit bleeding at the site of the placenta. While the fight or flight hormone (adrenaline) can slow the labour for the fearful females. It can be produced in large quantities because of fear (Bennet, 1985). The umbilical code is tied and cut once the baby has begun to breathe or cry (can live independently without the placenta). After birth is the last stage which starts immediately after child birth and ends with the placenta expulsion. There is the production and ejection of milk from mammary glands (, 2017). The process is known as lactation. Prolactin hormone (mothering hormone) helps to prepare a woman for breastfeeding. Eventually the uterus will grow smaller because of the continued contraction. While nursing, 5 10% of women become pregnant again. To fully go through the human life, they are stages that need to be accomplished. They are about 12 different stages and we will look at infancy or the developing child in detail. During child infancy (0-3 years), a child will become more independent as they grow and the body matures. The baby learns how to walk, talk, feed themselves. A lot of the children do not get to walk in the first year as their bones will be weak to support the weight. By being encouraged the child will experiment and develop more confidence in the ability to co-ordinate themselves (, 2017). Motor movement is the title given to the development of co-ordination movement. As early as 3 months the baby will develop different sounds. Sounds are used to show pleasure, laugh or cry as a way communicating their needs. At this stage the child will like to play so much. Many hormones are involved in the development of the child at this stage. The most important hormone that is present is the human growth hormone (hGH) which influences the growth of bone and muscle tissue. Sometimes the overproduction of this hormone will cause the child to grow too fast and too much, while the opposite (underproduction) will cause dwarfism (Richards, M 1990). In the journal by Richard, M. (1990) insulin is another important hormone that is found at this stage and is secreted by the pancreas. Insulin helps in the regulation of glucose levels in the blood and thereby indirectly positively contributes to growth and development. This hormone should work in collaboration with other hormones to ensure normal growth. For normal growth, the child will need sufficient energy coming from metabolic reactions (rate of reactions). These are influenced by the amount of a hormone known as thyroxine being produced by the thyroid gland. Cretinism is a condition that will develop when there is under development of thyroxine. Poor mental, physical and even retardation can be caused by underproduction. At this stage the child likes to play. Playing helps the child to develop emotionally, physically, mentally and social development. The child should be encouraged to be active. Environmental factors such as housing and someone to play with or read to them can affect the development of the child (Lohoar, S et al. 2014) . When a child plays with toys it helps to strengthen their muscles and improve co-ordination (physical development). The child should grow healthy by having nutritious food and hygienic. The immune system needs to develop which will safeguard the child from virus or bacterial attacks. These factors are biological factors (Chard, 2001). Without the presents of interpersonal relationships, the child may be affected in their social development. The relationships help the child appreciate and respect of authority. It helps them to build social skills such as communication, friendship and understanding the roles of others around them. Generally, they just three factors that may affect the development of the child`s growth. The factors are biological, environmental and social or emotional as explained above (Ford, n.d.). REFERENCES  Bennet, P. (1985). Dhaagicw Life-Stages: A Study in Paradigmatic Reconstruction. History in Africa, [online] 12, pp. 11-28. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. CARE OF THE MOTHER AND BABY DURING LABOUR. (1977). InPharma, [online] 110(1), pp. 11-11. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2017]. Centre, N.H.F. (2011) The male reproductive system. Available at: reproductive-system.php (Accessed: 20 March 2017). Chard, T. (2001). Does the baby gain weight during labour? Human Reproduction, [online] 16(2), pp.207 [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017] Clamp, A. (2005) As/a-level biology essential word dictionary (essential word dictionaries). United Kingdom: Philip Allan Updates. EMedicineHealth. (2017). The Male Anatomy: Pictures, Diagrams Reference. [online] Available at: emh.ssp?articlekey=59149 [Accessed 22 Mar. 2017]. Ford, J. (n.d.) Growth development. Human Body Diagram. (2016). Human Body Diagram Anatomy Human Labelled And Chart. [ONLINE] Available at: content/uploads/2016/10/female-reproductive-system-function-female-reproductive- system-functions-anatomy-human-body.jpg [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. (2017). 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Albert Einstein :: essays research papers
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1879 in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany.He died April 18 1955 in Princeton,NJ.When Einstein was five years old his father showed him a compass.He was very impressed by the behavior of the needle of the compass,which kept pointing in the same direction no matter which way the compass was turned.He later said he felt that "Something deeply hidden had to be behind things". After public school in Munich and in Aarau,Switzerland,Einstein studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich.He graduated in 1900.From 1902 to 1909 he worked as an examiner at the Swiss Patent office in Bern.This job as patent examiner gave him a lot of free time,which he spent doing scientific investigations.He became a Swiss citizen in 1905.Einstein liked music also.He listened to classical music and played the violin.He supported zionism and was asked to be the president of Israel when president Chain Weizmann died in 1952.He decided not to except,saying that he wasn't right for that position.Einstein was never concerned about money.Publishers from all parts of the world offered him huge amounts of money for an autobiography.He never accepted any of their offers.Einstein was married twice.He was seperated from his first wife after he arrived in Berlin.During World War I he married his first cousin,Elsa.She shared his life with him until she died in Princeton in 1936.He had two sons from his first marriage.He also had two stepdaughters from his second marriage.In 1933 while Einstein was visiting England and the United States the Nazi government of Germany took his property and deprived him of his positions and his citizenship.Even before this happened he had been asked to direct the school of mathematics in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,New Jersey.He accepted this position and he directed the school for the rest of his life.Einstein became an American citizen in 1940.After he took the job he moved into a two-story house at 112 Mercer St. in Princeton.He lived and worked there until he died. Albert Einstein is best known for his theory of relativity,which he first advanced in 1905 when he was 26 years old.Einsteins theory revolutionized scientific thought with new conceptions of time,space,mass,motion,and gravitation.Einstein laid the basis for splitting the atom by treating mass and energy as exchangable and not distinct.Einsteins famous equation E=mc2 {energy equals mass times the velocity of light squarred} became a important foundation in the development of atomic energy.Einstein arrived at his theory by means of highly involved mathematical calculations and equations.Einsteins theories were used in making the atomic bomb.He helped in it's making in another way also.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Thirty-nine
Eddard He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood. In the dream his friends rode with him, as they had in life. Proud Martyn Cassel, Jory's father; faithful Theo Wull; Ethan Glover, who had been Brandon's squire; Ser Mark Ryswell, soft of speech and gentle of heart; the crannogman, Howland Reed; Lord Dustin on his great red stallion. Ned had known their faces as well as he knew his own once, but the years leech at a man's memories, even those he has vowed never to forget. In the dream they were only shadows, grey wraiths on horses made of mist. They were seven, facing three. In the dream as it had been in life. Yet these were no ordinary three. They waited before the round tower, the red mountains of Dorne at their backs, their white cloaks blowing in the wind. And these were no shadows; their faces burned clear, even now. Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, had a sad smile on his lips. The hilt of the greatsword Dawn poked up over his right shoulder. Ser Oswell Whent was on one knee, sharpening his blade with a whetstone. Across his white-enameled helm, the black bat of his House spread its wings. Between them stood fierce old Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. â€Å"I looked for you on the Trident,†Ned said to them. â€Å"We were not there,†Ser Gerold answered. â€Å"Woe to the Usurper if we had been,†said Ser Oswell. â€Å"When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.†â€Å"Far away,†Ser Gerold said, â€Å"or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.†â€Å"I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,†Ned told them, â€Å"and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.†â€Å"Our knees do not bend easily,†said Ser Arthur Dayne. â€Å"Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.†â€Å"Ser Willem is a good man and true,†said Ser Oswell. â€Å"But not of the Kingsguard,†Ser Gerold pointed out. â€Å"The Kingsguard does not flee.†â€Å"Then or now,†said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm. â€Å"We swore a vow,†explained old Ser Gerold. Ned's wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three. â€Å"And now it begins,†said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light. â€Å"No,†Ned said with sadness in his voice. â€Å"Now it ends.†As they came together in a rush of steel and shadow, he could hear Lyanna screaming. â€Å"Eddard!†she called. A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death. â€Å"Lord Eddard,†Lyanna called again. â€Å"I promise,†he whispered. â€Å"Lya, I promise . . . â€Å" â€Å"Lord Eddard,†a man echoed from the dark. Groaning, Eddard Stark opened his eyes. Moonlight streamed through the tall windows of the Tower of the Hand. â€Å"Lord Eddard?†A shadow stood over the bed. â€Å"How . . . how long?†The sheets were tangled, his leg splinted and plastered. A dull throb of pain shot up his side. â€Å"Six days and seven nights.†The voice was Vayon Poole's. The steward held a cup to Ned's lips. â€Å"Drink, my lord.†â€Å"What . . . ?†â€Å"Only water. Maester Pycelle said you would be thirsty.†Ned drank. His lips were parched and cracked. The water tasted sweet as honey. â€Å"The king left orders,†Vayon Poole told him when the cup was empty. â€Å"He would speak with you, my lord.†â€Å"On the morrow,†Ned said. â€Å"When I am stronger.†He could not face Robert now. The dream had left him weak as a kitten. â€Å"My lord,†Poole said, â€Å"he commanded us to send you to him the moment you opened your eyes.†The steward busied himself lighting a bedside candle. Ned cursed softly. Robert was never known for his patience. â€Å"Tell him I'm too weak to come to him. If he wishes to speak with me, I should be pleased to receive him here. I hope you wake him from a sound sleep. And summon . . . †He was about to say Jory when he remembered. â€Å"Summon the captain of my guard.†Alyn stepped into the bedchamber a few moments after the steward had taken his leave. â€Å"My lord.†â€Å"Poole tells me it has been six days,†Ned said. â€Å"I must know how things stand.†â€Å"The Kingslayer is fled the city,†Alyn told him. â€Å"The talk is he's ridden back to Casterly Rock to join his father. The story of how Lady Catelyn took the Imp is on every lip. I have put on extra guards, if it please you.†â€Å"It does,†Ned assured him. â€Å"My daughters?†â€Å"They have been with you every day, my lord. Sansa prays quietly, but Arya . . . †He hesitated. â€Å"She has not said a word since they brought you back. She is a fierce little thing, my lord. I have never seen such anger in a girl.†â€Å"Whatever happens,†Ned said, â€Å"I want my daughters kept safe. I fear this is only the beginning.†â€Å"No harm will come to them, Lord Eddard,†Alyn said. â€Å"I stake my life on that.†â€Å"Jory and the others . . . â€Å" â€Å"I gave them over to the silent sisters, to be sent north to Winterfell. Jory would want to lie beside his grandfather.†It would have to be his grandfather, for Jory's father was buried far to the south. Martyn Cassel had perished with the rest. Ned had pulled the tower down afterward, and used its bloody stones to build eight cairns upon the ridge. It was said that Rhaegar had named that place the tower of joy, but for Ned it was a bitter memory. They had been seven against three, yet only two had lived to ride away; Eddard Stark himself and the little crannogman, Howland Reed. He did not think it omened well that he should dream that dream again after so many years. â€Å"You've done well, Alyn,†Ned was saying when Vayon Poole returned. The steward bowed low. â€Å"His Grace is without, my lord, and the queen with him.†Ned pushed himself up higher, wincing as his leg trembled with pain. He had not expected Cersei to come. It did not bode well that she had. â€Å"Send them in, and leave us. What we have to say should not go beyond these walls.†Poole withdrew quietly. Robert had taken time to dress. He wore a black velvet doublet with the crowned stag of Baratheon worked upon the breast in golden thread, and a golden mantle with a cloak of black and gold squares. A flagon of wine was in his hand, his face already flushed from drink. Cersei Lannister entered behind him, a jeweled tiara in her hair. â€Å"Your Grace,†Ned said. â€Å"Your pardons. I cannot rise.†â€Å"No matter,†the king said gruffly. â€Å"Some wine? From the Arbor. A good vintage.†â€Å"A small cup,†Ned said. â€Å"My head is still heavy from the milk of the poppy.†â€Å"A man in your place should count himself fortunate that his head is still on his shoulders,†the queen declared. â€Å"Quiet, woman,†Robert snapped. He brought Ned a cup of wine. â€Å"Does the leg still pain you?†â€Å"Some,†Ned said. His head was swimming, but it would not do to admit to weakness in front of the queen. â€Å"Pycelle swears it will heal clean.†Robert frowned. â€Å"I take it you know what Catelyn has done?†â€Å"I do.†Ned took a small swallow of wine. â€Å"My lady wife is blameless, Your Grace. All she did she did at my command.†â€Å"I am not pleased, Ned,†Robert grumbled. â€Å"By what right do you dare lay hands on my blood?†Cersei demanded. â€Å"Who do you think you are?†â€Å"The Hand of the King,†Ned told her with icy courtesy. â€Å"Charged by your own lord husband to keep the king's peace and enforce the king's justice.†â€Å"You were the Hand,†Cersei began, â€Å"but nowâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Silence!†the king roared. â€Å"You asked him a question and he answered it.†Cersei subsided, cold with anger, and Robert turned back to Ned. â€Å"Keep the king's peace, you say. Is this how you keep my peace, Ned? Seven men are dead . . . â€Å" â€Å"Eight,†the queen corrected. â€Å"Tregar died this morning, of the blow Lord Stark gave him.†â€Å"Abductions on the kingsroad and drunken slaughter in my streets,†the king said. â€Å"I will not have it, Ned.†â€Å"Catelyn had good reason for taking the Impâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I said, I will not have it! To hell with her reasons. You will command her to release the dwarf at once, and you will make your peace with Jaime.†â€Å"Three of my men were butchered before my eyes, because Jaime Lannister wished to chasten me. Am I to forget that?†â€Å"My brother was not the cause of this quarrel,†Cersei told the king. â€Å"Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel. His men attacked Jaime and his guards, even as his wife attacked Tyrion on the kingsroad.†â€Å"You know me better than that, Robert,†Ned said. â€Å"Ask Lord Baelish if you doubt me. He was there.†â€Å"I've talked to Littlefinger,†Robert said. â€Å"He claims he rode off to bring the gold cloaks before the fighting began, but he admits you were returning from some whorehouse.†â€Å"Some whorehouse? Damn your eyes, Robert, I went there to have a look at your daughter! Her mother has named her Barra. She looks like that first girl you fathered, when we were boys together in the Vale.†He watched the queen as he spoke; her face was a mask, still and pale, betraying nothing. Robert flushed. â€Å"Barra,†he grumbled. â€Å"Is that supposed to please me? Damn the girl. I thought she had more sense.†â€Å"She cannot be more than fifteen, and a whore, and you thought she had sense?†Ned said, incredulous. His leg was beginning to pain him sorely. It was hard to keep his temper. â€Å"The fool child is in love with you, Robert.†The king glanced at Cersei. â€Å"This is no fit subject for the queen's ears.†â€Å"Her Grace will have no liking for anything I have to say,†Ned replied. â€Å"I am told the Kingslayer has fled the city. Give me leave to bring him back to justice.†The king swirled the wine in his cup, brooding. He took a swallow. â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I want no more of this. Jaime slew three of your men, and you five of his. Now it ends.†â€Å"Is that your notion of justice?†Ned flared. â€Å"If so, I am pleased that I am no longer your Hand.†The queen looked to her husband. â€Å"If any man had dared speak to a Targaryen as he has spoken to youâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Do you take me for Aerys?†Robert interrupted. â€Å"I took you for a king. Jaime and Tyrion are your own brothers, by all the laws of marriage and the bonds we share. The Starks have driven off the one and seized the other. This man dishonors you with every breath he takes, and yet you stand there meekly, asking if his leg pains him and would he like some wine.†Robert's face was dark with anger. â€Å"How many times must I tell you to hold your tongue, woman?†Cersei's face was a study in contempt. â€Å"What a jape the gods have made of us two,†she said. â€Å"By all rights, you ought to be in skirts and me in mail.†Purple with rage, the king lashed out, a vicious backhand blow to the side of the head. She stumbled against the table and fell hard, yet Cersei Lannister did not cry out. Her slender fingers brushed her cheek, where the pale smooth skin was already reddening. On the morrow the bruise would cover half her face. â€Å"I shall wear this as a badge of honor,†she announced. â€Å"Wear it in silence, or I'll honor you again,†Robert vowed. He shouted for a guard. Ser Meryn Trant stepped into the room, tall and somber in his white armor. â€Å"The queen is tired. See her to her bedchamber.†The knight helped Cersei to her feet and led her out without a word. Robert reached for the flagon and refilled his cup. â€Å"You see what she does to me, Ned.†The king seated himself, cradling his wine cup. â€Å"My loving wife. The mother of my children.†The rage was gone from him now; in his eyes Ned saw something sad and scared. â€Å"I should not have hit her. That was not . . . that was not kingly.†He stared down at his hands, as if he did not quite know what they were. â€Å"I was always strong . . . no one could stand before me, no one. How do you fight someone if you can't hit them?†Confused, the king shook his head. â€Å"Rhaegar . . . Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her.†The king drained his cup. â€Å"Your Grace,†Ned Stark said, â€Å"we must talk . . . â€Å" Robert pressed his fingertips against his temples. â€Å"I am sick unto death of talk. On the morrow I'm going to the kingswood to hunt. Whatever you have to say can wait until I return.†â€Å"If the gods are good, I shall not be here on your return. You commanded me to return to Winterfell, remember?†Robert stood up, grasping one of the bedposts to steady himself. â€Å"The gods are seldom good, Ned. Here, this is yours.†He pulled the heavy silver hand clasp from a pocket in the lining of his cloak and tossed it on the bed. â€Å"Like it or not, you are my Hand, damn you. I forbid you to leave.†Ned picked up the silver clasp. He was being given no choice, it seemed. His leg throbbed, and he felt as helpless as a child. â€Å"The Targaryen girlâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ The king groaned. â€Å"Seven hells, don't start with her again. That's done, I'll hear no more of it.†â€Å"Why would you want me as your Hand, if you refuse to listen to my counsel?†â€Å"Why?†Robert laughed. â€Å"Why not? Someone has to rule this damnable kingdom. Put on the badge, Ned. It suits you. And if you ever throw it in my face again, I swear to you, I'll pin the damned thing on Jaime Lannister.â€
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